Necrotizing Enterocolitis My son Joshua was born 15 weeks early.
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My son Joshua was born 15 weeks early. He was thriving albeit little. 1lb 7oz at birth. he had had his PDA ligated but two weeeks after he had died. He was a little poorly on the friday morning, was very poorly by friday afternoon, critical by midnight and died in my arms on saturday lunchtime. The cause... NEC. It is thought that one of the contributing factors was that when he was waiting for his PDA to be done, he suffered lack of oxygen to his intestine. The more I read about this condition the more i realsie that he fits all the criteria listed. I hope that this does not happen to too many babies. I watched my little angel turn black before my very eyes. He lived for 53 days. RIP little man, mummy loves you xxx
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