Need a kick up the butt and some motivation

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I'm a 24yr old female needed to lose some weight. I have IBS and I am b12 deficency. I was told it would be harder as I have some Bowel abnormalities but I am at the heaviest I have ever been (carrying holiday weight) which doesn't help. I have tried slimming world, weight watches and eating health. I have a sit on my butt at a desk job which doesn't help as my team always bring in junk food on a Friday. I am really struggling and it is making me emotional with how big I have got. Can anyone give me a boost as to what diets are good or what's best to eat and what to avoid. I have tried everything I can think off and my nurse at my Drs was not very helpful about it.

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    i think all diets are personal choice and its a case of what suits you personally - I have tried most of them over the yrs and had reasonable success however what I have not been good at is keeping the wgt off having lost it and then regained many times - i wonder if you have considered wgt loss surgery - forget about all the rubbish you read in the newspapers and trashy mags - so some research and weigh up the pros and cons - good luck
    • Posted

      Hi. Thanks for replying. I did do a lot of research about weight loss surgery and I do fall into their categories.bivhsve been to weight loss management with my doctors they've referred me to slimming world again and I think I'm going to ask them for s referral to see a dietitian so they can help me loss weight with me having health problems. I was looking into a gastric band but I just feel like I am still young and I want to travel and would a gastric band stop me from doing that. I know someone who has one and they have found that it has slipped twice and it if does it again they will have to remove it. I don't know if that is my best option of everything else doesn't work. I have been trying for 3 years to loose weight and it never happens or if I does it takes a long long time and it never stays off
    • Posted

      wgt loss surgery is a big step - tisnt an easy option or a lose wgt quick cheat - if you wen tdown that road you need to be really sure and it generally is a last resort so give the slimming world another go and maybe this is the time when you will lose the wgt and keep it off so best of luck - i think all eating regimes work but it is finding which one works best for you personally - and its changing bad eating habits for life and not for the short term which is important - once again good luck  
  • Posted

    it might help with the Friday junkfoodathon if you brought your own snacks to have whilst the others in the office are eating whatever is doing the rounds - make sure its something you can look forward to and enjoy as a treat - i think we all know the theory and what is healthy and what is not but it is the putting it into practice that is the difficult part when we are tempted by so called unhealthy options - i think it is often finding strategies to help us get over such things which are more important - it might also help if you dont have tempting foods around you at home cos if they are not there then you cannot eat them - i think damage limitation is what i am trying to say - most of the slimming groups have good eating programmes (i hate that word diet as it conjours up a neverending regime of cottage cheese and lettuce) but its putting all that they advise into practice - good luck  
  • Posted

    hi amy,

    michelle is her, The nearest helping hand you weill ever find is at the end of your own arm. so if you want to acieve the goal you must be one can push you for this. the easiest thing you can do for weight loss is drink more water(prefferably warm) it will keep you active, I am using beyond weight management tea along with some workout and getting resulta, you can also find something for you.

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