Need Advicce

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Is in a lot of pain today, probably didnt help having a power cut last night and falling down the stairs, does anyone have any ideas of how to settle the pain please?

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello. Where is the pain? Have you tried a hot bath?  Do you have an analgesics at home at all? If not get yourself checked out and get some pain relief. 
    • Posted

      everywhere lol doesnt really help, and tried a hot bath, makes me feel worse. what are analgesics?
    • Posted

      im on really strong pain killers but they dont seem to be covering the pain now
    • Posted

      If you fell down the stairs you could have easily have damaged a joint, tendon or bone. If you're in so much pain I would go to A&E or a local drop in centre. Some hospitals have them. Better to be safe than sorry.

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