Need advice!
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So my son lately has been suffering from some sort of attack I don't know if it's asthma or acid reflex I took him to his doctor and they said that they think it's an allergic reaction to something. He will start not being able to breeze I mean like severely can't breeze can't talk or anything and after about 10 minutes or so it stops and he feels that at the time of this is happening that he feels there's something in his throat that is blocking his airway. This is happened twice and the first time was a lot more severe and a lot longer to stop the second time wasn't as bad but still. What could be causing this? If it really is an allergic reaction why isn't able to stop on its own without medication? Both times I gave him his inhaler but it still takes a while for him to get better.
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I meant to say that he can not breath. He gasps for air and can't breath. He says that while it's happening he feels that there is something in his throat blocking his airway or something stopping him for getting air! I really would like some advice on what could be happing with him. Thanks
amkoffee maricz31
That is very scary to the both of you I'm sure. I think you should send him to a pulmonologist or an ear nose and throat Dr. But it could also be an anxiety attack. You might look up the symptoms of an anxiety or panic attack together and see if those symptoms fit. I hope this gets resolved soon.
care4health maricz31
Allegic reaction could cause it, but you would most likley notice what's causing it, some food for ex.
Asthma is very liley, you say he's got an inhaler, so does he have asthma?
My mum had it, the attacks came suddenly out of the blue. Some were mild, some very severe. Inhaler helps, but in severe cases need ambulance / emergency.
Your son woould need a thourough check for astma and allergies.
maricz31 care4health
He does have asthma. He is on various medications for it. His dr thinks it's some kind of allergic reaction. But idk because wouldn't he get worse and worse? It comes from out of nowhere and after a few minutes after giving him his inhaler he gets better. I was thinking asthma or acid reflux
amkoffee maricz31
maricz31 amkoffee
yeep63334 maricz31
I hope your son is feeling better by now. I thought I share with you my experience 4 months ago. I would be just sitting and then suddenly there is a bronchial spasm and I would not be able to breathe. Three times this happened and I had to be rushed to the hospital. Finally I was warded for bronchitis and a chest doctor treatec me for it. Neubulizing, inhaler, meds all helped. But what we later found out through an ENT is that my turbinates were perpetually swollen which caused sinus infection. Doctor says the bronchitis would have been a result of the back drip from the sinus infection.
Eventually i I had my turbinates and sinus cleared up. You may want to follow up with an ENT to be sure it is not upper respiratory track causes.
amkoffee yeep63334
Yeep63334 many years ago I had to have the same surgery done I also had my septum fixed. And it was amazing I went from constant sinus infections almost none. On the other hand my son had the same surgery done and he also had his adenoids removed at the age of 9. Now at the age of 30 he is so completely miserable and would like to have the surgery done again but he can't afford to. So I wondered how your surgery has been. Has it helped the situation? Do you feel better?
yeep63334 amkoffee
My surgery was done 2 months ago. Prior to surgery, my turbinates were so swollen I could not at all breathe through nose. Therefore sleep was bad and I awake feeling exhausted, with very dry throat. I tried antihistamine, nasal spray, antibiotics.... nothing worked! Not being able to breathe through my nose for 8 weeks then was a torture.
The surgery has enabled me to be able to breathe through my nose again. The turbinate reduction was well done and was godsend for me. I would say choosing a good reputable doctor is important. But despite the surgery, I can tell the internal mucous membrane still swell somewhat (thou it does not hinder breathing completely) and I know it is allergic reaction to dust mite. When I am outdoors, my nose clears. When I am in my bedroom, it swells somewhat. That is why I am now pursuing allergy treatment.
I would say the surgery helped me big time. Without which I will still have problem breathing.