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Hello can someone please help me I was in the hospital on sept 28 for chest pain trembling dizziness and fast heart rate with high blood pressure. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before they checked everything and told me I was healthy and there is nothing to worry about. They prescribed me Propranolol tablets 20mg twice a day which I started on October 1st. It’s been three weeks and all I have been having is terrible side effects. I’ve been extremely anxious can’t sleep dizzy all day heart palpitations keep happening nausea constantly depressed diarrhea and constipation weak body. I’m a 21 year old girl only 108 pounds whose never had high blood pressure problems before so I’m thinking of telling my doctor tomorrow that I need to come off this medication immediately...does anyone think it will affect me badly? Does anyone think I’m making the right decision? Please help! 

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15 Replies

  • Posted

    Propranolol at that dosage should not be the cause of your symptoms; if anything I would suggest your dosage is not enough ?


  • Posted

    TRUST ME, GET OFF THIS MEDICATION!!!! i was prescribed it to prevent migraine headaches but it’s used to treat high blood pressure, chest pain, angina, etc and i didn’t have ANY of that. i was on it for 6 months & it was making me so sick. it was giving me chest pain, angina, heart palpitations, etc. so EVERYTHING IT WAS SUPPOSED TO TREAT, it ended up GIVING me. keep in mind i was only prescribed it as a preventative for migraines. Not going to like that s**t was like poison, was on it 6 months and came off cold turkey and it was a nasty withdrawal: diarrhea was the worst. and fatigue. they tried to put me on Atenolol after that and i tried it for one day & was like F*** that it’s doing the same thing! i would much rather deal with my hand tremor and migraines as they come than be on that poisonous medication.

  • Edited

    Abigail, everyone is different, what your describing sounds like anxiety, and propanolol is used for more than blood pressure, dont panic it cant harm you, I take 120mg and the only side effects i have is a thick head occasionally, If it will ease your mind go and see your gp, i honestly think that it is anxiety and if you have never had it it can be very frightening because it can give you so many horrible symptoms, and it is adrenaline that is coursing through your body thats causing it, take notice if you feel a little calmer after you have taken a propanolol, you should be able to tell within a hour, and like the other poster said you might not be on enough, best wishes x
    • Edited

      CANT HARM YOU? this is absolutely untrue. yes everyone is different but propranolol affected my life so badly and i felt 1000x better when i stopped taking it. they started me on 60mg and it made me sick. not telling you what to do because it affects everyone differently, but i would research more forums about this medication and make a decision from there because this is hands down the worst medication i have ever been on.
    • Posted

      Thank you Trina I have never had anxiety before it all happened after I was hospitalized but after three weeks I feel like this medication is making my anxiety worse should I try Zoloft? I’m just scared so scared I haven’t been able to go to work I’ve been a mess I can’t do things I normally could do I have no energy my main concern is being dizzy everyday almost all day, I’m out of breath a lot even when relaxed it’s just destroying my life and I don’t know what to do...
  • Posted

    Hi Abigail, I can only tell you what I would do in your position, and I have been there a few times, don't sit and worry about what you should do, go and see your GP, he/ she is there to help you and you need help to get better, it seems as though you have got worse as time as gone on and without medication it just gets worse, because your body is trying to fight anxiety it is making you exhausted, and then in turn it can cause depression, it affects everything, your sleep, your appetite, concentration, and can really disrupt the way you think. Please don't be put off, there are plenty of things that can be prescribed and your doctor knows which is best for you, even therapy can help, I know that it is a devastating illness but you can get better and there is light at the end of the tunnel, don't be afraid if the doctor prescribes anti depressants, although they take a while to work they might be just what you need to help you through this tough time, keep posting on here , everyone has been where you are now, and we're all here to help, try not to read anything negative, and don't Google your symptoms it will just make you feel worse, just keep telling yourself it's just adrenaline and it won't frighten you so much, and don't forget to make that appointment to see your GP . Trina x

  • Posted

    Hi Abigail, how are you today ? Trina x
    • Posted

      Hi Trina,

      Today I am going to the doctors yesterday was brutal I went to the movies with my brothers but couldn’t even enjoy it because I kept getting lightheaded and dizzy and my heart pounded a few times. I just want to be my normal self again and it’s such a long confusing journey to get there. I’m still deciding whether I should take a month off work until I am healthy again. I feel like everyone thinks I’m overexaggerating but I’m not.. I have never felt this terrible in my life. I hope my doctor helps me I feel like she thinks it’s nothing too. 

    • Posted

      Glad your going back to doctors ,write everything down then you won't forget anything, I know your not exaggerating it is really awful, your doctor will have come across this before it is more common than people think, I hope you start feeling better soon, best wishes Trina x

  • Posted


    Your symptoms do sound like anxiety to me, but you should really go and speak to your GP.

    I was put on propranolol for anxiety and found it dificult to adjust to the medication. What I found in the end that it was NOT propranolol that was making me ill / worse but actually anxiety itself. I was put on 40mg 3 times a day which I am still on now and I find help allot.

    Also what helped me was a book called At Last a Life by paul david.

    The symptoms you have are very similar to mine, they are caused by adrenaline and cortisol levels caused by stress and anxiety.

    TBH after reading the book above, taking some time out I feel massively better

    I hope you feel better soon !

    • Posted

      Thank you very much droo, this is the worst thing I’ve been through! It happened so suddenly I don’t know what to do or think... but hearing from people who know where I’m coming from does help me a tremendous amount.
  • Posted

    I've been on propranolol 4 almost two months 4 anxiety, the thumping chest has gone, but also my appetite, I feel light headed n sweating constanly. I'm on 40 mg, will I feel better on 20 mg. Thanks

  • Posted

    Hi Abigail i maybe try 10mg once or twice a day for a while . They also made me depressed I stopped taking them too . 

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