Need advice on lab results

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Hi Everyone,

I have a symptoms of stiffness and weakness in legs along with feeling fatigued. Some muscle twitching also.

I recently had a test and this is what it shows.

Western blot

IGM band 41 Indeterminate.

IGG band 41++

IGG band 58+

IGG band 83-93+

Bartonella: positive

My question is do I really have Lyme with these results. . Waiting to see my doctor. need advice. Thanks in advance.

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Well your positive for bartonella, isn't that lyme disease or a co infection ? You could also get tested for Hpylori. What did your Dr say?

    • Posted

      Hi. DOC says positive for bartonella. But he did his own speciality lab testing with 3 different labs and they all came out negative. He still wants to treat me based on the Igenix test findings with antibiotics. I'm so confused.

  • Posted

    How are you doing on the antibiotics?

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