Need advice with taking Sertaline

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Hi there, Well it's been almost 4 weeks that I've been on Sertaline, and what a roller coaster ride I've been on. Week 1 and 2 were just horrible.. unable to eat, sweating, diarrhea, consitpation, heart palpitations, body zaps, insomnia.

I had 2 weeks at home and went back to work and had a few good days, then went down again. After another day at home, next day I had an appointment with a physcogoist, which really really helped.. it was like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I had a fantastic week back at work then again, Ive down hill. I simply burst into tears at work, and then started to dry reach. I calmed myself down with some breathing. I did feel better after my cry. Next day I just simply didnt want to get out of bed. Again crying. I feel like I'm never going to get better. I'm having pains in my stomach and burning sensation all over my body and even occassiony in my tummy. It just makes me feel horrible.

Ive been reading lots of comments on this formum and many are saying stick to it as it will get better.. but I'm simply over feeling this way.. espeically after have some great days, then all of a sudden I go down again.

Has anyone else had this happen.. I started taking Sertaline on the 10th of March, so it's almost been 4 weeks.. Am I simply being impatient? Is this all normal.. my doctor says it is.. I went to see her last week and told her what was happening. I have an appointment with my phycologist on Thursday and my doctor next Tuesday.

I want to hear if anyone else is or has experinced all these ups and downs???


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    4 weeks ago I started on just 25mg of sertraline then the following week went up to 50mg, the following week up to 100mg, been on 00mg for two weeks now and can honestly say I don't feel hardly any improvement at all. I have been lucky not to suffer many side effects but am fed up with feeling like nothing is happening, Do I just keep going? Hoping to see my psychologist this week. Truly fed up. No motivation. X

  • Posted

    Hello, I've been on 50mg for 16 weeks now.

    My first 2 weeks were awful, 3&4 I started to feel better, went down hill again weeks 5&6(but no way near as bad as weeks 1&2. More just mental symptoms I.e. Low mood, anxiety not really the physical symptoms like at the beginning). Weeks 7&8 slight anxiety mixed in with good days.

    From week 8 onwards I've been more or less fine.

    I do have occasionally down or anxious days, but I'm pleased as I need to learn how to deal and accept that - to not be on sertraline for a long time.

    I would recommend sticking with it and if by week 10 you feel awful still, maybe it isn't right for you.

    It's really helped me and I'm pretty much back to normal.

    Good luck :-)

  • Posted

    Thanks for the advice. It's so hard to be patient when the depression has gone on since Xmas although I didn't seek help until the start of February. I'm also on Mirtazapine which is helping with my sleep thankfully.

    Thanks again. Xxx

  • Posted

    These things take time. When you're feeling better, it'll seem like such a long time ago and you'll think how quickly it actually took for them to work.

    It gets better. I know a few people on sertraline for different reasons and it's all been fine for them in the end.

    You may be up and down for the next few weeks, hopefully more up then down!

    Just remember this isn't for ever and when you wake up and feel depressed, just think 'this is how I feel, it's because of this, its normal to feel this way because of this, accept it and realise you can get through it and that just because you feel low/anxious now, doesn't mean in an hour or later that day you will'.

    Distraction is amazing! Keep busy, get out the house. I had great family and friends who were happy for me to sit in their company when I was feeling ill. They'd try distract me or talk things through. Just being with others helps. Xxx

  • Posted

    Bless you. Thanks for replying so quickly. I know I am being impatient. I've been told to accept it for what it is so I will try. I have tried to distract myself today with doing small things around the house. Thank-u for being

    Patient with me. Your wise words really do help. Xx

  • Posted

    No worries at all. Comment again if you need any more advice from me in the next few weeks.

    I'm happy to help as luckily I had a counseller and a family member who was also on them and had been for a year, so she helped me to get through the first 2 months.

    I'm feeling so much more like me that I had my last counselling session last week after 9 months of counselling for anxiety and low mood xx

  • Posted

    I'm so glad your feeling better, gives me hope. I will keep in touch. Thank you xx

  • Posted

    i have been on sertaline for 4 weeks now. i started off exactly the same as you .i thought my god i will

    never feel better and why am i taking these awful pills.

    i was told to stick with it . i started to break my 50mg pill in half and took half at 6am and 6pm which

    worked fine for me. then the whole pill after i week . i then went to 100mg 3rd week in, had to go through

    all the side effects again . feel better now ,i still get tremors in the morning.

    i did go the hypnosis had 5 sessions and now feel great.

    you have to take you bad days with the good ones . and except your feelings don't fight them and try to

    work out why as you will drive your self mad there is no answer .all i can say is our thoughts have got us

    into this mess and our imagination can get us out of it. think of nice things and nice times and places

    instead of dred . distraction helps but some where along the line you have to address you thoughts and say o well it wont kill me they are there and it will pass.

  • Posted

    Thanks for your words and advice, it really does help when someone completely understands what you are going through. I am fed up with myself. I do feel like I will never get better even though I know I will eventually but the bad days are so horrid.

    Thanks again for given me hope and the inspiration to carry on with the meds.


  • Posted

    since i have been on them for 4 months, there are days that you will go down hill. like last week i had a crap sleep and felt a bit on edge and was battling not to have a "anxiety attack" however i noticed its crucial to have a decent sleep till we get over this or it wont work. however honestly stick to them and i feel use will get over it.


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