Need Help! Abdominal Pain And Vomitting

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 I need Some Advice and Help If Any1 can please help would be much appreciated......  

I gave birth on January 2014 had a normal delivery Evrything was fine...... 2 weeks after giving birth I was experiencing really bad Abdominal pain they were like contraction pains kept coming and going at the same time I was vomiting like every 15-30 min I couldn't keep anything down not even tablets or fluid..... So I decided to go A&E As it was A Weekend and doctors is close..... I was Verry dehydrated and in a lot of pain..... Went hospital and they put me on fluids straight away and gave me some anti sickness injections and some morphine for the pain ...... I had few test like blood test and scan they found I have got over active thyroid..... Was sent home after 3 days with a course of tablets for the thyroid..... After a week I got the same problem again had to go A&E they put me on drips repeated the same procedure again then went home wen am well after few days this went on like this Until april I got the same abdominal pain and vomiting evry week or 2..... Went doctors they won't doing much they were giving me tablets to take wen it accurs  again but wen these symptoms happen to me I just can't keep anything down even if I have tablets it only stays for 15min then it comes bk out I kept telling the doctors unless it's drips these tablets Dnt help..... What ever they gave me thru a tube helped me...... In April I decided to go to another hospital as my local hospital weren't doing anything about it..... I went to a diff hospital wen it happened again this time round they carried out Fews test such as city scan and refered  me to a gynochologist they thought it might be something to do with me giving birth as it all started wen I gave birth...... But Evrything was clear...... It's been 9 month Seens av had my baby and am still getting these pains every week or 2...... Sometimes I get the pains and vomit none stop or sometimes it's Vomitting and diharea as well or sometimes it's just pain and Diharrea..... I just dnt know what to do I feel as if I have no life am well For few days then It all starts again...... Evry times it happened I just go hospital they put me on drips and send me home..... Av spoke to my doctors and they said we don't know what's wrong..... Everytime this happens my stomach bloats up and feels Verry sore..... I thought I might b getting this pain due to my diet but av Change my diet but it made no diff.....  

Seens av had these symptoms  I have probz opening my bowels I b constipated for like 2 days then am normal some days..... Hope some1 can help me.....   

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Barfi,

    You could be suffering from a 'postpartum infection' which is common after can find details on the internet under 'postpartum infection'

    if you have some of the symptoms described then go back to your GP armed with  'postpartum infection' information....if left untreated it could get worse....hope this helps and you get to the bottom of this wishes...

  • Posted

    Hi Barfi,

    I have re-read your notes and I  would ask if you are having treatment for your hyperthyroidism? You say you were given tablets, but have you seen an endocrinologist this is the usual path to take once hyperthyroidism is detected..

    If not also mention this to your GP. I am surprised your GP has not follwed this wishes....

    • Posted

      Hi Lilian thanxs for getting back to me...... I did see a specialist for the over active thyroid they did Futher test and they said it was cleared  I had it for 3 month..... I had a resent blood test it shows in there it's cleared as well.....  Also what av experience las 2 month everytime I come on my periods I get this abdominal pains and vomiting as well..... Av never experience pain when coming in my periods yes I used to get like back ache and abdominal pain but they weren't like bad...... But for the past 2 month every time I come on the pain it's just mental it feels as if am in labour..... 
  • Posted

    Hi Barfi,

    You have to go back to your GP and ask to be tested for an could be that you may have some placenta left there...go back and insist you have a bacterial test and an ultra sound say you had a 'city' scan what is that? ultrasound scan can detect anything in your abdomen that shouldn't be you live in UK if so you are entitled to a second opinion under the .'Patient's Charter' wishes...

    • Posted

      Lilian I am from UK an when I said city scan I meant CT Scan I have had a ultra sound twice and they said they cnt find anything..... All they said its I have got a lot of fluid around my womb and uterus but they said it's normal to have a lot of fluid after birth.....  Thanxs fro helping me out Al ask them to do some Futher tests..... smile 
    • Posted

      Hu Barfi,

      Yes, do and ask for more tests..have you had urine dip or urine culture test?

      Whatever you do ...don't give up... something is causing your pain and sickness!...your quality of life is being affected by this problem and it can't be much fun when you are trying to care for your little one.....the doctors these days are just not bothered give you a script and be on your way...but no..I would not let it rest...go for it Barfi and get to the bottom of it...will be thinking of you...let us know how you

  • Posted


    I like the nickname very apt, and I see the pun! smile

    Getting back to you, the tests you have had done so far have produced no results in which case your Doctor should seek or at least refer you to hospital consultants that specialise in their fields. Doctors are not taught to the level of specialists, I know that from previous experience.

    Has your doctor even suggested an Endoscopy or Colonoscopy? These would be the first port of call, or even a CT scan - these 3 scans together can rule out numerous health issues.

    You say you vomit from eating or drinking very little, which suggests a problem with the intestines. These days you can buy things that can stop vomiting over the counter from any pharmacy, and no it's not in tablet or liquid form, so it will not cause any issues in that respect. I am surpised no one has told you about this way before, you can google 'sea-bands' which may help you. They are for travel sickness, motion sickness, and also post-operative patients still suffering from nausea and vomiting, and after chemotherarpy. So the chance of them working on you should be high. They come in a set of 2 bands which you wear on your wrists, they have a small circular piece of metal that makes contact with your skin. We swear by them, and our daughter nevers goes traveling without them. You may seem stupid wearing them, but if they work I would highly suggest buying a pair, they are around £7-8 a pair, but last ages. Not many people know they exist or they think they are for travel sickness only - My wife says she wished they had them around when our children were born and before.

    Just an idea, if it works then its a good job! I would still ask your doctor to refer you to the hospital for the tests I mentioned though, sea-bands maybe a short period of stopping the vomitting, but you do need a proper diagnosis.

    Hope all goes well, for you!




    • Posted

      Hi disabled_les Glad u like my name lol! smile 

      I have had a CT scan bk in April and they found nothing and said av got a lot of fluid around my womb and uterus which its normall according to them.....  

      Never herd of Endoscopy and the other thing you said Lol Al search it up..... 

      When ever I get this abdominal pains and Vomitting episodes for some reason nothing stops my vomiting I hav tried the bands, tablets, you also get some tablets that you dnt swallow you just leave it in you mouth but they just dnt work, my mother is tarvel Sick shes got a band so I put them on when I was going theu these episode it did not  work so had to rush my self to hospital, what ever treatment they gave me thru the drips, injection worked...... E erytime am sick I just go hospital they inject me once am better send me home..... But never think of doing Futher tests just tell me to go doctors....... My doctores are bloody wasters av been suffering like this every week for the past 9 month but they do nothing...... Av given up! 

      Thanxs for you help...... smile 

    • Posted

      Hi barf, never spoken to a braf before, so you are a first! smile

      CT scan showed up clear - well, that clears a few options out.

      A Endoscopy is where a camera is pushed in your mouth and they take an inspection for anything abnormal.

      A Colonoscopy is (Yes, you probably guessed by now, an inspection done by inserting a camera up the rectum and then they guide it around to the colon checking for anything abnormal, I assuming you have had your apendicts removed? If not they can see if there is anything wrong with that area, and show you on the screen (Yes, you do get to see everything inside your body to a certain point, not a nice view either way!).

      Some Doctors do not do thorough tests, which in my case goes down in my books. While others will go out of their way and beyond to find what is causing problems. Sad really, but with the NHS cut-backs its caused more hassles than anything else. And you probably guessed I'm not a David Cameron follower - 8 years of lstening to his lies is enough to put anyone off!!!

      When you go back into hospital again, ask to speak to the doctor or consultant you are under to find out whats wrong, if they give you anything by drip or injection, normally this can be replaced by a slow-release tablet form - basically, it means whatever they give you by injection is replaced with the same drug, but in tablet form and it stays at roughly the same level all the time. Most tablets are quick release which means they react straight away, but by doing this they become useless with a condition which you have.



  • Posted

    Tell the doctor to check your acid levels because if it us low then that would explain your symptoms and dont ask them insist that they check it and also your b12 and vitamin d.

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