Need help breathing issues and lightheaded

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ive been trying to figure this issue out for a year and a half! im 31 year old male who gets jittery, lightheaded, chest pain in centee, trouble breathing and my throat windpipe feels like its closing when i drink to much pop, sugar, fastfood or simple carbs. even when i dont eat or drink bad foods i still have these symptoms mildly but they flare up bad when i do eat bad blood works and ekg said im ok but im not ok! i think maybe my windpipe has alot of scar tissues and could be the reason for these symptoms. i dont smoke either and lungs dont wheeze. it could be a blockage? deffinitley need some help or possable experiences people have had

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Seems you need to rethink your diet. We are what we eat is very true so stop the sugar,and pop and limit the fast foods which will also contain sugar. You' re young, with your life before you, enjoy it!


  • Posted

    Go back to cooking from fresh and avoid anything processed. A clear EKG is good news for you because it is proving you don't have the conditions it was testing for.

  • Posted

    im still figuring out why i get these symptoms after eating.

  • Posted

    well im at the ER now. ate a bunch of jynkfood, chocolate atarted gasping for air and feel like im going to go unconcious probably my 20th time going to the er still no diagnosis

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