Need help coming of mirtazapine

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Hello everybody here is my story,

I've been taking mirtazapine for 2 years now and started off at 15mg but my anxiety become more severe and was put up to 45mg . After being on mirtazapine(remeron) for about a year I decided to ween my way off them and got down to 7.5mg OK and this took me a couple of months and then decided to stop taking them completely. The first couple of weeks where great and it was like being my old self again, laughing , looking for new hobbies and generally feeling up beat about life and then it hit me , the anxiety had come back . It was even more severe than when I started taking mirtazapine , I felt like I was having a heart attack , couldn't keep still , couldn't sleep it felt like I was going mad so I decided that I needed to see the doctor again and he quickly put me back on mirtazapine with a weeks supply of zopiclone. So I'm still on mirtazapine now so when I decide to come off when I am more prepared.

So basically I need peoples advice if they have come off mirtazapine from a high dose after being on it for so long and what was there method best of coming off it

Many thanks

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Mirtazapine can have some very nasty WD symptoms that can last for up to three months. Early morning wake ups with panic, or no sleep at all. Also nausea, trembling, feeling exhausted. Very anxious daily. Various other problems, and it's not easy to withdrawal from. I would read the withdrawal storys on this site to get an idea, if you already haven't.

    my advice is to stay at the lowest dose possible. Try 7.5, it has a better sedative effect than the higher doses. Don't go up on it.  ( but don't go down on it either very quickly)You may want to switch to another AD, ask your doctor if you can take another. That is if you want to continue with AD, such as paxil, Prozac or Effexor ...others as well.

    this may help you to stabilize.

    its been hell getting off this crap for me. It's a long road. You will certainly need help from a doctor and most doctors don't understand AD/ WD. The nausea can become a big factor in this as well .

    i really wish you luck and you are right with mirt the withdrawals usually don't start till the 10 th day you are off the last pill. I've done a lot of reading on it and it all seems the same for the majority.

    so, you need to get back to your doctor, read WD from people who have gone through it. Stabilize yourself on the mirt. Decide if you want another medication to help with WD.

    let me know how you are doing....I check in now and then. Sorry you are having this problem, it is a tough one.

    • Posted

      Thank you very much Rose , reading through all the posts on patient access and the advice I am getting is great.
    • Posted

      Glad to hear that, it isn't your original problem coming back. It is the mirt WD and yes it is hell on wheels! 

      Best of luck

  • Posted

    Hi eric, your story is more or less the same as mine.felt great for about 10 days and then bam. Now suffering with insomnia. I started on 30mg for a year and then 45mg for six months. Went back to 30 With no problem. Reduced to 15mg then stopped.As you said I felt great, now absolutely terrible. Insomnia pulling me down. Coped quite well with other withdrawal symptoms.

    • Posted

      Hi Christine , thing is the doctor doesn;t tell you about this , only went on these as I had a panic attack and couldn't sleep but I've been on them now for 2 years but I've been doing a lot of reading on a few sites and all say the same you have to ween yourself of slowly so I'm going to do 30mg - 15 mg - 7.50mg and keep halving it like that for about 6 months and asking about the liquid form sooner the better I'm off these
  • Posted

    I have been on 7.5 mirt for bout 4 months now and would like to come off, if only coz I am a bit anti drugs. the end of the day if they are doing you good or you are better on them, why the big deal on coming off them? Alcohol is a drug and you can get an addiction to that at a social level and that is acceptable. Yet it can do just as much harm as AD, it's just much more socially ok to say I go out for a drink a couple of times a week coz it makes me feel ok. And why not? Yet if you say your on an AD.....?

    It was broke we tried to fix it. If its not broke don't fix it

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