need help please! dont know what is happening!
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i my name is Derrick 27 years old 134lbs 6,1 and for the last 9 months i have been having a multitude of symptoms that have compleatly destroyed my health and my mind and im not sure where to turn or what to do at this point so i thought maybe someone here can maybe relate to any of this. on my moms side of the family there is alot of connective tissue disorders that i just found out about i dont know if i could have one or a mix or something
Meds i was taking Trazodone,Lituium,Xanax,Neroten,Luvox,Cipro,alpha blocker,Trilipatol, and a bunch of other before and after this started.
current meds less then 25mg of luvox and xanax .5mg 2 times a day (been on xanax for 2 years now)
my only diagnoses so far is osteoarthritis
born with inguinal hernias and flat feet
have tarvlo cytes
bladder problems at night (wet the bed till about 15)
swelling in that back of neck (comes up on a ct as a muscle spasm)
extreme head and face pressure and burning mostly on left side the goes into my sinuses all the time.(numbing and tingling into face also)
muscle twitches though out my whole body
extreme ear ringing (hissing) mostly on left side
feels like electricity is run though my body (extreme internal vibrations)
Joints cracking and popping
high and low blood pressure seems to be positional (from 170/109 down to 101/50) fast heart rate (100 to 160)
heart flooders
feels like the blood flow to my legs are cut off (but veins are bulging and hurt to the touch)
discoloration of feet and hands also can be positional (toes turn purple and lots of pain)
upper back pain
weight loss of 30lbs
cloudy urine with white stuff in it
numbing into arms and legs
can not sleep
extreme anxiety
night sweats since i was 16
discharge from nipples
chest pains
extreme stomach pains
and the list goes on
i can barley eat or move anymore and all the doctor's around here are clueless as to what could be wrong i have had so many tests so much blood work been to the er because of this 16 times. here are the findings of my mri i dont know if any of this can cause whats happing or not becuase the nero i seen has no idea
Routine cervical protocol MRI was performed without the administration of IV gadolinium. Additional heavily weighted T2 images were performed as part of MRI myelogram. Routine thoracic protocol MRI was performed without administration of IV gadolinium. Additional heavily weighted T2 images were performed as part of MRI myelogram. Routine lumbar protocol MRI was performed without administration of IV gadolinium. Additional heavily weighted T2 images were performed as part of MRI myelogram. Cervical spine: The cerebellum is unremarkable. The T2 signal intensity within the spinal cord is within normal limits. The vertebral body heights are maintained. The intervertebral disc spaces are maintained. There is mild degenerative endplate spurring at C4-C5 and C5-C6. The prevertebral soft tissues are within normal limits. The T1 weighted signal intensity within the bone marrow is within normal limits. The left vertebral artery is dominant. At the level of C2-C3, there is no significant spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis. At the level of C3-C4, there is no significant spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis. At the level of C4-C5, there is no significant spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis. At the level of C5-C6, there is a mild central disc protrusion with mild right facet hypertrophy causing mild ventral effacement of the CSF space and mild right neural foraminal stenosis. At the level of C6-C7, there is no significant spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis. At the level of C7-T1, there is no significant spinal canal or neural foraminal stenosis. Thoracic spine: There is normal thoracic kyphosis. The thoracic vertebral body heights are maintained. There is no significant neural foraminal stenosis identified. The T2 signal intensity within the spinal cord is within normal limits. At the level of T8-T9, there is a central disc protrusion causing mild ventral effacement of the CSF space and mild ventral flattening of the spinal cord. At the level of T9-T10, there is a right central disc protrusion causing mild ventral effacement of the CSF space without significant neural foraminal stenosis. No discrete extradural CSF signal intensity collection is identified suggest CSF leak. There is a tiny right-sided perineural root sleeve cyst at T12-L1. Lumbar spine: There is straightening of the normal lumbar lordosis, which is likely positional. There is disc desiccation with mild intervertebral disc space narrowing at L5-S1. The conus medullaris terminates at the level of L1-L2. There is an annular fissure at L5-S1. The vertebral body heights are maintained. The T1 weighted signal intensity within the bone marrow is within normal limits. There are incompletely characterized cystic lesions seen within the interpolar region of the left kidney, likely renal cysts. The largest cystic lesion within the interpolar region of the left kidney measures 3.2 cm. There is no discrete extradural CSF signal intensity fluid collection is identified to suggest CSF leak. There are tiny right-sided perineural root sleeve cysts at L2-L3 and L5-S1. There is a tiny left-sided perineural root sleeve cyst at L3-L4. There is a Tarlov cyst or tiny occult intrasacral meningocele seen within the sacrum. At the level of L5-S1, there is a disc bulge with superimposed right subarticular/foraminal disc herniation causing asymmetric narrowing of the right lateral recess with abutment of the traversing right S1 nerve and mild right neural foraminal stenosis. IMPRESSION 1. No discrete extradural CSF signal intensity fluid collection is identified to suggest CSF leak. 2. Mild degenerative disc disease within the cervical spine at C5-C6 as described. 3. Mild degenerative disc disease within the thoracic spine at T8-T9 and T9-T10 as described. 4. Mild degenerative disc disease within the lumbar spine at L5-S1 as described. 5. Annular fissure at L5-S1.
here is some recent blood work
WBC 4.00 - 10.80 K/uL 7.82
RBC 4.50 - 5.25 M/uL 5.29 H
HGB 14.0 - 16.8 g/dL 16.7
HCT 40.0 - 48.4 % 45.2
MCV 82.0 - 99.5 fL 85.4
MCH 27.0 - 34.0 pg 31.6
MCHC 32.0 - 36.0 g/dL 36.9 H
RDW 11.5 - 15.5 % 12.7
PLATELET COUNT 140 - 400 K/uL 158
MPV 6.6 - 11.1 fL 9.9
SEGS 40 - 75 % 72
LYMPHS 18 - 42 % 18
MONOS 1 - 11 % 9
EOS 0 - 6 % 1
BASOS 0 - 2 % 0
ABS. SEGS 1.8 - 7.7 K/uL 5.63
ABS. LYMPHS 1.0 - 4.8 K/uL 1.38
ABS. MONOS 0.0 - 1.1 K/uL 0.71
ABS. EOS 0.0 - 0.7 K/uL 0.08
ABS. BASOS 0.0 - 0.2 K/uL 0.02
ekg report
Sinus tachycardia
Biatrial enlargement
Abnormal ECG
When compared with ECG of 21-MAR-2014 23:52,
No significant change was found
Ventricular Rate: 107
Atrial Rate: 107
PR Interval: 152
QRS Duration: 90
QT/QTc: 328/437 ms
P-R-T Axis: 81 : 82 : 73 degrees
more blood workBUN 6 - 20 mg/dL 9
CREATININE 0.6 - 1.2 mg/dL 0.7
GFR should be used to assess renal function. Plasma/Serum creatinine may not
be able to properly reflect renal function in some cases.
SODIUM 135 - 146 mmol/L 138
POTASSIUM 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L 3.8
CHLORIDE 98 - 107 mmol/L 103
CO2 22 - 32 mmol/L 26
ANION GAP 7 - 15 mmol/L 9
GLUCOSE 70 - 120 mg/dL 121 H
CALCIUM 8.3 - 10.5 mg/dL 9.9
E GLOM FILT RATE >60 >60.0
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1980 derrick5218
1980 derrick5218
la12 derrick5218
that list of medications was an awful lot to be on , the docs dont really know how they interact with each other. its better that your on less meds. look on for a list of interactions, they grade them into red orange andd green i think last time i looked.
have you done any sports or heavy lifting, the mri indicates mild problems at various parts along the spine, L is lumber the bottom few vertebrae, T is thoracic the middle ones, and C is cervical the top 7 vertebrae.
muscle spaasm on neck is probably result of mild damage at C4-5 C5-6.
im not sure if the mild central flattening of the spinal cord at T8-T9 would cause autonomic instabilty, muscle spasms jerking, you would have to ask a doctor what organs and muscles this part of the spine serves. the L5-S1 disc herniation or rupture at the base of the spine where it joins the pelvis is a potentially nasty injury, common in builders and manual workers. do you have lower back or leg pain. the doc will only offer physio if this is the case unless it is completely crippling and affecting the abilty to walk, bladder or bowl function. if this is the case there are four different types of surgical intervention to decompress the spine, but all drastic operations.
the xanax is a very low dose 1 mg a day but benzodiapenes are never good can play havoc with your autonomic nervous system if taken for long periods.i would suggest discuss with your doctor a taper, it should be relatively esay at this low dose i would say 3-6 weeks from experiance of lorazepam depending on how well you cope, allthough dont fell guilty if you feel your not ready yet.
swap the luvox for duloxetine.
keep yourself hydrated look at food allergies wheat dairy milk, although natural yogurt is normally well tolerated,(plain, yeo valley that sort of yoghurt) i would experiment cut one out for a week and see,rice is normally ok and corn. frruit veg little meat diet is good
i dont know what your dr is like but i have had to really push in the past for issues i have. dont be intimidated get a second opinion if necassary. although ultimately you may gey a diagnosis of chronic fatigue/ me whisc is a catch all term they give when they cant figure ou whats going on. there were a few articles in the guardian about this have a google lynn gilderdale, emily collingridge and read the comments under the article.
NOX13 derrick5218
NOX13 derrick5218
1980 NOX13
NOX13 derrick5218