Need help with a possible penis disorder
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Hello im a 17 yr old kid and im a virgin
Recently there has been appearance of some small sized growth on skin of shaft of my penis there r confined to skin only and are TOTALLY PAINLESS
They number from 5-7 small sized and are hard-ish
And as far as masturbating is concerned yes i do it in may b once in 3-4 days i dont know if its appropriate to mention such a thing on this forum but im trying to give most amount of detal forgive me if this is wrong
I am very much hoping that i will get a good news here that it is not a severe disease
Due to this there has also been distraction from my studies and being a medical (preparing) student im worried if it is some sort of cancer
I have made this discussion hoping i will get a professional reply and a good news
Nd i really need some confirmed info as people should understand that in getting such parts examined... Anyone would ofcourse hesitate
So pls i really need help
Thanks in advance
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ml66uk Geni123
It's highly unlikely to be cancer. Could just be Fordyce spots, which are normal and harmless. Masturbation is also normal and harmless btw.
It's hard to say if you have something unusual without seeing a pic though. This should help you add images:
If you're using a phone or tablet, you may need to choose the desktop/PC option in your browser, or if that doesn't work, you may need to use a PC or laptop.
Geni123 ml66uk
Nd should i post a pic here of the concerned penis region if its allowed?
ml66uk Geni123
Posting pics of genitals here is allowed, and hundreds of other people have done the same. Posting pics seems to have stopped working from phones and tablets though. You could try a different browser on a phone/tablet, and then the "PC/desktop" mode on that, but it may not work anyway,
It seems unlikely that you actually have a problem. If you google "Fordyce spots "(or search this forum), you might recognise what you have.
Geni123 ml66uk
ill mention again that what growths i have r COMPLETELY PAINLESS nd tbh i can even see hair growing from 1 of these growths...
Is this really normal?
Nd most important question i m concerned about is will they continue to grow? Nd approx how many of them will i have in the end?
They look more prominent when my penis gets erect they dont cause any pain even in erection too..
I just really need to know if ill b ok
And THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your help sir!
Bcoz as far as i remember it has a pc mode...
ml66uk Geni123
I just tried it from Firefox on a Samsung phone, and it doesn't work, even with "Request Desktop Site" turned on, as the little icon for "Upload an image" doesn't appear. It did in the past, but the website must have changed.
They might grow, and if you're young, you might get more, but almost everyone has some, especially around the base of the penis and on the scrotum. Some people get them a lot larger than others, and you can see some pics of people with heavy Fordyce spots on this forum. Women get Fordyce spots on their genitals too btw, and most people have Fordyce spots on their lips.
Geni123 ml66uk
ml66uk Geni123
Treatment is possible, but unless there are a lot of them, or they're unusually large, I wouldn't bother. I don't think there's anything you can do to stop them growing.
Geni123 ml66uk
But even things like proper hygiene of this region nd taking bath everyday also wont help in anyway?
Anyways thanks to you very much may b ill get them treated once i m ready for marriage or something
Thank u again
ml66uk Geni123
Fordyce spots aren't related to hygiene, and it's unlikely you need any treatment. If you are able to post a picture later, we could say if yours seem unusual or are just normal.