Need help wondering what is wrong with me.

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I was wondering if you could help me. I been on Escitalopram Oxalate 10 mg for over 4 year now and I been having very bad stomach pains for the past 4 months and been in and out of the doctor office and hopstial over 10 times and no one knows what is wrong with me. Turns out i had colon infection and had to go to a GI Specialist to find out,. Well at first the doctor told me I had depression and put me on Mirtazapine 30 mg and Venlafaxine 75 mg and i took it for over 2 months, He Switched me to those without weaning me off the Escitalopram! Which i read you suppose to be at least 4 weeks weaning yourself off to switch. well i started having financial problems to where i couldn't afford the Mirtazapine 30 mg because my medicade was droped. So I stop taken that and cant afford to go to the doctor, but now I cant sleep, but now last few months have been horrible. I also have night sweats so bad i have to change clothes in the middle of the night. zero appetite, nearly puke trying to eat most times, When i was on it, i ate ate ate, i use to weigh 98 pounds, now i only weight 92.  sleep is terrible, exhausted always. I have sm bowel cramps, stomach pain. during the day my body temp is crazy, I can go from ice cold to hot flash for no reason, sweat pores from me and im not even hot but i can have my hand a few inches away from my face and feel the heat. It like i have a fever but dont. very shaky, weak, inability to concentrate, trouble communicating with others. migraines all day and everything pss me off so bad, head feels numb and pressure, ears and eyes are killing me, the lights are terrible! Nauseated and indigestion all night. If you found a way to help me pls let me know. I need to know how you cover came this. 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Alison

    My heart goes out to you.  So your doctor told you to cold turkey the Escitalopram after 4 years, then put you on a combo of Mirtazapine & Venla' for 2 months, and then you stopped those cold turkey.  You don't need anyone to tell you that unfortunately your central nervous system has taken a big bouncing and you are in withdrawal from all 3 drugs.  

    It's a mess for sure, but one thing you can do to help yourself is to treat the symptoms ~ the nausea with anti sickness meds which you might be able to get from your pharmacy (I hope you can afford a little something maybe?).  

    For the sleeplessness (which is the worst symptom of withdrawal/discontinuation) I think) you cpould try Benadryl ... one before sleep and one if you wake in the middle of the night (makes you drowsy).  Phenergen is also good and is available over the counter here in the UK, not sure about where you live?  

    Lining your stomach will help with the nausea/weakness, even if its only a banana, or make a smoothy & pop some porridge oats in there too, add what you fancy?  

    You will get better of course you will, keep your hopes high, rfest when you can, distract youurself with TV/reading/meditation is best for anxiety - take control of any anxiety, ride the waves.

    Wishing you well smile  

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for your help. It means so much to me. I will try my best to work something out. smile
  • Posted

    I'm so sorry to hear how tough things are being for you. Do you have anyone who can support you and advocate for you?

    I would ask what is wrong with your prescribing doctor rather than you.

    It sounds like you're trying your hardest to be well, insomnia for a prolonged time can really make you feel terrible. You hurt all over and become disassociated. It makes you feel crazy, especially when the medical professionals don't listen to you.

    The post by Calmer gives some good advice.

    I hope it helps ~ when I read your post itcwas uncanny. I have all the same symptoms I totally empathise with how hard it is.

    I wish you all the best with your recovery ~you sound like a lovely person. The problems you're experiencing are not your fault. Rather the result of careless prescribing.

    Love, light and peace, Rebecca.

    • Posted

      Thank you so much it. Your words have really touched me. Indeed its not my fault at all, I wasnt even depressed, but I been going through a long sickness with my stomach and found out I had colon infection but my primary doctor kept blaming it on depression and said that i am going crazy and I should be put in the hospital and just thrown depression medcation at me. I would try my best to take Calmer advise and I hope you feel better as well. smile
  • Posted

    Hi Allison.Just throwing some support your way.I've been on a meds roller coaster for close to 7 months now myself.Not as bad as yours,but still not myself.I have IBS/anxiety/despression issues with associated back pain which was made worse by various stress sources mostly work related last Oct.Starting in Dec I was put on, over a period of time, Mirt(15mg at first,upped to 30mg),Gabapetin(200mg upped to 600mg) and Tramadol (50mg twice a day) AND being weaned off of Paxil (20mg twice a day) after almost 20years of taking it.Talk about a roller coaster! I don't know where your located but since you mentioned Medicaid I'm guessing the US,which is where I'm at.If you are near a major city there may be some free health care for you both for Physical and psychological help.My doc and psc/doc mean well but unfortunately your just a number to an extent in this profit driven/everyone's a number health care system.I've really had to rely on God to carry me thru and boy do i do alot of talking with Him and Jesus.But I trust He'll pull me thru by His strength and the Holy Spirit He put within me.I know it's cliche but hope the next day is better and take one day at a time.Keep us updated as it helps to know we have others to help us thru even if it's just a word of encouragement.Mucho prayers your way! STAY STRONG and God Bless You,Bob

    • Posted

      Thank you so much Bob, your words mean so much to me and yes God has really got me through a lot. Indeed I do live in the US. And I been suffering with a Colon infection for over 4 months now in and out of the hosptail and my primary doctor. Every single test came back clear, but I knew something was wrong with my body. My primary doctor told me that It was all in my head and that i am going crazy and should be put in the hosptial, which i told him, I been over 6 times and nothing works, So he through depression at me and made me start taken these just to get over my pain, Well that wasnt even working but was making it worst to know that he was blaming it on depression and never weaned me off my anxiety medication that i been taken for 4 years now. Just told me to start taken the other one, which was over $11.70 for the Venlafaxine and  $17.70  for the Mirtzapine where i live. My grandpa is the only person who works, since my mom left me when i was 2 and my dad is a acholoic and turned his back on me. But my grandpa lost his left leg long ago do to a 18 wheeler accident when he was young, and he use to have to work in texas and I live in lousiana so i only got to see him ever 2 months. Well eventually his leg started getting worst due to the heat and his prostate leg was causeing a hole in his leg to where you can see the bone. sad so he had to retire and he is 65 i believe but never wanted to stop working, so we had to turn to soical sacerity and its only 1000 a months which is little to nothing since grocery bills are over 200 and my dog cant go to the vetm my grandma cant go to the doctor or get her medication because hers is over 100 dollars, and its just so hard to now have to go through this, i feel as though i am a huge major dept in there wallet. But I will stay strong and Trust God for a healing. I will let you know how everything turns out. The medication they gave me for my colon infection has helped so much because i use to have really bad stomach and back pains, nausated and everything. The only reason i went to the doctor in the first place. But what made me mad and I cried every night, because they never checked me or anything. they just through medication at me and believe me I was on 12 different medications just trying to get over my stomach pains, and Finally said i am done and went to a stomach specialist to find out that all the medication caused me to get colon infection. I go back on the 19 to see if the infection is gone and I might be getting a endoscopy and colonoscopy if something is still wrong but I will keep in touch and try to stay strong and put it all in Gods hands. 
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      I also forgot to mention that i have over $3000 dollars in doctor and hospital bills and that is not including the $2000 from the Gi doctor that was the huge help out of all of this. Last time i went to the hosptal last week he just gave me a pain shot and told me i wasted my time laughed in my faced and gave me a $45 dollar bill to pay, I cried all the way home. My aunt is a major supporter and has been helping me through a lot of this with the little money she has and she told me nothing is going to stop her from finding what is wrong with me. But i still blamed it on the depression medication and the withdrawl symptoms of the other 2 by not being  weaned off them. Sighs but yep God is in control. Thank you both so much for everything  
    • Posted

      Hi Allison,I am so sorry to here all this.I'll be praying very much for you.I've had IBS for over twenty  years and it is no fun.The job I have working in a warehouse for the last 34 years doesn't help,what with all the lifting and bending over which crunches up my colon which spasms alot.We were bought by a new corp about 2 years ago and switched to there system last Sept which causes us to do way more work to accomplish the same tasks and the pressure they put on us for profit ,profit,profit.Nothing wrong with that but like all big companies now they want to use the least amount iof people to get the job done and we're swamped.It's no coincidence that I started having problems 6 weeks later.I'v had both a colonoscopy and endoscopy and there negative so I have to live with the spasming because they can't put a"name" on it like Crohns or Colitis.I'm 54,so I still have 5 1/2 years to go to hit 60 and start collecting my 401k.I pray this will even out and get better soon,but I believe God has a purpose and He has gotten back closer to Him as I had strayed away from Him.May the Lord Bless us and keep us and help all of us on this website and just everyone in general.God Bless You,Bob

    • Posted

      Thank you so much and I am so very sorry to hear that you been going through this for 2 years. That is so terrible I am only 19 and it has taken a told on me for 4 months but I cant imagine 2 years. My heart goes out to you so very much and you are an amazingly strong person putting up with this.  May the Lord Continue to Bless you my freind ^^

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