Need Reassurance. .....again
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Hello everyone, Here I am needing reassurance that I am not going crazy I am having a hard time with thinking all day about doom and gloom thoughts then that makes fearful and panicked. Ugh! Please tell me that I am normal!
2 likes, 49 replies
estrella_77505 becky53379
No Becky your not, I'm having the same problem. I pray constantly to make it stop
becky53379 estrella_77505
Thank you Estrella, I pray too. Im getting to the point of trying medication
I dont want to but its scary sometimes. I will be praying for you today
louise25018 becky53379
You're not alone love don't worry xxx
becky53379 louise25018
louise25018 becky53379
debi62095 becky53379
becky53379 debi62095
wen_54374 becky53379
Hi becky this menopause is a living hell. We seem to have one thing after another. I understand how you feel is miserable. I pray I could feel normal again. I am such a worrier. I have health issues all the time thinking something wrong with me. I feel constantly fat and bloated have stayed approx the same weight but the fat seems to have layed down in different places nothing fits as it did. My daughter gets married just over 4 weeks and I worry the dress I have will be to tight now too scared to try it on in case I can't cope with what I see .god I need to feel better X please know u are not alone on this one we can all help each other xx
becky53379 wen_54374
Hi Wen, Your right this perimenopause is a living hell! My main struggles are the down feelings and the horrible thoughts
I am so thankful for all of the ladies on here. I constantly need reassurance and everyone here is ready for the task. This ride is tough! Please try not to worry too much about the dress. It will probably be beautiful on you! Thank you for responding and I will be praying for you!
pinkcatfairy wen_54374
I know what you mean about the fat in certain places, I seem the usual size in some areas but I notice my tops seem tight around my tummy and hip area and they dont hang as loose as they did! Most frustrating as before I knew that just cutting down the fat would go but this seems a more permanent thing!
wen_54374 pinkcatfairy
Thank you for that it is good to hear it's not just me .I really feel so different these days almost like my body has been taken over by some monster .I feel fat and round my waist is thicker and I have such ups and downs I am all over the place .it doesn't help with bad sleep hot flushes which make me feel horrible and night sweats .plus my aches in hips shoulders and legs. I would just like to be me again. I pray I will be having a good day the day my only daughter gets married or I will definitely struggle to cope .
wen_54374 becky53379
Thank you. We must all help each other. It's terrible struggling with every day life when u really not feeling good. I am 57 and thought it would be getting easier. I feel mentally and physically drained I have tried everything except hrt. I just want to be me again .hope you are feeling better today .
estrella_77505 wen_54374
I know what you mean Wen, I just turned 58 and I thought all of this was behind me, but I guess not.
Fairy28 becky53379
Hi becky, yes you are definatley normal. I am the same as you - doom and gloom and all the other horrid thoughts, plus all this has given me horrible health anxiety and last week had loads of bloods done thinking I had all sorts of nasty diseases I just couldn't stand the not knowing anymore. Thankfully all came back clear, so that worry over until something else crops up. You are normal and you are certainly not alone , my thoughts are with you x
becky53379 Fairy28
Fairy28 becky53379
Hi becky and yes it's so hard conquering these thoughts, it's all part of it im afraid - don't know about you but I'm constantly seeking reassurance that im ok hence the blood tests, there are so many horrid symptoms that we wonder if there's anything else going on and that's what scares us, but it's all normal. Hope you feel better soon x