Need some advice please

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Mums been schedlues for an endoscopy in feb , trying to find something sooner but cant

however she vomits almst eveything she eats, always in bed, does not talk and does no thave much energy

shes taking anataicds, drugs to stop vomiting which are not really working and something similar to nexium

i am woondering what could this possibly be?does it sound like a stomach ulcer?and why is she alway sleeping?

doctors wont say much until the endoscopy but suggested she might also be depressed.

she really does not want to do much and i think the fact she vomits after she eats,mostly, puts her off eatin. she wont really talk so have to make assumptions.

please advice as to what this could be anyone who has expreinced simialr symptoms, and if the endoscopy in feb is really a long time away should we try and push is closer?

thanks heaps in advance

any reply is really apprecaited

really worried about her condition

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    The doctors are right to follow up with investigations. I know it is very easy to fear the worst but you really can't underestimate the severity of acid reflux and ulcers. For every serious condition there are a thousand less serious ones that mimic the same conditions. That said, if it's affecting her appetite and mood then that is serious enough. There could even be an element of dysphagia (trouble swallowing) which may pass itself without intervention.

    It's good that things are being investigated. You would get a much more informative response from talking with the doctors, but in the meantime, try not to worry. I wish her a speedy recovery.

  • Posted

    Feel I should add that if the endoscopy is booked for feb, then that means she is not being fast tracked. This implies the doctors are not seriously concerned and that cancer is not sudpected as that would be an automatic 2 week fast track referral.
  • Posted

    See the doc again if she's so bad. Could be reaction to one of her meds! I'm sure she IS depressed, anyone would be in those circumstances but she still needs some advice and not just wait till the endoscopy! It is along time to wait in my opinion so I would push for an earlier appointment or call 111 or the emergency services, (in UK) if she's really ill. Have you taken her temperature recently? Good luck with whatever you decide to do. Ellie UK
  • Posted


    I would call 111 to get professional advice, Feb is too

    long to wait if she is not keeping food down i certainly

    would not wait till then. Hope you manage to get some

    help sooner.

  • Posted

    hi, Does she have an appetite and want to eat, or is doing so just for the sake of it or through encouragement from family, try to keep her diet to small and plain, even if only toast, yog, rice,  l had severe nausea for months, lost my appetite, lived off tea and oat biscuit day time, maybe a tiny meal in evening, but didnt vomit, l lost 2 stone, it is very debilitating

    tiring, boring, frustrating, sleep is through tiredness and also an escape from feeling lousy. Can she manage to get herself to bathroom and sort herself. The not talking is quite odd, does she not answer you or family, that sounds like a desperate state, be it depression or response to the way she,s feeling physically, is she on tranqs, amitrip etc to make her sleep, is she weepy, tense, just withdrawn, Think you need to talk to gp and see what there response is, and push for endoscope sooner, if she gets any worse bring the doctor out maybe he doesnt understand how bad she,s feeling.  Does she respond to a hug cuddle, best wishes

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