Need some advice, please

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I have some serious issues with my stomach/gastrointestinal region. It started with no pain just excessive gas about 4 weeks ago. Then I upped my caffeine intake -going from 1 espresso and 1 caffeine pill per day to 2 espresso drinks and 1 or 1.5 caffeine pills each day. At night I would often take Advil PM before bed.

About a week ago the gas started to subside and pain set in. At first it was a dull stomach ache feeling when I would eat or drink water. Shortly after the worst burning, fire like sensation in my gut occured - all directly below my ribcage.

The last few days I started getting cramps along with the stomach ache feeling. The cramps seem centrlized to the region directly below my eft ribcage area and also the back opposite area of the ribcage. Breaking wind seems to help the cramp feeling. My stool seems like brown mud - not liquid and not solid. Just all out at once. I usullay go once per day inthe morning or every other day.

Tests to date:

-Blood panel and urine - all came back normal

-Bloodpressure is higer than normal

-Ultrasound of stomach - early report said nothing; no inflamtion or issues just a lot of gas found

-stomach blood panel - waiting results

Any idea what is going on with me? I've seen two docs and both suggest something different. Appreciate any and all feedback.


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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi burnett419

    Why do you take caffeine pills?

    • Posted

      I was taking the pills to get a boost at the gym. Hindsight, that was really stupid of me.

      Thanks for following up. Was worried about this being related to a disorder with my pancreas.

  • Posted

    Hi I too have gastritis and similar symptoms to yours.  I am awaiting endoscopy of 18th.  Mine was caused by the coatings on pills, too many anti biotics for a bad infection and too many pain killers and supplements.  Advil are UK ibuprofen and on empty stomach can cause stomach burning,  Mixed with strong coffee is not a good combination.  I have now stopped all pain killers and supplements and have no more than 2 coffees a day (never taken caffiene pills) and pains all gone in 2 months. Having endoscopy to make sure no damage as had pains for many months.  Try stopping advil and caffiene pills and see if that makes a difference.
    • Posted

      Thanks for the reply. I've stopped the caffeine (in all forms) along with Advil. Symptoms like burning stomach after eating is still present.

      My anxiety levels are high because all of these symptoms are ambiguous amd seem to line up with multiple conditions - ranging from ulcers or indigestion to more serious like pancereatic cancer.

  • Posted

    Hi burnett419

    Have you been tested for HPylori a gut bacteria that can cause dreadful acid reflux and burning is very can be tested via stool test or breath test or endoscopy. A blood test is not reliable for HPylori. If you do test positive it can be dealt with via wishes.....

    • Posted

      Thanks so much for the information. I actualy had a blood test yesterday - the clinic called it a "full stomach panel" including H.Pylori. I wil make sure to follow up and request a different method of testing that you suggest.
    • Posted

      Hi burnett419

      If it comes back negative insist on a stool or breath test to make absolutely sure you are clear of HP....Best wishes....

    • Posted

      Hi lilian,

      I started noticing loose stool, light brown amd floats. Do you know if this is a symptom of the bacteria as well? Starting to get a little concerned it could be something worse.


    • Posted

      Hi burnett419

      HPylori can cause many symptoms loose stool being one of them. If I were you I would just wait until you have the HP test and stop stressing.....anxiety can exacerbate your situation and make your symptoms seem worse.......I know easy said than done! wishes...

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