Need Some Inspiration
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In January '17 I was diagnosed with Lyme. Positive for antibodies and positive Western Blot. I was having crazy symptoms by the time I was diagnosed so I am sure I had it for a while. Waking up with heart palpitations, hearing sensitivty, wonky vision. And was feeling sick every day. Not much joint pain.
Anyway, did 28 days on Doxy.Finished mid-Feb. Since then I have seen improvement in sleep, vision, nosie sensivity. But, I feel exhausted all the time and I have severe tinnitus that developed the second week on the Doxy.
I am told that more antibiotics won't help and that I have to give my immune system more time to calm down. Can anyone say that they started to feel better by month four or six or twelve, etc?
I need some inspiration. Some hope to hold on to. This past saturday was my best day, but then Sunday I crashed. I feel depleted again.
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andrea06291 Tickfighter
i was diagnosed with Lymes in September 2016. I am still unwell with this now and have had 5 seperare occassion where i needed antibiotics to fight a secondary infection caused by my immune system being very low.
My symptons are:-
cronic fatigue
painful joints
heart palpitations
good days then followed by bad days
I am just at my wits end not knowing how londg this will continue for!!!
Hope this helps
Tickfighter andrea06291
Sorry to here you're still struggling. This is not inspiring me.
Hope you see better days soon.
andrea06291 Tickfighter
I am sorry, I do find it hard that no one seems to know what to do with people who suffer with it and also how long we have to suffer!!!
I don't know anyone around me in Plymouth who has it or had it to talk too.
Hope you feel better soon
Tickfighter andrea06291
My research is convincing me this is an autoimmune disorder and not an ongoing infection. It takes time it seems for the body to calm down after fighting so hard to keep the intital infection in check for so long. It seems pretty consistenly that people who had late stage seem to recover (mostly recover) after a fews years from initial treatment. Many continue abx, but almost all say they stopped after a few years and pursued alternative therapies, which makes me think it just takes time for the body's immune system to recover.
I am not convinced at this point long-term abx is what has gotten the person better. But, each person is different and feels this disorder differently so it isn't fair for me to say if time worked for them or long-term abx.