Need some urgent advice please

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I suffer from anxiety and depression. I refused to take Sertraline once because I was terrified of the side effects you read about. My GP gave me a few Valium for when I needed them but promised me I wouldn't get addicted if I kept them for emergencies but he also referred me to the CPN. I'm going on holiday tomorrow but this nurse rang me and she was horrified I had Valium and she got a Consultant psychologist to see me urgently on Monday who insisted I should take Sertraline. My GP was a bit annoyed as he thought I was fine on the Valium but gave me some 50 mg. I took one last night, literally terrified of the effects, woken up this morning with an awful headache and shaking. You all say that it's awful for the first couple of weeks so it's going to completely ruin my holidays, isn't it? I literally do not know what to do, not take them where I would be in trouble with the CPN, take them and ruin my holiday, just go cold turkey and start them afterwards, I don't know? Sorry for the length of this but does anyone have any advice?

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    hi your anxiety of taking sertraline could have also had an effect on you..try one more tonight see how you feel then if in doubt talk to your doctor..good luck..hang in there
    • Posted

      Thanks Julie for replying but that's the trouble, I haven't got any time as we fly out at 7 am tomorrow so I won't be able to get any advice or go back to the doctor or anything. I should be packing now but I just can't get myself going.
    • Posted

      a holiday maybe just what u need to clear your mind! i cant advise you anymore hun..but have a great hoilday and try not to worry
  • Posted

    Hi Mazza, do you have the telephone number of the CPN? Why don't you ring them and explain what you have said here? If it were me, I would postpone taking them until I got back from my holiday, but that really is a personal opinion. I have been taking Sertraline for 6 weeks now and it is absolutely brilliant, BUT the first couple of weeks aren't good, and it would be a shame to spoil your holiday. At the end of the day, they're not a direct life saving drug - and therefore I think you would be better waiting until you get back, but I would try to speak to a medical person first. Hope this helps. Have a great holiday. Wendy
    • Posted

      Thanks, Wendy, that's what I thought but to be honest, I haven't got her number and I'm a bit frightened of her. I've not met her just the Consultant Psychologist, but on the phone she was almost shouting at me "but you're going on holiday, you can't take Valium, you'll get addicted" and she wants me to not go on holiday! That's what I should do, though, I think. Thanks very much for your thoughts.
    • Posted

      I think maybe Julie is right, a holiday is just what you need (don't we all!! :-) x) I'm amazed anyone would NOT want you to go on holiday. You know, medical people are there to help you, not bully you. If you don't like this CPN ask for a different one. It's YOU you have to think about regarding your health, physical or otherwise. Take care. Try not to worry too much. Get packing! W x
  • Posted

    A CPN should not be speaking to you like that. Whatever treatment they recommend you still have a choice. Informed consent? They are supposed to support, advise in order that you can make a decision. It's your body, your life. Go with your gut instinct. Call them and say you will start after holiday because of the side effects. I too have Valium but only take it as an emergency. Depends on how bad anxiety is. I'm not addicted. It is a concern but low doses as.emergency should be ok. But they do not mix with alcohol. Maybe that was also a concern. Even so no need for them to be so rude. Report them. 
  • Posted

    Hi Mazza

    I do really feel for you and i understand where you are coming from. I personally do not think starting a new medication which does work, as i am proof of that, does also have some not very nice side effects at the start. I also understand that your holiday will be ruined if you are suffering from side effects. I would go and speak to your GP and explain your dilemma, perhaps he will agree for you to start the sertraline on your return and prescribe you with a short dose of valium while you are away. At least then you can come home relaxed and ready to start your treatment. i think this is bad timeing and although the CPN is doing their job, at the end of the day all medications can cause addiction and withdrawal symptoms but we sometimes take that chance because our lives are awful at that time. I hope your Gp sees your predicament and helps you. Have a good holiday and good luck with the sertraline, remember to give them a chance as the side effects when starting do go away 

  • Posted


    I have just read you fly out at 7am tomorrow, call your surgery and explain it is an emergency and insist to speak to the doctor, A holiday is hard to come by and you already feel unmotivated to pack, take control of this situation empower yourself and call the gp, so at least try to get yourself sorted as you have today to do so, Good Luck x

  • Posted

    hi again! get packing and enjoy your hoilday if anyone asked you are you ok  tell them you have flu! :-) not thats its there business :-) take a valium if needed and maybe try Sertraline when u get back...have a great hoilday..any room in your suit case for us all :-) enjoy!  
  • Posted

    I want to respond that i agree with Julie76198. Im from the US & work for a doctor. There is a med thst you can take when needed with the Sertraline. Have you asked about that?

    • Posted

      No, Jan. I will ask. I just want to thanks you all for your very kind, helpful, thoughtful responses. It shows that if you suffer with this awful anxiety or depression, you have more insight to help other people. I got myself frantic and fraught with worry, not knowing what the hell to do about this.  My GP is strictly not available today, I did ask, but the Practice Nurse spoke to me and went through my options which are basically, take it and maybe feels better but equally maybe ruin the holiday for me and my long suffering husband or wait till I come back and take the flack when I get back. She said she could tell I had already made up my mind really as I would not relax wondering what new side effect I had each day! So, I'm going to do that but take it with me in case....  I have a few Valium for emergencies as well. She said make the decision and then don't think about it again. I am trying to do some packing but my heart isn't in it as usual, I just want to sit down and ponder it endlessly. Anyway, thanks for all your good wishes, I really would like to take you all with me!u
    • Posted

      Hi, I was on sertaline for 15 yrs. and I don't remember having bad side effects when I first started. It worked great for me, the hard part was coming off after all those yrs., I would wait until you get back, a holiday is great for everybody. Take the Valium just in case you need them and have a great time. Pack and don't look back, you'll be happy you did in the long run! The sertaline is addicting also, they say not but tell you brain that! 

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