Need someone to help me with anxiety symptoms caused from menopause.
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I can not stop feeling uneasy. Been 5 years since I've had a period but this symptom has just started a few months ago. I'm constantly thinking about death. My own death, my family's death. You name it I'm obsessed. It consumes me most of the day.
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maria76995 shelley10976
Hi Shelly, it's normal in menopause to have these symptoms I been there accasionally thinking about death and how I will go and it goes on, then there are times it's not there...your not mad it's hormones doing it to us which give us very terrible dark thoughts but they are harmless and can't do you nothing let them come on and go, try and distract your mind sometimes with other thoughts such as thinking about nice things you want to happen...good book or a walk out will can help I hope this help you.
liz67338 shelley10976
Hi Shelley, I've been using rescue remedy, royal jelly, magnesium oil & bath salts (epsom) , lots of water & herbal teas (camomile, sage, nettle, star anise) as anxiety really dehydrates you, an air diffuser with few drops of lavender oil or ylang ylang oil (I also rub lavender oil on the bottom of my feet and neck at night..helps me get to sleep) and try to walk alot (have to really push myself when i feel really awful) while listening to calming music, and swimming all of which has definitely helped ease extreme anxiety and low moods/depression some days. After a walk or swim definitely lifts my spirits and the dark cloud for a while.Hope helps you if you try any of above. 😊
Chuckj shelley10976
I have these thoughts sometimes. I use to have them before menopause. The thing that gets me through it is thinking that everyone is in the same boat. Young, old, beautiful or not. It is the cycle of life. Try to think about happy moments/events and occupy your days with things that you enjoy doing. All the best🙂
richard41982 shelley10976
I am a husband with anxiety due to my wife and perimenopaus. I know medication is not always the answer but I have been on Buspirone for about two weeks and it is a God send. Anxiety issues are almost none existent now. I still get them but no where as frequent or severe. It is not addictive and it doesn't make you a zombie because it's not that type of drug. I hope you find relief. I am just a husband dealing with this and I feel for every woman suffering through this. This blog is an amazing resource.
LouiseScotland shelley10976
I started taking Evening Primrose 1000mg daily for anxiety, and it's worked wonders. I know it definitely works because I've stopped taking them a couple of times and within 2 weeks I become really anxious again. I know what you mean about thinking about death, it could really drive you mad, but I think it's best not to overthink the whole thing but just take it as it comes. My mum (late 70s) gave me the best advice...just don't think about it! I think she's right...
juanita93228 shelley10976