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Hi Ladies!

Do any of you get constipated during ovulation? (for those who are still seeing their periods fairly regularly). This is my ovulation week and for the past few days I have been experiencing the worst constipation. I experience the occaisional constipation here and there but today was really a struggle. Just wanted to know if I was by myself on this one.

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Very recently I started to get ridiculous constipation and was so unpleasant. I am sure it is due to hormon fluctuations. sad Good luck ladies.

    One of the other symptoms I get during ovulation is my leggs killing me as if they are about the explode. It feels like deep deep pain in my weins. sad

    • Posted

      I don't get constipated every month when I ovulate but this time it has been horrendous! Recently I had been dehydrated due to a stomach virus so I don't know if it is because now my body is trying to retain the fluid I lost which has triggered the constipation. I will try to drink more fluids and see if this helps. I'll mention this to my Practitioner next week when I go to see her.
  • Posted

    I suffer from pain full stop during ovulation. Ovulation is actually worse than my period for pain, the ridiculous blood loss is the worse thing about my period (it is painful but no where near as bad as ovulation). I have been taking a liquid iron supplement which can cause constipation and it tastes vile, I'm still suffering from dizziness so I really don't know why I'm bothering with the iron, I think it's making me feel worse lol 😁
  • Posted

    YES! It's been awful. This is the first month I have had trouble with constipation. And it's giving me a lot of stomach discomfort and bloating. And fullness!! Started to worry I had ovarian cancer - went to my wonderful gynecologist who did a Ultrasound right then to make sure everything is ok. One thing after another.
  • Posted

    Yes I know. I started fearing Colon cancer. I made the mistake of taking a laxative and today I was runny. I will never do that again! But we have to be rational. We can't just go around thinking the worst every time we feel something crazy. I have gotten constipated in the past during ovulation and once I got the runs during ovulation. It just means that the shift in our hormones make for all this craziness. I had to really talk some sense into myself. I try not to panic now about everything I feel because that will drive me crazy. I have a husband and two small kids. I need to hold myself together. Take care and hope you are feeling better soon.
    • Posted

      Glad you mentioned having small kids. Here I am thinking many ladies going through peri at my age (47) has grown up kids. Mine is only 6. I am thinking I was too late...And worried about her having a mum with so many aches and pains and unable at times.


    • Posted

      I feel bad for my kids a lot because I know I should be doing more and giving them more of me but I am sooooo tired most of the time and spaced out because of these symptoms. I have a 7 year old son and a 2 soon to be 3 year old daughter. I am struggling with potty training her right now. She doesn't want to go to the potty and I don't have the energy to fight her. She's still home with me until June when she will start preschool. So it's like crunch time to get her potty trained but I feel so out of it and overwhelmed most of the time.

      One day I went to the ER for fast heart rate and when the EMS people came my daughter was like, "bye mom!" And kept watching tv. I'm thinking oh God I hope this is not what she remembers of me growing up that mom was spacey and was always going to the doctor/emergency room.

    • Posted

      Oh dear, please take it easy. Potty training can wait. They sometime change their attitude over a week around that age and behave differently. It is not easy with young kids plus gping though peri. Take good care and be kind to yourself.
    • Posted

      I know what you mean about feeling badly with your kids.  I try to only complain to my husband (who I can tell is growing quite tired of this) but my girls can see I am not the same energetic person I used to be.  There always seems to be a flare up of some kind - right now it seems to be some form of IBS with all this constipation and bloating.  And, the fatigue is always there!  Its hard to not feel robbed -  I am missing out on a lot right now - sometimes feel so selfish because these symptoms are all-consuming.  And then if I am worried about having some deadly disease that is ALL CONSUMING,  I am making a conscious effort to start exercising again - everything I ready says that it really helps with the symptoms.  Hope you have a good day today!


    • Posted

      Oh my goodness! You described how I've been feeling this week. Constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas, fatigue. It is no wonder we think we're dying of some dreadful illness! Then to have to manage a family is harder.
    • Posted

      I think that all of these hormones fluctuating up and down causes our bodies to mimic symptoms associated with so many illnesses. Then when we go to the doctor and they run all these tests only to find that we're normal, thankfully, we realize just how sinister these hormones are.
    • Posted

      That's the part I hate. Then after being told I'm ok, the symptoms stop making me feel even more crazy.
    • Posted

      Yeah it's surprising how the symptoms suddenly disappear after they tell you you're alright.
    • Posted

      That's what made me mad the last time I went. I was having that weird head pressure. By the time the doc came in, it stopped. I was told I was fine. Then it happened as I was leaving. I was so mad. They thought I was just anxious.

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