Need to vent...just want to feel good again
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Hi, ladies...
So...last night I got one of those headaches that usually happen before your period- that is, when you actually have one. It is one sided and involves my cheekbone and nose,clogs my nostril. Then it radiates to my forehead. Sometimes it's like a knife to my temple. It starts and stops. It sets my health anxiety into high gear. I know I have a tendancy to think the worst, although I try to talk myself down. They say 99% of what we worry about never happens. Over this year I've had these symptoms: dizziness, tummy troubles, nausea, headaches, absolutely messed up sleep, itchy skin, creepy crawly sensations, knee pain, ankle pain, the tremors, super dry eyes, heel pain, thickening toenails but thinning finger nails, my eyebrows migrated to my top lip,cramps, a period for a month, a rash from wearing pads for that month....on, and on, and etc. They rotate. 2 days ago my doc said I was healthy and we would deal with the extended peri. She suggested cryoablation. I just had hysteroscopy and got a normal biopsy from that. So I am very grateful. Dont want to to tempt fate.
I'm laughing and crying because I'm scared and fed up. Praying this is sinusitis and it goes away. Maybe hormonal AND sinuses... I just heard that this is a bad allergy season here in Chicago....ragweed n pollen count super high.
Thanks for listening....I'm open to any advice for cheering up and not giving in to fear. Hugs to everyone...xoxo
4 likes, 20 replies
may69987 katyD211
Hi Katy your not alone I have every single symptoms mentioned and the past two days the headaches and exactly the way u describeded and my allergies are never bad as today plus the sinuse pressure ,my skin feels so dry and the crepy Crowley sensation ,I can’t stand my self ,I just had ct scan for head otherwise all the blood test normal ,I only find reliefs the first few days from period and then everything starts again 🙄😤😤hope u feel better 🙏
katyD211 may69987
Hi May...thanks so much for your acknowledgment , I truly appreciate your empathy and understanding.
Hope your symptoms leave you alone and never gang up on you all at once!
About an hour ago I had a 15 minute sneeze attack...gave me some instant relief so i guess I'm not dying. At least not today😏
Finny2018 katyD211
katyD211 Finny2018
Welcome, Finney!! Thanks sooo much for responding and your hug!!
You will get plenty of support here...hence my vent session and everyone's wonderful acknowledgement of my feelings.😘
Guest katyD211
Hi katyd, It is just one of those venting days. I hear you on the sinus headaches. I get them awful. I am affected by this weather too. They’ve replaced my migraines for now. I have hot/cold sinus mask for 10 dollars, it provides a few minutes relief. I can’t really take anything, because I end up with a rebound headache. I just tried liquid melatonin for sleep...seems to help, for now. I feel like I have the flu the last couple of days. My skin is hot, flush, no fever...but I’m cold too?? Nausea and dizzy too. My period is supposedly due...but who knows! My nails are gross too...they grow quick...but vertical lines/ridges. I’ve been laying around today researching everything. I am seeing a new gyno next month...she’s gonna get an earful from me...I swear I’m not leaving her office until I get answers! Sorry to rant on your thread! What have we all done to deserve this? Big hugs your way! 🤗
katyD211 Guest
Oh no need to apologize for venting too!! They say misery loves company, but I dont want any of us to feel this misery for much longer! It's just comforting to know you're not alone or a total hypochondriac! I'm glad you're finding things that work to make you better. Hugs!!
Guest katyD211
One more thing...nasal spray up my nose several times per sinuses are dry. I keep a fan on me all night for the night sweats. 🙄
katyD211 Guest
Gypsy014 katyD211
Hi Katy, omg i have that same headache/migraine whatever it is I have right now!!! My anxiety has been through the roof... I cannot believe it is exactly as you described to a tee... It feels all one sided in my temple face cheek all on one side. Its usually on my left side but this time this headache is definitely different from all the other monthly migraines I get, this one is on the opposite side it usually occurs on ,and more so in my eye and behind and top part of for head feels like a knife its so sharp the pain, it came on tues with severe nausea, and turned into a migraine, then woke up wed and it was gone, I was so relieved, and then woke up today Thursday and was back exactly like Tuesday.. Its a big bummer and its dragging me down I can't do anything except lay with a cold rag on my head.. So whatever this is like you said hormonal/sinusitis I'm assuming ,but ive got it bad too.. So your not alone I'm there with you and , yes today I heard ragweed and pollen count up too, and guess what I'm from Chicago too lol so we're breathing the same pollen high count going around 😁😊?😢
Chickadeesgrl Gypsy014
I have suffere from Migraines for over 20 years. With all my other peri symptoms I am thankful that I don’t get them as bad. My go to remedy has to do with improving circulation. I heat my feet and hands with a heating pad, and cool my head with an ice pack. If I can lay down like this for 30 minutes, I feel much better. I read about it years ago. 😁
Gypsy014 Chickadeesgrl
Thanks e21122 I will definitely try that next migraine I have nothing to lose why not and feet are always cold anyhow so will feel nice if anything.. 20 years of migraines I can't even imagine, ive never ever suffered from migraines before all this perimenopause stuff , I just hope they stop as quick as they started, they just seem to be coming more often as well as much more intense they're horrible.. But thanks for the tip I will give it a try ?
sharcerv52408 katyD211
Hi Katy,
I've been having the same thing as you with the headaches. Mine started last week with my period on day 2. Then I've been having them off and on since then. Don't know if it's weather related, pollen, hormonal or if I'm reacting to my new BP medication. Mine is pretty much in the same area more or less that you have described. The only difference is mine likes to circulate around my eyes and along the nostrils and upper cheekbones. Ugh! So annoying! Hope you are feeling better soon.
katyD211 sharcerv52408
juanita93228 katyD211
Katy I'm sorry you feel so lousy! Don't give into the fear(I'm one to talk 😂😂😂
. The pollen season is terrible here too. I've dealt with the headaches(which my ENT says are not sinus headaches, but are atypical migraines). I've had most of the symptoms you mentioned and they went away. But, still dealing with the health anxiety and some depression. The creepy crawly sensation is so weird. I get it on my feet and arms. On my arms it's like a fine hair is being drug across it. On my feet I jumped one night while brushing my teeth because I thought a bug was crawling on me. I looked down and nothing. It happened today at work only it was the back of my ankle. 🙄 Hang in there, God will help you. Why do think you found this forum?🤗🤗🤗🤗
katyD211 juanita93228
Oh Juanita, yes, yes, yes!!! I wondered if it was a migraine and although as I mentioned, I've had these pains before but not to this degree. So I think it is a combo punch!! And you describeso accurately the fine hair feeling and YES!! bugs on you!!
I was sitting here reading the response from all you wonderful women, and feeling better and more supported with each one I read. Then you said God sent me here...which is what I thought right before I read yours.
And I've told you before, my Mom's name was Juanita. She passed on April 23rd this year..and I've been asking her for a sign that she's ok and watching .
So thank you, Juanita...big hugs...sorry for getting mushy😘
juanita93228 katyD211
Don't ever be sorry for anything Katy!! I did tear up a little though and I'm glad God used me to help you and to give you the confirmation that you needed. (((hugs))). Because although I lost my mom many years ago, when I decided to become a freelance wedding photographer after retirement and you commented that your uncle used to say "nothing beats a failure but a try" I knew God had put the right decision in my heart because no one has ever said that to me except my mom. (((hugs))).
That creepy crawly thing is sooooo weird!!! I've heard other ladies talk about it on other threads. Who would have thought hormones could do this to our bodies, but all the while we remain pretty healthy, but totally think we're dying a different death every day! Lol!
katyD211 juanita93228