Needing some support and friends to talk to!!!!
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Hi there haven't posted for awhile as been very down in myself due to early menopause .would love now to have someone to talk to and support from others going through the same as me. I am starting to isolate myself from the world now. Feel very alone as have no real friends to turn too hope anyone here can help ty all xx
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liz67338 emma50975
So sorry to hear you are having a hard time Emma You truly are not alone. I'm having a very low day today have felt so low and teary since I woke up and can't snap out if it. My world has changed so much since going through menopause it's so tough to handle some days. Yesterday I felt like a zombie at work and could sense bad feelings towards me from the team I was really upset me because I know that's that the usual me just sitting there not able to even conversate. If you have time today maybe you can do something that makes you feel good..purely for you...whether it's listening to a song you love...taking a long bath....nice walk etc I'm going to try it too. I'm always happy to talk as know what you are going through. Take care and hang on in there, remember you are a beautiful special woman and you are loved but going through a very challenging period in your life thats difficult for people to understand that arent going it but it will get better one day. Lots of love xxx
emma50975 liz67338
Ty liz I will try that it's just nice also to be able to have friends who I can talk too been trying to make friends on line with women in my area but I don't seem to be getting any replys really gets me down having noone to go out with and have girly chats with. Hope I get some replys from others soon from these make a friend website
liz67338 emma50975
emma50975 liz67338
liz67338 emma50975
Hi you press the envelope on the right hand side of the message I sent to you. I've just sent you one x
mandygolf emma50975
I am new to this, as i have been so desperate for so long now, to where i thought i just couldnt handle this life anymore! certain symptoms of mine started when i had a hysterectomy at age 29! i am now 49! but this is now how and what i deal with daily!! severe migraines, flu like symtoms every minute of the day, like i have a high temp, itchy all over, chronic pain in muscles and bones, eye sight problems, dizzyness, numb hands and feet, weight gain, even though i eat like a rabbit, palpitations, breathlessness, exhausted beyond belief, and complete sobbing to where i literally cannot stop!! i probably have left a few out of this, but i am desperate for any help, advise, friendship, as i feel so so alone with this, i have just started taking menopace plus, but my headaches are worse than ever, shall i persivere? is there anything better, i have been advised against hrt, as other family history stuff, my world has crumbled, my happy go lucky nature has been destroyed,, cannot even enjoy the vino anymore,!! I am so sorry you feel alone, as i know the feeling,, but i am here to talk to anyone who needs someone.... xxxx
emma50975 mandygolf
TLP1966 emma50975
Hi Emma,
I know exactly how you're feeling. I struggled with peri menopause and now been in menopause for over 18 momths. Have resisted HRT as I have a phobia of tablets. I've had no one to talk to as all my friends haven't started yet and feel so alone. I work two days a week in the City and for the three days I'm at home, I'm so lonely. My own fault as I don't want to mix with people. I feel paranoid and think no one likes me (no proof whatsoever). I'm snappy, short tempered and the anxiety is shocking. However, two weeks ago, I went to the doctors and burst into tears. He was lovely. I've had blood tests which are all normal (was convinced I had bone cancer!) and have today picked up a prescription for HRT patches. Very, very nervous but I don't feel I have any quality of life at the moment and need to get "normal" for my little girl...... I was a late mum so all the mums are younger than me so feeling very alone with no-one to talk to. I've suffered hot flushes, aches and pains, itchy skin and eyes but it's the low mood and short temper and anxiety and paranoia that I can't stand anymore........ here to chat.
emma50975 TLP1966
Ty hun and am sorry to hear about how u r feeling it's horrible isn't it am trying to find Friends in my area to talk to as I don't have any tbh via on line apps but no replys yet gets me down alot feel isolated and alone and noone to go out with hope to hear from u again soon xxc
maria_03422 emma50975
Hi ladies,
Tears streaming down my face reading your messages. I'm so sorry! I went through all the symptoms you listed and some more! 5 years ago we moved to a new town no friends and going through this hell with no one to talk!
But I'm here to tell you it will get better. The crying will stop and the itching and the horrible headaches..and as time goes by you will notice some improvements..still I'm having my bad days but I start seeing some good days as well.. the majority of the symptoms are gone. I gained weight without any change on my diet it was so frustrating and the last couple of months I notice I'm loosing the belly
my body aches and anxiety is the two symptoms that I can't rid off!!
I believe me cutting caffeine and taking vitamin D helped to ease this craziness!!
Feel better-Hugs to all of you!
liz67338 maria_03422
shelley10976 emma50975
Hello. I can talk anytime. I also tend to isolate myself when I feel down but it's important to get out every day. Force yourself to move because it will be worth it.
emma50975 shelley10976
mandygolf emma50975
shelley10976 emma50975
Just push the envelope beside my name I think, I'm new too to this. I will find out and get back to you.
emma50975 shelley10976