Negative Self Talk During Perimenopause
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I am still really struggling with depression in perimenopause. Sometimes, I feel normal and happy, but at other times it is such a struggle to get through the day. I force myself to keep involved in activities that normally bring me happiness: cycling with my boyfriend, working in the garden, sitting in the sun... What I am finding so difficult is the negative self-talk and lack of self-support / love that seems to manifest when I get down.
I am not sure the best way to deal with it. Often, I will try a mantra, such as "This is just your hormones", "This will pass", or "I have the courage to get through anything". Sometimes it works, but definitely not always. I get so tired of the negative thinking, that I will, at times, just let the thoughts be there, as when I try to wrestle with them, they just seem to intensify.
What's also hard is the rapid mood changes: I can go from deeply depressed to almost mildly euphoric in the blink of an eye. This makes it soooo hard to get through the days.
Before all of these hormone changes, I was confident, happy, well-adjusted, and excited about life.
I can start to get scared when I worry about my normally energetic, bubbly self being a thing of the past.
Are there any other women who have experienced the same during perimenopause?
4 likes, 15 replies
debbie12340 bev27429
Hi Bev,
All I can say is this all sounds exactly how I feel and I’m sure many other ladies on here.
Unfortunately I don’t have the answer ? It’s CRAP and I really am beginning to wonder if I will ever feel ‘well/normal’ again ? Most of my days are spent feeling dizzy, lightheaded, miserable and looking like someone I don’t recognise in the mirror 😢
All I can say is you’re not alone is this journey from Hell xx
samantha42264 bev27429
Hi Bev,
I'm sorry you are going through this and the other woman too. I too feel like you, is awlful and I try the same things as you and I have no idea how to get it to stop. They are like negative intrusive thoughts putting my self down or Im just plain cranky inside about everything, this goes on for my week before my period and the week during, then the week after my period I just feel like crying, I do get a few days a month where I feel good...sometimes there are stretches of being good but I never know why or when. I did and do everything to fight it, I try saying positive things to fight the negative, lots of excercise/yoga and keep busy, but it's still a battle.
I have gone to the doctor more than once for this, their answer is anti depressants, but the first one I was on stopped helping and the second one made me I don't dare try a third one. It's just only my opinion that the doctors have no idea and are not getting its a hormonal thing and just prescribe anti depressants in hopes we will shut up, but they don't really work on the problem.
I wish soooooo much I had an answer for you...just maybe telling you Im struggling too and fighting as hard as you are is some comfort. I truly hope we all feel better really soon.
bev27429 samantha42264
karen96339 bev27429
arlette98229 bev27429
I have it worse in the morning as I hate my job and want to move home but cant so feelings of is this it and being stuck. Improves during the day and at weekends. Get very bad feelings about life in general on waking. I have always been a bit on the depressed side which doesnt help.
Has anyone had success with prozac? I am afraid to try anything.
karen66219 arlette98229
Hi Arlette,
I completely understand what you are saying. I really do not like my job either, but I am kind of afraid to change jobs with all of the symptoms that I have been suffering. Weekends and evenings are definitely better for I get it...I really do.
I am on a low dosage of Prozac for anxiety. It has definitely helped with the anxiety and panic attacks, so if you are suffering those, it may help you. Strangely, although it is an anti-depressant,I do still have depressive episodes though. I can't help but wonder if things have just built up so much that it is finally taking it's toll while going through the peri. I just don't seem to handle things as well as I used to. Could that be your situation as well?
karen66219 arlette98229
Hi Arlette,
I completely understand what you are saying. I really do not like my job either, but I am kind of afraid to change jobs with all of the symptoms that I have been suffering. Weekends and evenings are definitely better for I get it...I really do.
I am on a low dosage of Prozac for anxiety. It has definitely helped with the anxiety and panic attacks, so if you are suffering those, it may help you. Strangely, although it is an anti-depressant,I do still have depressive episodes though. I can't help but wonder if things have just built up so much that it is finally taking it's toll while going through the peri. I just don't seem to handle things as well as I used to. Could that be your situation as well?
arlette98229 karen66219
Agree that if things have been building for years then it comes out more at this stage. For me its numbness just run on autopilot dont seem to feel very much - feel like Im on the outside of life looking in!
karen96339 arlette98229
2chr2015 bev27429
2chr2015 bev27429
maria76995 2chr2015
Hi 2car my thoughts is about myself no matter how to try and block keeps coming up as soon as I take my mind off what I'm doing or watching trying hard to put how I feel at the back of my mind do you think about yourself too or only me
2chr2015 maria76995
katyD211 bev27429
I'm experiencing all those things right now. I'm just turned 59 and still in peri....and docs say everything is fine, just family history of late meno. So I can certainly empathize with you.
I guess we're to just keep self coddling and positive self talks to get through it. And on those days when we need to just let the thoughts sit there - so be it.
It will all pass soon enough...I guess.
It really sucks, tho...
karen96339 bev27429