Nerve surges

Posted , 7 users are following.

Hi ladies, I haven't been on the forum for quite a while, this forum has helped me so many times and especially when I was going through a very difficult time with anxiety when peri kicked in. I was wondering if any of you have experienced the following: It is hard to describe, but it feels like a pinch, sharp, bee sting pain, with a burning sensation, really like someone pinched you and followed by a bee sting sensation. These occur randomly and can be on my legs, my feet, had it on my hips, also sometimes on my arms and the other day near my throat. Days will pass not having it and then it will just occur again and run through my body. And I know it sound silly, but it is actually sore. The one that I had in my foot the other day was so intense that I actually my leg jumped uncontrollably. It is almost like a nerve surge, or whatever? It is really getting to me now, and I don't know if this is JUST ANOTHER peri ailment.

Any comments on this?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    sorry to hear you're getting so much pain...

    Have you looked on line about Fibromyalgia ?

    It is a syndrome which cause different types of pain, and you might fall into this.

    It gives me horrendous nerve pain and drives me round the bend! Very unpleasant.

    It can start around Peri time. Mostly women get it.

    Hope you find an answer that reassures you and helps you.

    Take care

    • Posted

      Hi Lizzie

      Yes you are right. I am diagnosed Fibromyalgia. All kinds of pain spread around my body. That cause my poor quality of life! I am not sure if it will disappear?

    • Posted

      Hi Lucy,

      there is no reason for it to last forever!

      Maybe that's wishful thinking - I don't know.

      Would be interesting to hear from ladies that have fully recovered.

      All the very best

  • Posted

    Hi Lelawreck,

    You are not alone. I am suffered from exactly same pain as you. a pinch, sharp, bee sting pain around my body. And I always think is related to my hyperthyroidism because when I take Thyroid Calming I feel better. But these two days, even Thyroid Calming does not work. So I think it maybe just menopause. I have been suffering from symptoms by symptoms. Wishing it can end one day!

  • Posted

    I get this, too! Happens especially when I eat a lot of sugar. Almost feels like.... remember when you were a kid and held a sparkler and the sparks would hit your skin? I know that's really specific but it's accurate lol. And yes, random sharp nerve "surges." it's bizarre. And started same time as peri.

    • Posted

      Hi Julee,

      If you have sugar makes you feel worst, it possible you have Candida over growth? Did you check or not?

  • Edited

    I've not been checked, but it's more likely related to brain signals when your blood sugar rises rapidly.

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