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I haven't had a period since September. Went for an ultrasound and my lining is thick. Tomorrow I am having a biopsy to make sure all is good. Feeling nervous because it's still a biopsy. Anyone else have to do this test?
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Tara68 Guest
Hang in there, I'm sure all will be well! I heard it wasn't painful. The worst part is now, the anticipatory anxiety. Breathe and visualize calmness if you can. I know it's not easy, trust me.
Good luck!!
gailannie Guest
It’s going to be just fine.
lynda20916 Guest
Hi, Dorothy, sorry you're going through this. Do take some Tylenol before hand, and you might want to wear a pad, too. My biopsy was painful, but the doctor worked fast, and it was soon over.
Best of luck to you. Please let me know how you get on! xx
amy341731 Guest
Hi - yes I absolutely flipped out because I had a super heavy period after skipping a couple here and there and I had the ultrasound, plus blood work and exam, plus a lab test sample and my lining was “borderline “ thick as well..all turned out fine, just normal changes. Dr. said if pain or bleeding got unbearable to come back, but it’s been fine for 6 mos or so..I’d say it’s normal but certainly see what dr says. I’m sure yours will be fine as well. I do understand the nerve wracking aspect of tests so please reach out when needed. We are here! Sending positive vibes your way. 😊
Thank You ALL so much for reaching out to me. I love this little community of women! We support each other😃
I will keep you ALL posted. Keep me in your prayers.