Nervous about Hormones testing

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Hi All,

I went to a docs appointment yesterday. I had to see a new GP since my previous one no longer accepts my insurance. I was very anxious and nervous because of health anxieties I hate going to the docs. I didn't like my previous GP but used him because all my family uses him.

Over all, I was pleased with the visit. She actually listened to my concerns even though she thinks I may need to see a therapist for the anxiety. Stated that she would do a complete blood work up to see where my levels are. I expressed that I wanted my thyroid checked. She stated she was going to check that, my cholesterol, and my hormone levels. My previous GP did not check any of that. She stated she don't like prescribing pills if they are not needed.

I am anxious about the hormones. The rest of the blood work I'm ok with as I have had several done in the past few months. I just hate for the hormone levels to come back normal. I feel no one is listening to how I feel and I'm not getting anywhere. I've changed my diet and doing more to help myself but without a doc seeing something on paper they act as if I'm talking like a nutcase when I'm sharing my symptoms. I'm just tired of going in circles and I'm tired of the guessing as to what is wrong with me. I know it's not anything serious from previous visits to hospitals and docs so I'm certain it's hormones but the docs just will not say. Sorry for the long post. I needed to vent.

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102 Replies

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    Oh Jamie, Im so glad she is listening to you. I had my fill of not being listened to and just told I need antidepressants and anxiety meds.

    The peri anxiety is rearing its head this morning, I am shaking and nauseated upon waking. I had my ultrasound scan yesterday and surgery is being scheduled to remove my ovary. Its sending me into a panic. Im so scared. Before peri, this wouldn't have made me so anxious.

    I know its the hormones, especially because I am due for my cycle in a few days. Please feel free to vent. I know it helps. Any bit of help is good right now. Hugs

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      Hi Snowbell and Jamie... I was surprised when my hormone results were normal and feel that I'm going in circles with the anxiety... last cycle was 24 days, this time was 32!  Wanting desperately to get the sugar/carb eating under control as my weight is way up, but nothing else really comforts me at the moment... sooooo annoying.  Jamie, do keep us posted about your results, I know exactly how you feel.  Snowbell, my surgery is coming up soon, know how you feel, too... how were ultrasound results?  Take care, ladies.  Such a rough time for us all.
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      I'm sorry the anxiety is bothering you today, I hope it gets better as the day goes on. I truly understand how you feel. She did prescribe me another anxiety med that she wants me to try. I was so anxious there in the office that I was in tears telling her my symptoms. I'm just so frustrated with all this. I never really dealt with anxiety before now. But as usual, soon as I say anything about anxiety I'm automatically depressed and need therapy. She wants to see me back in six weeks and decide whether I need therapy for anxiety if the new med doesnt work. It's all so nerve wrecking. I have really bad cramps today and I'm so tired.
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      Jamie, im so thankful that I can reach out to you and the others. You ladies seem to be the only ones who understand. Im so emotional today and a sobbing mess. I totally understand how you felt. Me too, never even understood what anxiety was until this hit. Keep in touch. We will help each other out and pull thru this. Hugs
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      My cycles have been crazy, 23 days, 28 days, 26 days, this time it was 28 days. I'm cramping bad, heavy bleeding and I'm so tired. I don't sleep well at night and the night sweating is going on. I feel the same way about going in circles with the anxiety. I'm tired of the docs telling me I'm depressed when I know darn well I'm not. When I told her all the symptoms that I no longer get like the headaches, sore boobs, and fluid retention she said. Well you should be happy. I am happy but yet weirded out by what happened when I had those for at least three years and they just dissappeared to be replaced by other weird sensations. Once I get the lab results back I will keep you all posted.
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      Most definitely. You can always vent to me and the other ladies anytime. I hate the isolation feeling like no one gets it.
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      I so agree with all of these things! My gyno told me yesterday that nausea doesn't have anything to do with peri or menopause. She was going to just give me hormones, based off of me telling her my symptoms, and that I had them for a couple years! I asked for blood work to check my levels, and she said ok🙄 I do not want to take hormones really. Rather do natural, or maybe look into bio identical hr. She didn't seem interested in helping really. My GP just wants to give me anti anxiety meds, which I really don't want to take. On top of it, I keep getting/ not getting rid of, a chronic UTI! Have to keep taking antibiotics, which I know is bad for my tummy. 
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      My docs never suggested anything. Just told me to that they will run test to see what's wrong. I may be in peri but probably not because my cycles are still regular. My tests all come back good. So they never really have anything to tell me except see a therapist.
    • Posted

      I sympathize with you completely Debbie. Its awful! The anxiety and depression is the worst. And how can the nausea not be a part of this, we all are suffering with it. I wish these doctors would feel what we feel for one day. I really think I need some bioidentical estrogen but they wont prescribe it for me., but boy, they sure hand out antidepressants and Xanax quickly. It is so sad sad
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      They are really quick to give you an antidepressant. Soon as I say anxiety, they automatically say I'm depressed.
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      It is definitely frustrating, because being anxious does not necessarily mean being depressed.  I've always been anxious, but not like this... it is a whole new level.  Like you, I actually wasn't totally thrilled about the hormone levels coming back as normal, yet they did, with just one in the "high end" of normal, but the gyn spoke about that one and wasn't concerned.  As for your doctor saying that "you should be happy"... my goodness, she's got nerve!  These symptoms are real and can be debilitating.  I hope, though, that she can help you with a solution, or point you in the direction of someone who can.  
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      Feeling isolated with this is the worst... glad we have this forum.
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      It's weird to me that so many docs, especially women docs, don't want to help more with the symptoms, anxiety, etc. than they do.  I just don't get it.  And Debbie, I am sorry that you are dealing with a chronic UTI.  I hope it will go away soon!  Those antibiotics are a challenge for sure.
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      Nausea is certainly a part of it... so confused by these docs who just don't get it, or maybe I should say don't want to get it?
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      It sometimes seems that way doesn't it? The nausea and lack of appetite they just put down to depression. There is more going on here and it would be nice to have answers and solutions that will help us.
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      You are right. This is a level of anxiety that I have never dealt with before. I'm aware that I'm getting older and the body is changing and in some aspects i'm going to be different but I just want some normalcy. These last few months have drastically changed my life.
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      I feel I would just rather the doc be honest and tell me they don't know than to just put it to depression. The GYN said it could be peri but she was very doubtful of it. I guess once this round of test come back I will know what route to take. All the blood work and cholesterol came back already normal. Just waiting on thyroid, LSH, FSH, and cortisol.
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      Jamie, even after I gave my doc the saliva testing and it showed my levels off the charts with the progesterone, they didn't know what to do with me. They still aren't sure what to do with me. I swear on the last page, it says I may need supplemental estrogen and I can't get them to even look at it or prescribe me any. Ugh! What do you do? Im so frustrated and upset. My cycle is due on Monday and I am so darn blue and the anxiety was just nasty this morning. How horrible is this? I feel for every single one of us dealing with these symptoms.  
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      That's what they kept telling me depression was the reason I had no appetite and perhaps I was hungry so that makes you feel nausea (as if I had never experienced hunger before).

      It didn't make any difference telling them often that I had no need to be depressed I was for the first time in long time settled and secure having just got married. One doctor even suggested after all the excitement of the past few years I was feeling 'flat' b because I no longer had anything to look forward to!

      I can tell you (at least in my case) HRT and estrogen in particular have stopped these things and a whole lot more.

      Pity I had to wait until after meno to find this out.

      I know things are better I have been eating eggs again after hating the smell of them for almost 10 years. My digestion is still on the slow side, but now worrying that because I'm able to eat more and I'm no longer turning my nose up at meal times I may gain weight.

      I have lost about 6 lbs in the 4 months since starting it so maybe that won't be the case.

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      Zigangie, thats so positive to hear. I truly feel like estrogen would help me. The progesterone made me feel a little worse, but of course, I wasnt low to begin with and my doc put me on a massive dose. My saliva tests show I am low on estrogen compared to progesterone and there is an imbalance going on there. I just hope all of us can get the relief we deserve.
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      what are her reasons for being doubtful about you being in peri, is it just the blood work, that doesnt mean your not in peri this early, its too unreliable, i wouldnt expect it to show in everyone if its early, so what are the reasons for saying your not in peri?? is it just the hormone test results? its so unfair if everything else is fine, they shouldnt be allowed to add to peoples stress like this.
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      That's the part that gets me. Every thing else was normal. But since the cycles are still considered regular, she said she doubts if it's peri. I'm pretty sure it is. So at this point I'm tired of being poked. I'm going to just continue with the lifestyle changes I've made, take my scripted meds and a good vitamin and be done with it. I've had more than enough tests and scans and I'm over it.
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      That how I feel. Like they just don't know what to do. I've read so much information on hormones and peri/menopausal, these symptoms truly do exist. I'm sure they won't diagnose me with that until some years down the road when it shows on paper. Just burns me up in the meantime. So I'll be trying some vitamins and natural things to help myself until I can find some other help.
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      It does... I wonder if they don't want to admit how bad it is because they have to go through it, too... but still...
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      That was all I could do in the early days.

      Good quality multivitamin,

      Magnesium extra b12. My friend said evening primrose oil helped her but I didn't think it helped me as much as the b12 magnesium.

      I also had to stop drinking wine tea and coffee. Bread.

      I drank white tea with a slice of lemon which is quite refreshing and does have a little caffeine in.

      I certainly felt better using these than I did without. I still use b12 and magnesium and have spells on multivitamins.

      These days I can drink tea no problem but no more than 2 coffees a day after a meal. Any more will leave me jittery. Alcohol very occasionally and bread still bloats me and gives me stomach ache.

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      I've cut out the caffeine and coffee and my wine. I try to stick to water, natural juices, and my ginger ale for the gas and nausea sometimes. I drink ginger tea at times. I eat more meat and veggies especially the leafy greens, oranges and bananas for my potassium. I take scripted iron and folic acid so I haven't tried as anything else. I try to walk a little more without over exerting myself. It's nothing more I can do but take care of myself.

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