Nervous stomach
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hello lovely ladies,
i am having a lot of butterflies ie constant along with anxiety, horrible feelings ants running up my legs. Burning at base of spine, thrush rash in armpits. The list is long, i stopped BHRT as i wondered if the extra hormones could cause rash. I am now taking prozac for anxiety only had 12 tablets, really hoping they work!
can anyone relate to the tummy butterflies flutters? Ive had them for months, DRs have no explanation other than nerves. Id like it all to stop its reaaly getting me down, but i keep trying to keep thinking it will pass. Hot flashes arent too bad, i do wake up shaky and sweaty. What a ride! I want off! Thanks for any replys🤗
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Sochima822 carol62649
If you're not on bpd medicine try St. John's wort. This worked to stop the butterfly nervous feeling along with a lot of the other symptoms. Not sure if you can take antidepressants with it. You would need to ask your doctor.Good luck
carol62649 Sochima822
Hi Sochima,
ive read about St Johns Wort its not compatible with anti depressants, lots of herbals interact, even herbal teas can. Its a very frustrating situation, thanks for your good wishes and i send same back to you! 🌹
jane63977 carol62649
I'm having so many stomach issues . It's really getting me down and I do worry so . To me it feels like my stomach is always off and unsettled , almost as though I can feel the acid churning . Does this make any sense or am I going completely mad ? I am on antidepressants for anxiety and grief following the death of my mum last year . My numerous symptoms started then and haven't gone away , I just always seem to have something . My migraines are getting worse , just finishing one , but then I am due on this week . I am 49
carol62649 jane63977
Hello jane,
no you are not mad, people that go mad dont actually think or know they are mad! I am 59 i lost my mum 23 years ago i coped but i fell ill not long after Drs diagnosed CFS after a long time having tests, i was anxious at the start of illness but it wasnt like what im having now. My tum feels like its bubbling i feel it in the rectum too, very disconcerting. I wonder if i should try some antacid stuff for tummy? Never thought of it till other lady suggested it was acid causing it. I had my gall bladder out in March and thats when all this started. I drink de caf coffee now, no sodas.
im afraid to keep using valium but my anxiety is so bad. I never knew meno could cause all this. jane, i too think im losing my grip, but we all will get through this, patience and kindness to ourselves. Best wishes 🌺
pam34236 carol62649
carol62649 pam34236
Thanks Pam ive never thought about trying any of those antacid meds, i dont burb or have heartburn. I dont know what somac is but will google it. Im using valium small dose and not every day, tho ive just started on prozac and first few weeks are rough. I do feel pretty awful. I appreciate your reply, good luck to you, Merry 🎄
kerry72910 carol62649
I too am going through the same thing, and it has definitely heightened my anxiety. I started getting the fluttering just above my pubic bone area a month ago! It stopped just as I had my period, and has started again. My periods have started getting closer together, and i have also had phantom periods! I am suffering with night sweats, heart palpitations and the list goes on. I just wish they made women more aware! I have been recommended menopace which I started today, so will see how that goes. You are not alone!
pam34236 kerry72910
carol62649 kerry72910
so pleased to hear from you, ive had tests for the flutters in belly, nothing shows up, cat scan and mri. Funny thing is its also in my anus, im thinking anxiety is causing muscle twitching. Driving me nuts. I dont know where i can get menopace in Australia i will google it to see.
carol62649 kerry72910
sorry Kerry my puter sent message before i finished, im not very tech savvy. I agree with you, we women never really get told the whole story, maybe our Mums suffered in silence, but we women of today speak up and are not afraid to bare our souls and fears to anyone who cares to listen. Im so very pleased to have found this forum, i also think there should be local support groups for meno ladies. We all need support and the lovely ladies here are wonderful! Thank you and. Wish you a Merry Christmas 🎄
pam34236 carol62649
kerry72910 pam34236
carol62649 kerry72910
Hi Kerry,
thanks for info re Laura Dinning i read that a few weeks ago found it interesting as i am sure you did too! Why are DRs so blind to all these symptoms, surely they read articles as part of thier ongoing medical expertise, or is it just what they remember from med school? Mmm women know thier own bodies and when you tell your Dr how odd you feel they make you feel like an idiot. I had a look for menopace its something we can order online, i will do some more research.
best wishes to you 🌻
kerry72910 carol62649
Let me know how you get on, and I will touch base in a couple of weeks to let you know if I feel any different taking the menopace. Here is wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Year.