Nervous stomach
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Hello Ladies,
Have any of you experienced having a nervous stomach sensation towards the end of your period. My period ends tomorrow and going into it I had terrible heartburn and bloating and now coming out of it I have this horrid nervous stomach and I keep going to the bathroom. There's no diarrhea or anything just soft stool (sorry to be so indiscreet). Anyone else get this? You know anytime I have something going on my anxiety starts kicking in.
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Guest sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Guest
katyD211 Guest
mary75120 sharcerv52408
My stomach has been terrible ever since I started having periods at 10 (now 44) so I can sympathize. Yes, I've had nervousness, bloating, throwing up, the whole works. When I had fibroids which collectively were the size of a 28 week pregnancy, I was hardly able to eat, as my food went right through me (no space for digestion).
And then men (some) have the gall to call PMS and menopause "mad cow disease".
sharcerv52408 mary75120