Never again - FS
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Sp three years of right sholder every treatment going now the left shoulder. Had guided injections yesterday that made my eyes smart. To be told them I am well stuck and they decided to do a manipulation unde a local anaesetic. Guys I would not recommend. It was the worse pain I have endured and had to muffle my groans of pain. It lasted for about 15 mins. They tugg and pull waiting for bones to crack. The pain down the arm was incredible. Awoke this morning and overnight in agony. If anything else has to be done or they want to do a manipulation I am going to be put right out. It was never discussed they would manipulate after injections so quite shocked they did it. Hang on in there everyone.
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Guest Jay91157
and get over the shock and pain of having that done.
richard43586 Jay91157
I am surpised they did a manipulation under just a local anasthetic. I thought it would be easier for the surgeon and a lot less painful for the patient if its done under a general anasthetic, unless there is some medical reason.
Having said that, I had a capsular release which included manipulation recently, and I did not have a general anasthetic. They injected anasthethic into certain nerves in the neck, which made the whole arm numb, i.e. a nerve block. In addition, they injected sedatives into my opposite hand whilst the procedure was going on, so it wasn't at all painful and even though I was 'awake' I honestly don't remember most of it! As there was no GA, it was less risky, and recovery from the op was much quicker. The numbness wore off about 8 hours later, and then I had to manage the pain with pain-killers for several weeks.
Jay91157 richard43586
FSconversations Jay91157
Hi sorry to hear. Your title says it all - Never Again. I truly wish the medical community messing with our shoulders had far more understanding about what causes FS in the first place. I think then that treatments like this would be considered barbaric. It's bad enough to have 'the usual' FS pain; I cannot fathom having this inflicted in the name of medicine. Wishing you rapid healing, Liane
alison41082 Jay91157
hope4cure Jay91157
Xiaflex is a protein designed to only attack collagen, scar tissue from injuries or collagen build up in the facia of the tissue in the shoulder.
After two weeks returned to dr office and he used freeze spray to numb my shoulder with pain block and very carefully manipulated my shoulder to free it from frozen position.
Wore a a splint for a few weeks then once stabilized Physio therapy helped regain all ROM.
Sorry yours urs was so painful during manipulation also a pain block should have been administered. The doc should have done the pain block where you feel no pain and prescribed pain meds for home. Sometimes I wonder how some docs stay in business. That sounds inhumane for all that suffering could have been avoided.
ihavenonickname Jay91157
I wpuld never have thought that any responsible physician would perform a MUA on a conscious person.
I would complain to the hospital administrator and lodge a complaont against the physician's license.
so very sorry
Elainescribens9 Jay91157
Hi Jay
I am interested to know where u had it done. I don't know if u mention a place name my post might not be allowed. I think everyone is appalled. Richard had a nerve block and a sedative. Good luck with the exercises. .
richard43586 Elainescribens9
Hope you get better soon.
alison41082 richard43586
Jay91157 alison41082
alison41082 Jay91157
Ya that will be frustrating if you went through that and don't get any results how's you rom?
Jay91157 alison41082