Never ending symptoms

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Hi ladies I've been going through peri for almost 4 years now I'm now 45 I've had every symptom in and out of the book i have a terrible my left side neck and shoulder and behind the ear also my foot heels are so sore i can't even get out of bed in the morning i can't bare to stand up i also have a birthmark that started to itch a week before my period and a week after and my hands get a tingling sensation can't forget the knee pain it's something different every cycle can any of you ladies let me no if this has happened to you Thankyou.godbless!!!!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Marisol,

    I've had and have all that, except the birthmark thing. I think you should definitely get that checked out by a dermatologist. I wouldn't be surprised if it's nothing. Lately nothing surprises me, especially when tests can be normal for everything but how bad one can feel. 

    Take care,


    • Posted

      Thankyou suzanne for your reply sorry you to are on this never ending roller coster but is good to no I'm not alone yes i have an app on Wednesday with the dermatologist with god blessings hope everything is's so frustrating i haven't felt my self in so long i don't even want to leave my house hope you feel better soon!!! Take care.

    • Posted

      I'm sure you'll be fine. It'll just be another "mystery symptom" doctors know nothing about, but won't attribute it to perimeno.  Let us know how your appt goes. XO

    • Posted

      Aint that the truth they always give you the run around....will do Thankyou for your support...hugs.
  • Posted

    I think you'll find plenty of posts on this forum to back up your experiences. I also get itchy scalp and skin, changes in hair texture and hair loss, extreme fatigue, nausea, mood swings. None of these are constant which makes it hard to pursue through the GP but given what I've found on the forum most if not all can be attributed to being perimenopausal so I'm reassured as well as annoyed to be going through it. Do you remember the last time you woke up and felt completely well and happy! Let's hope we get over it all soon! The birthmark thing I would get checked out though just in case!

    • Posted

      Hi angie sorry to here you are on my same boat i have gotten every one of those symptoms and so on they come and go it's just so frustrating sometimes i just break down and cry i get so depressed and doctors never no what wrong all i get is you to young for menopause for gods seck I'm 45 I've read on this forum about ladies younger then me going through the same thing...i do on Wednesday an app to the dermatologist hopefully with gods blessings everything is ok..i really hope you feel better soon Thankyou for your support hugs!!!!

    • Posted

      Yes it's a nightmare! Good to know we're in it together though and we're not going mad eh?????

  • Posted

    I feel the same like today I'm on the fertil week and I'm having pain on my left side down and mid section and up under my ribs forn2 years now is scary because it comes w hear palpitations and just annoying. Hip and knee pain at night . I get left shoulder pain and neck ufff crazy. I have itchy scalp and I have an inflamation on the top of my head

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