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I turned 51 this past June, but a few months before that I started having breakouts. Not just normal pimples or acne, but these huge, red, painful tumor like things. I have lots of other perimenopause symptoms, but this is driving me crazy. I had a hysterectomy about 18 years ago, but kept my ovaries, so judging my progress in this journey using periods is not possible for me. Is anyone else having skin problems?
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Sochima822 Guest
Guest Sochima822
I found some old bactroban ointment from some old ailment one of us had, not sure how long that stuff is good for. I always horde all meds, stems back from old Lyme Disease days in the 90s. Hopefully it will help, I've never had a boil in my life, now I have one on my leg? It's my husband's fault. He goes to the stinky gym and always has big pimples on his legs, I'm sure he gave it to me. LOL!
Sochima822 Guest
Oh but it's true, I believe I got mine from the gym as well. Gyms are breeding grounds for a slew of germs that can easily attached to our skin. Another thing I don't do at gyms is take a shower, anyone who takes a shower at a gym is looking to get nail fungus or athlete's foot or any other type of fungus with a strange name. As long as you have something works, stick with it, and if all else fails try hydrogen peroxide.
Sochima822 Guest
Did you by chance eat something you haven't eaten before. Most likely it's a reaction to something you've eaten. I had a similar issue, I broke out in painful tumor like welts all over my face. Didn't know what was causing until about a month later i had blue cheese and my face reacted again but not as bad as the first time, but this time I broke out in an arm rash as well. Maybe you're allergic to some nuts or cheese or fungus mushrooms. Btw, I never was allergic to it before I started perimenopause.
Suki_girl Guest
Strange. I have had to opposite happen. I have suffered with adult acne ever since I came of the contraceptive pill when I wanted to have children when I was 35. i was fine while I was pregnant, but the rest of the time and up until recently I had deep painful acne cysts mainly on my chin (classic location for adult acne apparently). My skin has always been oily. Hair too. So acne is definitely hormone related. But since I started perimenopause my skin has got dryer and my hair less oily and I have less less acne (very occasionally I get a small surface one) and less blackheads. My friend's skin also got dryer when she started peri. I thought, ah, this is when the wrinkles start!
Are you on HRT? I know that can cause acne.
karen77710 Guest
Hi Loriann yes I'm having the same problem. I'm getting big boils and cysts that I've never suffered with before. Mine seemed to of started when I went onto hrt patches so I'm thinking now of. Ming off them. Mine get very painful to. Had them on my breasts, in my private areas and on my back xx
dawn70425 karen77710
Hi Karen and all
I had the same problem as you, 3yrs ago, I just started the gym, and these boils started to appear, under my arms, breast and like you around my privet parts, very,very painfull...
I'd never had skin problems b4 this, I had to start wearing tops with short sleeves in at the gym and when out, as they looked a mess, and didn't want any one to see them,
Iv been probley going through the menopause around 3 years now, I'm 53 😩Hell on earth it is for me, and I'm not on HRT as 2yrs ago had had blood clots on my lungs, so that was the end to the gym, and going out walking as scared my lungs, so just walking up the stairs gets me out of breath, so no HRT for me😩
When these boils came I went to the docs and then I saw a skin specialist, who did say I'd possabley got it from the gym???
I did ask how was this possible, and he said that it some thing on my skin caused it, wen some one possible at the gym had the same and did not wipe the equipment down after use and I then went on it??? I was fine b4 going to the gym??
I was given some antibiotic, and two different creams to put on my body to fight this, and it did work for ME and I'm clear now,
I had to give the gym up after the clots,
As I can't take HRT I don't know what effects that can have on you, so not sure if this may be the problem for you guys, but may worth asking or seeing a skin specialist??? Who knows lol , I just thought I'd let you guys know about what I was told, as it is very, very painful boils, spots what ever you want to call them,
Hope you all get better soon, take care x🤞😀
Thank you for all the info. They only show up on my face, forehead and temples to be exact. I've been using tea tree oil and Neosporin. I don't go to the gym and with my job, I'm rarely around people, so, who knows. I look forward to hearing more about the journey through perimenopause (hell!!) And sharing and learning from beautiful women, just like me! 🙂
Suki_girl Guest
I knew there was a good reason I don't go to the gym!!! Thanks for the excuse guys!
Suki_girl Guest
I'm not sure about the advice to use hydrogen peroxide. That's bleach. I wouldn't recommend putting bleach on your skin. It is not something we use for acne in the UK. Is that something you use for acne in the US? Here in the UK we use benzoyl peroxide on acne.
Guest Suki_girl
Suki_girl Guest
Sochima822 Suki_girl
Hydrogen peroxide is medicinal, yes it can bleach but it's a weak acid. We use it for cleansing sounds, skin irritation's or for reducing gum inflections, it can be used for other purposes as well, like disinfecting surfaces just like alcohol but not as popular. In fact, alcohol wipes is what we use to wipe down computer surfaces. Why? because it not only removes germs and leaves it squeaky clean but it also wipes away all the oils our bodies leave behind. As for real bleaching or for disinfecting surfaces we, in the States, use either bleach or some combination thereof. When using hydrogen peroxide however, it's recommended to mix it with water when using it for mouth or teeth, as it can cause receding gum issues.