New fracture old fracture
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was knocked of my motorbike hit left shoulder and head bounced of window screen in medical notes after accident it reported old fracture t1 never had neck pain before accident recently had mri on throatic spine and shoulder no mention of old fracture t1 would an old fracture be present on suspicion is I fractured my neck in accident and it isn't present on new immaging because it's well healed had major foot problems from accident and just found out I've got shoulder problems aswell hospital missed all my injuries at time of accident does anyone no anything about immaging and fractures can you let me no thanks Barry.
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AlexandriaGizmo barry48813
barry48813 AlexandriaGizmo
Hi thanks very much for reply do you no where I could get second opionion on ct immaging I no fracture to my neck at t1 was from accident never had neck pain in my life I've also had mri scan report but no mention of old fracture I've asked for immaging to be looked at again my accident was 1st Dec 2016 had mri last month so old fracture should be noticeable can you let me no if you no anywhere I can get honest review of immaging from I really appreciate you answering my question thankyou Barry.
brenda92532 barry48813
Hi barry
I had a motorbike accident but this was over 55 years ago. I had multiple injuries internally plus a fructured left tibia and fibia and right femur. I had a hip replacement in January 2016 and now have damaged nerves on the same side, left.
Becaus of osteoarthritis I have problems with my spine and a couple of Physiotherapists have said the problem with my foot is from the spine. One said it was from my L5 and the other said it was from the thoracic spine. The orthopaedic surgeon told me there was nothing they could do for my foot only take pain killers. I'm reluctant to take tablets because I have only one kidney and no spleen. It appears I have to live with it.
All the best Brenda
barry48813 brenda92532
Hi Brenda sorry to hear about your ongoing problems from accident.ive damaged my ipj mtpj joint big toe and trapped tendon fracture was missed in my left foot from impact injury big toe I've also damaged my lumbar spine l5s1 at hospital Monday to see surgeon disc protrusion found out today tear in my rotor cuff left shoulder and muscle damage and hospital said there was nothing wrong with me I went private to get to the bottom of my ongoing pain I'm still getting a lot of pain from my back rib cage deep inside my body Carnot lean on my back left hand side I think I will be having private Mri on my body in that area I shouldn't still be in pain 10 month after accident thanks for your reply Barry.
Guest barry48813
barry48813 Guest
Hi thanks for your input I was diagnosed as having old fracture t1 I wasn't told at hospital at time of accident I found out when I requested my medical notes I had ct scan I payed for mri about 3 week ago no mention of old fracture on report I've emailed them asking for them to look at immaging again to see if they can spot old fracture as a and e said I did on ct scan I couldn't move my neck for around 2 month after accident neither my left shoulder which took full impact when van hit me thanks Barry.