New here! Just 42 early menopause

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Iv been having hot flushes, sweats , tingles , headaches and palpitations no other symptoms and still regular periods

Doctor says it's the menopause and she's prob right as my mother went through this early too

I'm just 42 and to be honest all this terrifies me!

I don't know what to do doc wants to put me on a low dose of hrt

I can cope with symptoms but I don't know what to do for the best I don't want to put my body at risk if I don't take hrt but if I do I'll be on them a long time and the risks look scary if I do too so it's a no win win situation

Does anyone have any advice please I'm feeling desperate

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Esther, when I started having all of the feelings of perimenopause my doctor wanted me to take birth control pills....I decided to go month to month to see how I felt. Its been 6 months now and I still haven't taken them. I did have it rough too! My personal opinion is if you can get through this without hrt do it! Just my thoughts! Take care and I will praying for you

  • Posted

    Hi esther,

    Well for me, magnesium took care of my heart palpatations. I was taking St. Johns' Wort for depression and anxiety. I stopped taking it because I noticed I was getting headaches. I am also on a low dose hrt, for hot flashes and night sweats. Which works.

    I really try to eat healthy, staying away from refined sugars, and a lot of processed foods. Sometimes I give in and eat unhealthy, then my symptoms come back. I think everyone here is learning as they go. No one size fits all. You have to try stuff and see which works best for you. Just make sure your doctor willing to work with you.

    Hope that helped.

  • Posted

    Hi, I have just stopped HRT after only 12 months. I hadn't had a period for 12 months and my GP talked me into starting it saying I was at risk of osteoporosis. My GP also said the other contraindications were minimal risk but to be honest I don't agree. I am now waiting for my menopausal symptoms to return and plan on treating them as needed individually.

    My GP initially said I should only take HRT for about a year anyway and I am really hoping my symptoms are lessened. It's been about 2 weeks now and so far so good.

    Take HRT for a little while aswell and see how you go. Good luck.

  • Posted

    At your age, the benifits far outway the risks of taking a low dose of HRT. It will get rid of your symptoms and protect your bones for the future. Once into your 60s the risk of breast cancer increases and into your 70s the risk of cardiac or stroke gets higher. If you have no history of breast cancer, give it a try. Having suffered fractured vertebrae as a result of undiagnosed osteoperosis, I wish I had been on HRT at the start of my peri. At 61, my flushes continue when I dont take it. Eat well and take exercise. This doesnt work for me, but several others have found this benificial. We are all different.
  • Posted

    Thank you all for replying I feel totally confused about it all - I think I can cope with the symptoms and would like to go the way of not taking hrt but I'm worried to death about causing problems if I don't

    I def am going to change my diet that is a must as I am overweight I hope that helps with the symptoms

    The doctor strongly says taking hrt outweighs not taking hrt so she's all for it and when I read about it it says not taking it could lead to early death panic panic !! But if you do its all about cancer

    Why do people stop taking hrt? Don't they get the same risks after you stop?

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