New man on the forum

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Hello all

Just thought I would introduce myself, I’m Richard aged 38 married with 3 kids and seem to be one of the few men on this forum, but I have yet to be diagnosed with Fibro or M.E.

It started in June this year after a RTA, I went to the docs after the terrible pains in my limbs wouldn’t go, feeling tired and achy, depressed. The doc ran loads of blood tests and I was diagnosed with Underactive thyroid and high cholesterol.

I was a bit shocked at this because I’d never had anything wrong with me before, but I looked it up and thought, oh well sounds like the pills will sort me out and I’ll go back to living a normal life. But I don’t seem to be getting any better, in fact I would say I’m now worse.

I’m currently on all sorts of meds which include the usual, Levothyroxine, Tramadol, Amitriptyline and Simvastatin for my cholesterol. It’s a wonder I don’t rattle when I walk! (That’s when I can walk).

My doctor now seems to think I have Fibromyalgia or M.E, but like many on this site I’m having to go through all the tests, which seems to take time. The docs been really good and does seem to have some knowledge and understanding of this condition, after all I’d never even heard of it until he said that he suspected that’s what was wrong with me.

Looking back before the RTA, I had been under a great deal of stress with work and personal life but being wrapped up in it all, I think the adrenalin must have kept me going. I can now see that I already had some of the symptoms, feeling low, tiredness all the time, lethargic, loss of memory, emotional (I hate to admit this but I could cry at the most stupid things)

I just feel rubbish all the time, my legs and arms are the worse, aching constantly and I’m unable to sleep properly due to the pain being so severe that I can’t get comfortable. I can’t walk for more than 20 metres without having to stop and rest.

To date I am now waiting for an appointment to see a rheumatologist after being discharged from Physiotherapy and seeing at Orthopaedic surgeon who both said that I needed to see a rheumatologist and that they suspect Fybro.

I can’t believe how my life has been turned upside down in such a short period of time, 12 months ago and had lots going for me and was really active with walking my 2 dogs and running a paranormal group had a great job and family life, now all my spare time is sat feeling sorry for myself in pain and tired.

Work has been really good with me and understand that I can’t get up sometimes in the morning so have allowed me to work flexi time to fit in when I feel well and have made loads of adjustments for me so I can carry on working.

My poor wife has been great and understands that I feel rubbish and knows when I’m having a really bad day. However the worse thing is that I feel such a fraud sometimes. I seem to have bad days, then I have what I call wave days, these are days when I’m up and down. One minute I feel fine and think thank god I’m cured, (you know like just after a cold) but then the next minute I’m in great pain again.

I seem to suffer from the pain in my legs constantly which effects my walking, but I feel worse when it’s in my arms too, I can’t even hold the phone to my head on my bad days, all I want to do is just lay down. I then get depressed which seems to make it worse, so I end up going to bed and writing the day off as a bad one.

Anyhow, I’ll sign off for now has I seemed to have gone on a bit, just glad to know that there are people who understand how I feel.


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113 Replies

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  • Posted

    Hi Di

    Good to hear you have had some good days. I know what you mean about starting things and wondering why you did it in the first place.

    I am always doing that and wishing I hadn't.

    Not feeling so good today as got a lingering headache and I am sure a lot of it is hormonal. When will it end lol.

    Hope you are all ok Linda, Brian, Richard, Lindy & Ses.

    Hope you didn't overdue it yesterday Lizy and had a lovely day out with your family. :lol:

    Well time to go and get something to eat.


  • Posted

    Hello everyone

    Juts called in to say hello and glad to see that some of you are having good days ;-)

    Mines been up and down for the last week, it was my first day back at work after the bank holiday today, and by god, I ache all over, got a massive head ache and just feel rubbish.

    Just hope it's better tomorrow.

    Speak to you all soon,


  • Posted

    Hi Everyone

    Well we had a great walk round our local nature reserve at a nice sedate pace and not too far yesterday. Then this afternoon I took the kids with friends to the local country park got soaked and then had an hour of frisby and I think that was too much, but I hate not joining in, you don't get many chances to play with teenage kids. Think I might try the knitting thing tonight everyone can have scarfs for xmas, if my fingers are up to it.

    I'm pleased to see all us women haven't put you off Richard it really does help to chat to people about this dreadful disease.

    I wish you all a good week. Take care.


  • Posted

    Not at all Lizzy, not quite sure how I will be able to carry on the conversation about knitting though! But I'll give it a go ;-)
  • Posted

    Hi Rihard, Lizy and Everyone!

    Just have to start by saying has anyone else had trouble getting on to this forum. Last night went on as normal to the Patient Experience bit to click on to get to forum. Patient Experience bit wasn't down the left hand side as normal. Looked again today and still not there! :cry: Was determined not to give in then saw on the home page right at the top \"HAVE YOUR SAY\" clicked on there and found it. :lol: I do wish when the site is changed we are informed about it as it would make life more easier for us all.

    Well Richard no how you feel with the headache it to be is one of the worst things as you can't seem to do anything. Good to see you still coming on and talking to us all. Have to read up on knitting now lol!

    Lizy good you had a lovely day yesterday with your children. Like you say you like to join in as not very often the teenagers will do something like that. Give the a frisby and a beach or somewhere else and they will play the game. :lol: Hope you are not too tired today!

    Well got to go and have breakfast now as a got dental appointment this morning. :cry:

    Hope everyone else is coping today.


  • Posted

    Good Morning Everyone,

    Tess hope all goes well at the dentist this morning. I go this afternoon!!!!!!!

    Going to ask for a scale and polish not had one for 4 years as I spent 2 months in pain after the last one. Stocked up on pain killers for when I get home.

    Richard do you have any hobbies? I know a little about Rugby as my son plays at school. Don't know anything about football.

    Di I always start things and then wish I hadn't, like decorating.

    Linda I hope all goes well with your Mum today.

    Wishing everyone a good day.


  • Posted

    Hi Lizy & Everyone!

    Dentist not too bad had a checkup and everything ok. Cost £23.50 as we go private. The dentist is good as he does a clean up and polish if there isn't a lot all in that price. Not got to go for six months now! :lol:

    Hope you got on ok Lizy this afternoon as well.

    Like Lizy said Richard I like to watch rugby union when England played. Always enjoy the world cup and five nations when it is on and shouting at the tele. Got hooked into it the year when John Wilkinson was playing.

    Now he always seems to be injured whenever I watch it and not playing :cry: Don't mind football again when England are playing.

    Linda I do hope you managed to get your mum there today and all has gone well. A trek for you to Peterborough and back. You will be tired tonight. :cry:

    Well Di hope you are ok and also Brian. Lindy and Ses do come on and talk to us. :lol:


  • Posted

    Hello Everyone

    Glad everything went ok for you at the dentist Tess, I hate going there..

    Lizzy, yes I do have hobbies, I'm a avid fan of the Sheffield Steelers Ice Hockey club, I can talk for hours on it! more than knitting I may add :lol:

    I also run a paranormal group, and 2 paranormal websites, ones been running for about 5 years and I'm just in the process of building the other one, it's not live yet. I have to be in the mood to do it.

    There's a group of 4 of us who go around investigating haunted locations, NO not like most haunted! :D we take a more scientific view on things, we try to look for explanations why things are happening more than jumping to the conclusion it's a ghost..

    Before anyone asks, Yes, I have seen a ghost, and no I'm not mad :lol: we were investingating an old asylumn, when I saw a man looking at us from one of the doorways, when I spoke to him he just turned away and walked into the room, I followed him in to find that he had disapeared, there was no other way out of the room, not even a window... Quite spooky. Plus many unexpalinable events such has been pushed and scratched etc.

    Oh well must go, my dinners ready, speak to you all soon, hope you're having a good day.


  • Posted

    Hi Everyone

    Tess pleased to hear all went Ok at the dentist. £16.50 is the cost of a NHS check up that includes a scale and polish. This time she just did the bottom teeth and no pain thank goodness. Well I say no pain, I am in pain all my muscles ache today :cry: I wonder why.!!! :wink: Back in 8 months.

    Richard the house next door to me is suppose to have a ghost, its been empty for 9 years all boarded up and deralict till 4 months ago, it has now been done up and is up for sale. April 2008 we had rats coming into our house they had come in from next door under the floor and up through our floor boards. It cost us £400 ponds to get rid and I ended up on diazepan and an AD. Sorry I will have to support Nottingham Panthers as we live on the Notts/Derby boarder. Apparently there is a ghost in Derby Royal too.

    I also like to watch the Grand Prix well what I really mean is I sit down to watch it, but never get past the first lap as the sound of the cars send me to sleep. I suspect I'm not missing much :roll:

    Linda I hope it all went well for you today?

    Does anyone suffer from poor circulation I only have to be still for a few minutes and then that part of the body goes numb its a horrid feeling.

    Di are you OK hope you haven't started any big jobs!

    Ses I hope you are Ok

    Brain have I frightened you away with my talk of knitting? I promise I won't make you knit.

    Lindy have you been on holiday? If so hope you had a good time.

    Take care all. :lol: smile :D


  • Posted

    Hi Lizzy,

    I can't believe you mentioned the 'Panthers' word!!!! these are the Steelers biggest rivals, they just can't accept that we're the better team :lol: In fact we're playing them right now in the Nottingham arena! drawing at the minute 5.5 but I'm sure we'll win!

    With ref to the house next door, it would be interesting to hear if the people that do eventually buy it experience anything, normally if the house is changed or done up in anyway, it does tend to be more active. You'll have to let me know if they ever say anything to you about it.

    With ref to your rat problem! didn't you ring the Council, most of them treat free of charge! they do in Rotherham anyway! may be worth giving them a call if it happens again. I work in Environmental Health so I'm no stranger to them! horrible things they are!

    Your question over circulation, I get it all the time, mainly at night when I'm sleeping, I wake up and one of my limbs will be completley numb, it's awful... It seems to take ages too before the feeling comes back.

    Do you get spazmns too? I kick my poor wife all the time, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before the sympathy wears off and she kicks me back!! :lol:

    Speak soon


  • Posted

    Hi Richard

    So did the Panthers win? :lol:

    As for next door I will let you know if anything happens?

    As for the council they no longer offer a pest control service free or paid for and haven't for about 2 years. At one point i had an enviromental man out and i was in tears as they refused to do anything. It took four months of numerous phone calls and the support from my local counciller before they paid a pest control to block up the entery points and even then it was a cheap job as the rats re-opened one entry point within a few days. This was the final straw on top of my health problems and I believe to be the cause of my fibro. As I didn't want the smell of dead rats in the house I elected for traps and that was just terrible.The noise the trap and rat makes when they go off :shock: The damage they did was not insured as we are not covered for vermin.

    No spazmns. Have you got your rheumi appointment yet?

    How is everyone are you having a good day?


  • Posted

    Hi Lizzy

    What a problem you have had with rats and glad you got it all sorted.

    Must have made you feel really stressful. I don't like it when we get a mouse come into the house. Thats bad enough. :cry:

    My toes are feeling really sore today with this horrible weather we are having so far. Get pains in my big toes like someone stabbing them with a sharp object. Not sure if this is due to fibro or could be arthritis. :cry:

    At least headache has gone so far today. :lol:

    Hope everyone else is doing ok. Linda hope you are ok after yesterday with your mum and it is not getting you too down.

    Lizy who are the Panthers are they a football team. We have a Speedway team in Peterborough called \"Peterborough Panthers\" :lol:


  • Posted

    Hi Lizzy

    No the Panthers didn't win! they lost again, quite badly too :lol: It's certainly kicked off the season on a high for me anyway!

    Can't believe Env Health didn't do more with the rats, sounds like someone didn't do their job right to me!!!!!

    I've just rang the hospital over my appointment, the GP sent them a letter nearly 2 weeks ago now and I still haven't got a date. I can't believe that I've suffered for another 2 weeks and still no nearer to an appointment. The lady on the phone said she would chase it up for me!!! Mmmmm I wasn't convinced that was going to happen....

    Hope everyone is doing good today! I just ache as normal! :?

  • Posted

    Hi Richard

    Thanks for asking about Dentist. Missed that in yr message. I am not keen on going and get really nervous everytime. Although I have been at the same Dentist since my children were small and the youngest twins are now coming up 21.

    Just realised as well after reading message that the Panthers are an Ice Hockey team.

    Like Lizy said any news on your rheum appointment. Think I go a letter quite soon after dr referred me although it was only to let me know it would be about three months. :cry:

    Hope you hear soon.


  • Posted

    Hi everyone,

    Just been catching up with all your posts, I`m absolutely shattered :!: Don`t know how much longer I can do this sad Got a phone call on Tues morning to say Mum had gone to the bank and got so confused she didn`t know who she was, where she was or where she lived, fortunately someone recognised her and took her home :!: Doesn`t bear thinking about what might have happened sad My cousin was able to go round so I didn`t have to, and she had no idea what all the fuss was about, couldn`t remember a thing.

    Took her to the clinic yesterday and they are hoping to start her on some meds, but only if there is someone to supervise that she takes them every morning :!: Doc was amazed that she lived alone without a care package. They have suggested a day centre sometimes and we have a social services assessment booked for two weeks.

    Really need to get something sorted out as its making me ten times worse, and if I`m out of action, there is no-one to care for Ray or her sad Going to try and see GP tomorrow to see if there is anything that can be done to help me cope better.

    Hope everyone else is doing better than me :!:


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