New member...any help please

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Hi, I am 48 & been feeling "ill" for the last 5 years. I've had a mirena a coil for the last 10 symptoms are anxiety,tiredness,shaking,numbness in limbs,swollen knees,depression,the list goes gp sent me for blood tests few years ago all hormone levels came back ok. Was only when I went to the hospital for my old mirena to be replaced that the doc was really clued up on the menopause and said my symptoms were gp pretty much poo poos this even though the other doc said due to havin the mirena my hormone level tests wouldn't show a drop......I'm literally at my wits end as feel like everyone thinks I'm a total lunatic and making it all up but it just feel so so dreadful I don't know where to turn or what to do.....x

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Jane 

    sorry you have been unwell, I to have suffered for years, so I can sympathise whole heartedly, I had mirena coil fitted I was so ill from it they took it out, hrt did not agree with me I opted for the anti depressants, have you had your thyroid checked and vitamin levels, my GP is hopeless as well and the gynocologist has given up on me said she tried all she can.,

    someone will advice you better on here, I wish you well and keep posting.

  • Posted

    You are not alone. Is Mirena a birth control device. Is that why you had to get a new one. 

    I feel for you, i have been there with the tiredness, anxiety and depression, moody and just not wanting to do a lot. 

    I tried taking progesterone pill 50mgs but when I took two last week I felt really weak, slow with my talking, anxiety riden then this was after I took my first dose the night before then that night took another dose and I was jumpy thinking that I was having trouble breathing then woke up in the middle of the night with heart racing and feeling really weak then after I took my levothyroxine that morning got really dizzy while lying down did not take it after that. 

    I'm in a stump here because I don't know if HRT is right for me because of my high blood pressure my diabetes, and my thyroid problem and plus I have way to much anxieties in me in the first place so how can it be a calming pill when I already have way to much anxieties in me. 

    I don't know what to take because of my digestion problems too. 

    Just stay strong things will get better it will 

  • Posted

    Dear Jane,

    You’re not alone in your suffering.

    How can I help you? What would you like to know exactly? Are you still on your Mirena coil? The doctor advised you to continue?

    The symptoms you describe are "common" in (very common) situations where there's some form of hormonal imbalance (oestrogen, progesterone, thyroid, etc).  It’s also frequent at this time of life to have a pile of other symptoms related with any other previously dormant health issues. Also any nutritional deficiencies will manifest at this time. All this needs to be addressed. You must be as well informed as you possibly can. I think you’ve done right in coming here and exchange ideas and worries with the forum.

    It’s essential to have both consultants and GP that you believe and trust. If they don’t listen to you then in any way possible it’s best to try to change (I know it’s easier said than done).

    While you’re on the birth control system you can’t have another HRT system to balance your hormones. But, you can, right away, take and extra strength multivitamin and mineral supplement (extra-extra magnesium) and press your doctors to check Thyroid, Vitamin D, Iron, etc.  

    Let’s know what’s’ on your mind (and heart!).

    A warm hug. Teresa.

  • Posted

    PS- BTW - Emis Moderator has pinned some resources for Menopause here in this forum . I've posted there some sheets/tables for people to fill in with peri and meno symptoms (you'll see how common the are) and record theirs and then present them to their doctors. Always keep copies! 
  • Posted

    Thank you all so much. My go said to keep the mirena as it helps with a low dose of oestrogen. This is why the blood test won't show the drop of any hormone. The mirena was given for heavy periods. They dippy me on Sertraline but that made me so jumpy at night instead of calming I was up having heart racing,shaking..felt like I was dieing.

    I am waiting on results of a vitamin d blood test and for arthritis as joints so painful and swollen. I've just started vitamin c, D, cod liver oil & Glucosomine myself but just feel like no go is taking me seriously.

    They offered me Hrt patches but scared me so much with all the possible side effects plus wondering if I should have the mirena taken out or would/could that just make another problem. X

  • Posted

    Hi Jane I'm 44 I started menopause bout 39/40 but thought it was stress as lot going on but two years ago weight started to go on and couldn't lose and just felt awful my dr referred me to a gynaecologist she was amazing she put me on Estrogen only HRT patches and fitted a Mirena Coil which I was so scared about I had to be put under to have fitted that was in February I have lost two stone no more mood changes hot sweats or symptoms I feel great my gynaecologist said this would balance hormones and give me my life back as still young and it really has my 15 yr old daughter loves having her mum back hope this helps xx
  • Posted

    Hi I thought the marina coil helped with menapause, I have a few friends that have ha the cool for free years. One friend has been told to have it out now has she is 55 and they said she has most probably gone through it. I'm 49 and suffering bad with anxiety and mood swings but only two weeks of the month.

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