New Menopause Symptoms
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I'm 45 years old and have had hot flashes on and on for about 4 years. I've have been on an emotional roller coaster, feelings of hypochondria on and off. Had a blood test about a year ago and it says I am in beginnings of menopause. This last month of have gotten a whole bunch of new symptoms, severe anxiety, tingling sensations in my body, headaches. It's so awful, I've spent 3 nights this week crying and full of anxiety with no reasons why. It's a nightmare! Will these new symptoms be my new normal?! one minute I'm in total dispair and the next minute I'm ok again. Help!
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Struggling50 sharon18484
You are not alone, so don't think you are going crazy.
There are SO many strange symptoms in perimenopause/ menopause.
I have had the hypochondria too, or health anxiety. I have had the terrible anxiety, panic attacks, crying for no reason (for hours), feeling detached from my life, insomnia, hot and cold flashes, night sweats, anger, agitation, headaches, confusion, foggy headed, ringing and thumping and hearing loss in my right ear, feeling of something stuck in my throat, throat clearing, acne, weight gain, constipation, urinary problems,developing bad body odor, etc... The worst symptoms have been the anxiety and feelings of detachment from myself, my husband, my loved ones, my cat, my home and my life.
I am having acupuncture twice a week and taking an herbal supplement for adrenal support. I have found relief from these symptoms. Not total relief but almost. The anxiety and crying are SO much better.
Acupuncture and herbs take a little longer than Western medicine so if you try it give it a few treatments. It took 3 for me to feel a big difference.
I try to avoid sugar of all kinds, bread, pasta. Potatoes, alcohol, caffeine, any foods I am allergic too (soy). Eat a clean diet. Lots of vegies, lean meats, some fruit, raw almonds.
I hope this helps. Take care.
sharon18484 Struggling50
Thank You so much, you don't know how much this helps. To know your not alone.
I am so sorry that your having the same symptoms.
I will do anything to feel better, I feel comforted in knowing there are things that will help and there are people out there th
Azzumi sharon18484
Hi Sharon, the emotional rollercoaster sounds all too familiar. I did have other Peri symptoms too. Hot flashes, migraines, nausea, fatigue etc but the worst for me by far was the mood problems. I'd cry all day and would cry in my sleep until my boyfriend would wake me then cry again when I woke up in the morning. I had nervous anxiety as I call it. Like constant butterflies in my stomach and I'd just be nervous for no reason. I had anger issues and would become extremely agitated at any little thing and the dreaded obsessive thinking always about dark negative things that actually made me question my sanity. It got that bad about six months ago that I had no quality of life so I decided to try bio identical hormones. After six months, so it wasn't an instant fix I now have a life again. I do have a day or two when I feel a bit low but other than that I'm close to normal again. What ever normal is lol. I can go to work without freaking out. I go to the gym and enjoy it and I'm getting motivated again to work on the house I bought when all this started. So I guess I'm saying that there is help out there and for me it was bio identical hormones..
sharon18484 Azzumi
It's so awful, I can be happy one minute and crying the other.
I totally understand, I never thought it would be this bad.
Thank you for sharing your story with me, it makes me feel less crazy.
I am so grateful that I found this site, and women like you to share with.
Thank you so much for sharing with me, it's made a world of difference!
Azzumi sharon18484
Hi Sharon. Each time I share my story on here I really hope it helps someone in some way. I went to some pretty dark places when my moods were bad and without this forum and BHRT I think I would've list the plot completely. I think I find it therapeutic too when I write it down and share it with others. Its sort of a release for me as I just don't have anyone I can really discuss it with except for my doctor and my boyfriend but he needs a breather from it too sometimes. Its amazing to think that someone out there, sometimes in another part of the world understands how we feel..good luck and luv to hear how you go..😃
Struggling50 sharon18484
You're welcome.
I am considering Bioidentical HRT as well. I have to find a good hormone Dr first.
sharon18484 Struggling50
I've heard of that, I have a Dr. Appt. this afternoon, I will ask her about it.
I will let you know what I find out.
Thank you,
Struggling50 sharon18484
Ok. Thanks. I am interested in any treatment that isn't synthetic drugs.
Indifferent sharon18484
The only natural relief I have found for the mental parts of this perimenopause thing is Bach's remedies. I have tried many things, but for me, Bach's Flowers are it. Google them. I use about a dozen of them from thier list...depending on what i am feeling that day or week.
Rescue remedy is a great will calm your anxiety down for the meantime, and look into the rest of them for what you are struggling with.
Google "bach flowers"
I have a couple of very persistant physical issues that I have not found much to help, but gelatin really helps with most of them.
You are not alone, this has been a crazy journey for me too. One that i really hope ends soon
kris813 sharon18484
I'm going thru the same as all of you. 47 all the symptoms mentioned above with constant Palpatations . Heart dr says just fast heart beat . Put me on a calcium Chanel blocker help for week . I'm also on lexapro for years and now take klonipin to sleep - at night I will wake up out of now where with my heart beating out if my chest. I'm going to beg my gyno for hormonal testing ! Why is it that they don't want to do it . I feel at times like running away ... This is just horrible to live like this .
suzynegrette kris813
I've been having VERY frequent heart palpitations...frightening!!
suzynegrette sharon18484
Your post and the others have made me feel so much better(for the moment) haha
My emotions are ALL over the place. I'm 45 and feel 90 sometimes. The doom feelings, anxiety, hypochondria, weight gain, stomach issues are frustrating.
I'm often scared that it's not perimenopause but something else. I'm glad I found this sight.
pinkcatfairy sharon18484
I think I have had every symptom going. You name it. I prob have had it! Im two years into menopause and the eye problems seem to have returned! So im not sure when it finally ends xx
suzynegrette pinkcatfairy
I'm so sorry. Such an awkward stage of life!! It is happening when we have so many personal changes in our families lives too. Nothing like celebrating craziness!