New mild hidradenitis suppuritiva sufferer, any advice is helpful!
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As I look all over the web for advice on HS, no ones seems to be like mine. I have a mild case and I don't have pain with it. Mine started when I was around my mid twenties I guess, I never really paid much attention to them because they would just be very tiny lumps under my skin and I would take a few baths and they would go away, not even leaving marks. Then, I had one that took longer to go away so I started messing with it and stuck a needle in it and drained it and it went away too, but this time leaving a purplish black mark. Now, at the age of 32, I have two lumps directly across from each other on my inner thighs that have both been there for a year. For the first 9 months they wouldn't drain, which made me finally make an embarrassing trip to the doctor and get diagnosed with HS. But they never really hurt, only when my thighs rubb together a lot maybe they would be a little tender but that's all. Anyway, now Im on two antibiotics but they don't help and a topical cream. One day I was looking at one in the mirror and noticed it had some liquid coming out and was so relieved after 9 months it was finally going to bust and go away but it didn't. I stuck a needle in the one on the other side to make it drain. Then I took baths everyday and kept draining them and nothing. No improvement at all. They just drain and fill back up. I can squeeze it and blood or pus will come out of multiple spots on the wound. Anyway I can drain it until it's almost flat and still NOTHING! I haven't known what was wrong with me for long so any advice for me would be helpful to make my existing lumps go away. I haven't gotten any new ones so I don't understand what people mean by "flares" the ones I have just don't go away. Thanks for listening
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Debbon elizabeth_23877
My daughter is a mild sufferer and she had vitam and minerals testing. It showed that she was dairy intolerance and her magnesium was very low since addressing these and following a paelo diet she is almost in remmision. It's very different for everyone so it's finding what works for you.