New Moles during perimenopause

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Has anyone else developed new moles (as opposed to skin tags) during perimenopause? Along with seriously noticeable melasma after being in the sun a few minutes, I've noticed new moles developing. 


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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes! I was ready to start a discussion about that...I have noticed many cherry angiomas also! Do you have that?

    ​tiny red moles to various parts of my body

    • Posted

      Yes!! I have noticed several cherry angiomas, too! Those concerned me at first until I found out what they were, but I do have several now. 
    • Posted

      Are you still having regular periods?

      How long have you been in peri?

    • Posted

      I do get them monthly, but when they come is unpredictable.

      I first REALIZED I've been in peri since last December, but it's probably been a lot longer than that in retrospect.

      How about you?

    • Posted

      I have my period every 28-29  but the flow is heavy on 2nd and 3rd day and a lot   lighter after 4 day...

      I have severe estrogen deficiency symptoms most days of the month , though ...

      ​I am still ovulating...I have PMDD for many years and unbearable peri for 2 years..

    • Posted

      Wow. Strange how we never learn about this process besides hot flashes and wonky periods, huh?

      It's such a significant transition for a lot of us, I'm shocked it's not addressed more by ob/gyns, health teachers, etc.

  • Posted

    Yes, I have developed a few..   I would like to get rid of them!!
  • Posted

    Hello. I would like to join in with this discussion. I have had these little flaps of skin since my late thirties and wondered what they were. Also one mole. I was going to get it checked out but there were so many things about medical stuff that I didn't get chance. Mine are still there and haven't caused a problem but they don't look nice. 

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