New on mirtazapine...very angry

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i have been taking mirtazapine now for only 10days for my anxiety and depression. since being on it, especially the last 3 days, i am extrememly angry.

i am unsure whether to ring my doctor and say this isnt working for me. or to stick at it in hope this will subside.....

what is everyones thoughts on this? does anger go after a few weeks, is it just a side effect that disappears once it is in your system? ( as i know you usually feel worse before better)

i have had ither anti depressants and never been this angry. i normally get aggitated or snappy when im anxious but not like this. i feel so so angry


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4 Replies

  • Posted


    I'm currently on 15mg of mirtazapine and have become incredibly short tempered. My other half has never seen me like this and i know its the mirtazapine causing it, as I tried it a few years ago (went straight onto 30mg) and felt like I could have screamed at someone on the street without even batting an eyelid. I'd recommend speaking to your dr but don't be surprised if they say that its not a side effect. This is what my dr said to me and it was so frustrating.

    • Posted

      im on 15mg too. i feel so so angry. it is worse than feeling depressed. im screamin at my kids. im constantly frowning. i just want it to let up because for the anxiety its great. also for other side effecta its been brill, no sickness or dizzinesa etc like with others.

      but i cant stand feeling like this much longer. i will definately ring on monday about it.

    • Posted

      It's horrible feeling so angry, I hope your doctor listens to you and has some food advice on what to do.

  • Posted

    I'm so sorry. I take 7.5mg of mirtazapine for insomnia and anxiety and haven't had any anger. Could it be that Mirtazapine is allowing you to release anger that you had been suppressing? Talk to your doc.

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