New page - we are not a Statistic
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Dear Folks thought that I would start another page.......
As written in a previous thread there is approx 150 sufferers of Fibromyalgia in Cumbria and around 10 people in my home town!!!! then this is why I feel doctors do not listen to our symptoms, I am dreading going to the doctors on monday as my doctor has left the surgery and I am seeing another doctor I had seen once before......... so I am not looking forward to explaining my pain!!!!!
I feel that as we are a minority this is why we are not taken seriously and as I previously said this is why we do not get the benefits that we are entitled to...... I cannot walk easily due to the pain in my hip and knees, I cannot bend forward due to my hip and spine, I have trouble washing my hair and so my husband has to wash it due to pain in my shoulders I can't lift my arms up for too long,I cant get up easily off a chair, in and out of bed....... my arms and legs go numb etc etc....... what kind of life is this!!! I am 35 too and yet my husband says there is many people that have disabled passes on the bus and walk a lot better than me!!!! I think it is absolutely disgusting the fight we have in order to get these benefits and to this is because we \"are\" only a statistic it appears as this is why our condition is not taken seriously and so this is why we are ignored!!!!!!
Anyway just thought I would let all sufferers know my point of view!!! as I am having a good moan today!!!!
I hope you all are having a better day than me!!!!
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I agreed entirely with what you say about being a statistic. What can we do to change that any ideas! :roll:
You sound to me like you should be listened to and get the help you need.
Has your fibromyaglia got worse over the years. Or has it stayed the same! As I am not too bad I wonder if things are going to change in time.
I know we are all different. I seem to have more trouble with OA in my feet at the present time.
Its awful having to see a different doctor! Going over the same old thing again and them believing what is going on. Some of them think we are just wasting there time. Had that with a doctor at my surgery. Only see the same gp who has helped me immensely. Don't no what I would do if he left. Like you it would be awful now to see someone new! :o
Hope you pain eases somewhat for you.
Take care
Love Tess x x
I also agree about being a statistic and seeing a different doctor! I was refused DLA as I don`t need help with personal care, I can`t get in the bath and if I manage to step over the side I couldn`t possibly sit down, I only manage stairs with difficulty so it`s a good job our loo is downstairs! I can supposedly cook a meal, when on most days I can`t lift the kettle or saucepans or stir something! There doesn`t seem to be any fair rules for this benefit at all. My daughter has diabetes and when she was diagnosed we were told to apply for DLA. We didn`t get it but a child diagnosed in the same week did!
Mt GP has been away for 6months, his locum was useless!! GP is back this week and has taken much time and effort to make sure I am on the right anti-depressant and at the right dose. I struggled with side effects at begining of the week. It makes you feel better just knowing someone takes you seriously.
Rant over! How is everyone today not in too much pain I hope?
Love Linda
How are you getting on now with your anti depressant tablets. Have the side effects got any better. I suppose we have to try them out it we want to get some relief :o Always a bit worrying at the start as you don't no what to expect.
Hope you are not in too much pain! It just dosen't seem right while some get DLa others cant.
Just dosen't seem fair to all of you that need it now! :roll:
Hope things get a bit easier for you.
Love Jane x x
Side effects much better thanks. Saw GP again yesterday and suggested I took half a tablet to start with and gradually build up to full does. Seems to have worked no sickness dizziness etc last night or so far this morning. See GP in three weeks if all ok.
Off to hospital with hubby this morning for a kidney scan. that`s what worries me most about the fibro etc, as I do all the driving and if I can`t function we are stuck!!
Hope everyone is not in too much pain today. Talk later
Love Linda
Hope your husband got on ok with his kidney scan. It must be a big worry for you as we all don't know how we will get affected by the fibro.
Be positive :o
I went to see gp today and he has given me my ampytripline on repeat prescription as I have taken it before. So only need go see him if any problems with fibro or arthritis. Looked at my toe and think something is the matter with the tendon in my toe. Referring me to a podtriaty dept. Not sure what they will do and don't no when it will be watch this space! :roll:
It is good to talk to everyone about our worries and have a good old moan at the same time.
Take care
Jane x x
Glad you got on ok at GP`s. I asked about the two anit-depressants yesterday and apparently Amitrityline has different uses, in low dose, like we take its used for the pain in fibro, but that dose is not sufficient to work as an anti-depressant.
How is veryone else today, its very wet here so I hope you`re not all suffering because of the damp?
Love Linda
I am taking ampytripline for the pain in fibro and not using it as an antidpressant. Feel ok on that side at the moment. My doctor also said it helps to regulate the sleep pattern as well. So not too feel so tired during the day.
Its not wet here today. We have the sunshine this afternoon. Although was dull and miserable this morning but no rain yet!
Think will have to hibernate in the winter with the cold wet and damp weather. Must say though I have got quite a few aches and pains today. Did quite bit of walking lol :cry:
Love Jane x x
I take amitryptaline at night. It makes me sleep like a log. It really does help me as i cannot get too comfortable at night. I must admit i cannot take a tablet if i know i have an appointment the following day as it zonks me out. It makes me dosier than i already am.
Everybody keep their chins up
take caredestiny
How much do you take. I just have one 10mg tablet at night. Do still feel quite tired in the morning but use to feel like that with the fibro anyway. I have only been taking it for a week. How long have you been on it.
Does anyone know if with having fibro we are able to have flu injection when the time comes if we want one.
Love Jane x x
I was on Amitryptiline with Gabapentine and Celebrex (anti inflammotory) but I was having breathing difficulties and so I went to the Gp and he said to discontinue my anti-inflammatories but I still had difficulties and so I read on the fact sheet that this can happen if you have thyroid problems like myself so I had to discontinue these, they did help as the lessened the pain slightly but nothing has really helped, good luck everyone with these I started having the side effects when the doctor increased the dose to 10mg so be careful folks if your doc increases it, read on the pamphlet also to see if you have any conditions like thyroid that may effect you :oops: I hope you all can tolerate them!
Anyway I am off to see the doc on monday to see if I can x-rays again due to the pain! the pain in my hip has progressed so much since last year so I want to know why, the only thing is I am seeing a \"New\" doctor instead so it depend whether she will be more sympathetic????? I am also off to the pain clinic on Wednesday so he may give me other meds to help????
Anyway folks I do hope you are all have a stress free day and your pain levels are minimal? :roll:
Gentle hugs xxxx