New - So Much Anxiety! Globus Sensation? Ear Issues?
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Hi Everyone! I am so glad I found this site! Im 42, and am going through Perimenopause I think....
My anxiety is through the roof! Its taking a toll on me! In December it all hit me like a ton of bricks. I felt like a had a pill stuck in my throat, It would move though front, over to the side, up down. Whatever!! I also kept getting waves of the Blues.. I would cry. Then Id be fine other than the severe Anxiety. I couldnt eat alot, as it would make my panic attacks worse!! Finally close to Christmas It all subsided, and I felt ok.... Late January / Early February the throat thing came back, lightly.. I was on dealing with it then on the 10th... I was having Breakfast with my husband at the Diner, and I went into a complete Panic attack. I felt like my jaw was locking up, my ear had this weird pressure in it. I had to leave the Diner.. Now it's been 10 days and I am back into the rut of panic, anxiety. When I wake up, Im ok. I sit up, I then get a clogged nose, Ear pain or whatever it is. Also had this weird eye twitching.. The throat thing comes and goes. Depending on the day, I have blues or waves of sadness. I feel like Im going CRAZY. I hate all this. Any suggestions for me? I am having a really hard time eating. I tried to eat last night and then thought I felt pain when swallowing food.. I dunno, I anticipate it all! I am scared to death of getting sick. I have 3 wonderful children, and a wonderful Husband.. I shouldn't have all these emotions! Thanks in advance!
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Pra_Adoni hollei9115
Hi hollei
all your symptoms are unfortunately classic signs of perimenopause. I get all with some regularity and in rotation + sometimes together. The throat thing is usually due to stress brought on w anxiety. best is to start with deep breathing. yes it sounds silly but really does help! there are huge number of youtube videos for breathing to manage stress. for me also sipping warm water helped. but usually it goes off on its own.
clogged nose, dry cough, feeling down are all related to hormone levels going up m down. i have apart from all that even palpitations and odd pains in chest / breast. give it time, i am sure it will be better.
hang in there!
I am 52 and had these symptoms for the last few years, not much improvement, but atleast now i know what and why
jaynie08827 hollei9115
i am going through same crap..the anxiety feeling like im on adrenlin rush but sick like flu feeling. just not well. cant sleep i get woke up with this falling feeling and weirdness in my head. like u my breathing is all weird too fast at times otger feels like im not. i judt dont feel good at with u on most of ur symptomz probably coukd add a few more. been to drs er all that. i guess its all part of it. hang in there
hollei9115 jaynie08827
Thank You so much! There are times that i cant eat, and then I go into complete panic. Its terrible! I didnt think this all started at 42? I hate it! Its nice to know others out there have the same symptoms! It really helps me to read and know that I am ok.
hopeforever hollei9115
Oh Hollie welcome to the club. I was you when this all started. The anxiety and panic attacks set it off for me and then all hell followed. I had the throat thing. Scared me to death. On 3 occasions i almost chocked. I didn't eat anything but soup for 2 weeks. I would cry just thinking about solids. I started at age 42 like you. Thank God panic attacks have stopped. As far as anxiety it is very mild. Here and there. I can handle it. Breathing bothers me some times around my cycle. I am wishing you well. You have come to the right place, we are here for you. Hugs
hollei9115 hopeforever
Thank you so much! Im working through it. Some days Ive got ahold of it, and then others Im alittle emotional. If I have a bad day, Im not hard on myelf about it. I hate the panic attacks. I get waves of sadness around my cycle... I HATE that!! Thank you again! I really love this board!!