New Symptom Help
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So I am 41 and still get my menses. However for the last year I've experienced hot flashes mood swings anxiety IBS neck and shoulder pain twitching in various areas. Last night we had a nice family movie night i felt well. Then we went to bed. I was checking emails on my phone when i looked up all of a sudden this wave came over me i felt dizzy and nauseated i got extremely hot it felt like my heart was racing . I put my phone and took some slow deep breaths it seemed to pass quickly. I should mention that since this journey began for me Ive suffered with horrible sinuses and my neck and shoulder on left side is always aching and hurting like a pulled muscle. Any body experience these symptoms any help will do. Thanks lovlies
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kimberly60059 renee61138
Im afraid that this is pretty normal for peri. At least it has been for me. With me it is my leg. I seem to have "frozen leg" cant move it much. getting out of the car sometimes is excruciating. Aches most nights. As for the nausea and dizziness, I pretty much feel that when it gets close to my monthly. Staying calm and breathing slow seems to help the dizziness pass. The Hot flashes left me for about a year but have come back with a vengeance. I guess thats how it goes. Symptoms come and then they go and then it all comes around again. The worst symptom I have is about every two months I get blisters in the roof of my mouth. Cant eat and it just throbs for about a week. Eight years in Im ready for this to be over! I do hope yours gets better.
andrea05399 renee61138
hi there. It sounds like maybe you had a variation of a hot flash. Coincidentally once my period got very irregular I also started having bad sinus and allergy problems. no matter what allergy medicine I take I always have severe congestion and drainage and feel like I wake up with a terrible cold every day. i can hear my face clicking/draining all day too and gives me ear pain and clicking. I live in sunny Southern California. i also have a lot of pain and stiffness in my neck and shoulder and arm on the left side. i never know what the real culprit of my neck pain is-i think its actually related to my sinus problems. Makes it difficult to sleep. lovely isnt it? hang in there!
renee61138 andrea05399
Hi Andrea. Cold in Philadelphia wishing for the warmth. My stomach issues and sinus issues were my first symptoms. I am always congested sleep with a cool humidifier steam. Lots of back drip and drainage ear infections. The neck and shoukder pain are awful. Some days there better than others but ugh who wants to constantly take meds. I have finally gotten an apt with a good gyno in my area so i think i will ask for every test under the sun. And see what my options are. This is so awful hoping it goes fast for us all just want to feel like my old self. Im only 41 and have a 4 year old son.
karen38957 renee61138
Hi Renee. I've had those kinds of dizzy spells too, randomly. They're not frequent for me - maybe one every 3 weeks or so, but I find them alarming as well. i believe they are a part or perimenopause.
Sorry, I meant a part OF perimenopause, not OR peri.
sherri87081 renee61138
Renee, I have all those symptoms also. There are times, just out of the blue when a wave of dizziness comes over me. It is pretty scary. Mine usually happens about the time I should start my period. I hope we can all make it through this without losing our minds. Hugs to you.
Guest renee61138
I am in the same boat but it is my right side where my neck and shoulder are awful. I also suffer waves of dizziness and my vision seems off a lot of the time. I find myself blinking to try and bring things into focus.
In general, I honestly ache all over a good part of the time. Some days I feel like I am 90. Miraculously there are other days when I feel myself again with energy and no pain or anxiety or sadness. I live for those days!
I hate this but im thankful for this forum and you lovely ladies. I dont feel so alone. I usually muster by at times its so awful. Its like when i get use to one thing another pops up. Im 41 i feel like im 90 i see women twice my age who can run circles around ne. Hopefully it all ends soon. Sending you all hugs..xoxo
sunaina1983 renee61138
Helloo dear
Ur not too having all these symtoms..i am 39 year old.
Dizziness and head pressure scare me most. i am having hot flashes and neck pain too.
i head its all because of Fluctuating Harmones.
All this will go soon..its part of womanhood..everyone has to ovetcome this phase.
Add Flaxseeds in ur deit it help .
Take care
Hope we all will be ok soon