New Symptom- omg

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haa any one had the body aches like the flu, but no flu. and my shins are killing me ans the ringing in my ear is back

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, yes, and yes! Was always one to get shin splints, but now I get them if I wear anything but flat shoes. Been feeling flu like for years off and on. My temp is slightly high some days and body aches terrible. Don't always have the ringing in my ears, but constant sinus pressure, like after swimming, and that popping in the ears all day long every day. My cheeks are swollen too. Nothing seems to help. This is misery!😒

  • Posted

    Hi Pam- yes thats what i say all the time-I feel like ive had the stomach and other flu and never got better or like a person whos on drugs who doesnt want to be and is going through withdrawl symptoms if that makes sense. Throw in the mental symptoms and vivid dreams its beyond awful. I wish i cld give you advice but know youre not alone. hugs and prayers to you ❤❤ xoxo

    ugh and the chills:(

  • Posted

    Yes, for weeks I was trying ti describe what was wrong with me and would say it felt like I had the flu. It was endless and awful.

  • Posted

    Worse part for me in all this has been feeling like I have the flu. Everything else is pretty dreadful, but that one is the worse by far. That and the pain of frozen shoulder. Yesterday I was walking around like an arthritic 100 year old. And I'm just starting to hear buzzing in my ears. Ah yes, this was a symptom that had gone missing. Well thank you for showing up, you were missed.

    Hope you start feeling better Pam!


  • Posted

    thanks ladies im not alone. its like my shins ache but feel like they are disconnected from my legs, what new symptom could possibly be next, OMG

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