new symptoms and dr gave me hrt
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hi i went to see dr today iv had blood tests estrogen low then i had swobs negative then womb scanded no fibroids or what ever then smear negative, now dr wants me to go gyno cos of bleeding when having sex . but she asked if i was still bleeding i said sort off like it just starts randomly everyother day or everyday just wenever and then somtimes night sweats not sleeping that good and now yesterday and today the worst agression ever just want to punch holes in doors cant cope with my teenagers and hate everyone
i keep shacking and my stomachs in knots 😞
the dr told me to take elleste duet 1 mg a day, is anyone else on this and whats the side affects if any you have had.
she said it will make my periods come back normal monthly again.
i realy not sure wether to take them after reading all the possible problems on the booklet in with them its all a bit scary she wants me to stay on them till im fifty prob is she still dont know why im bleeding like i am and sendi g me gyno to have someone look in side my cervix and what ever. so should i be taking the pills if they still not sure?
i havnt had this agression like im feeling since i was younger and my grown kids were small. i had period paisn other day and no proper period after. i was so dry and then gradualy i got a tiny bit betetr not much then today i bled again just not like a period then i wiped earlyer and it was like snot then after that seems im all lubricated normal again. god its doing my head in ow and earlyer wile out lost dark blood in tiny clumps with snoty look.
is anyone else having any of these symptoms im having. is all this peri? i still think iv got cancer dont help shes sending me gyno at hos when smear says normal.she makes me think iv got somthing.
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sarah09381 d19606
froggy28 d19606
susan21149 d19606
I was scared when i saw the blood because i am in menopause.
I also have mood swings and i get angry at times
This is all part of menopause it will get better and do not think the worse about cancer
Just pray to God that this is all menopause related
the reason is iv stoped having the night sweats and im not so dry and iv stoped bleeding. the thing is i do keep geting stomach achs last nigjt had it most of night keeping me awake, and feeling tierd. but i do t feel so bad thats i should take the hrt. the anxiety i had other day which made me feel angry and shacky has gone, its all weird how it just comes on then goes.
when i went to dr i had spotting and meno symptoms and then day after it just went, i dont no wether to take hrt befor it comes back or see how i go.
indont know when my periods are due now and so i dont know wether to wait se what happens seeif i have one befor end of this month then start taking if i dont. she mainly wanted me to take the hrt to sort my period out get it coming normal and for the other 46 and i dont want to start taking it if im not properly in meno and then in five years if i get to 51 and then have go stop and be loads worse.
iv got an apointment through from hospital to have a look in side my cervix. with magnifacation. to see why i bleed when i have sex but its stoped now gosh il prob still go make sure its allfine anyways but now i feel like im wasting everyones time.
im thinking the pains im having ar like period pains that arnt bringing a period on.
the hrt is a worry for me. i need advice on wether to take it. anyone else started to take it even thoe there symptoms sudnenly changed after seeing dr?
the only symptoms im having as of today is tierdness period like pains that just come on not got it at this moment, and just get sweaty when cleaning and walking to school. so just sweating more with when doing something but not at rest. last week i was bleeding for no reason on and off having night sweats and tierdness like i was dying from a rare desease and angree for no reason dryness so bad my skin was sticking together thatall went on for about 5 weeks and now its all subsided. is anyone else had this then felt better for a wile?
i dont know what to do hrt or herbal pills.
i might go make another apoinment to see dr shel think i. a hypocondriac but dont want to take pillsif i dont feel bad enough for them.
im such a pain. ow the other prob i have is pain in my sides and peeing il go loo have a pee and 5 mins later need it again i feel i must not be emptying properly. i was up and down all night just feeling need to pee.
maria101 d19606