New to amlodipine and it's hell

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Hi there. I began with a 5mg dose of amlodipine increased to 10 after a serious spike in my bp and I'm really struggling! Burning skin, swollen legs and feet. Terrible muscle pain in back legs and shoulders and awful weakness. Have trouble with the simplest tasks, walking carrying writing and brushing my teeth. Does it get any easier?

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Anne it’s doesn’t get any better, you just live with it.  Doctors do not say it’s the Amlodophine and they really don’t say it isn’t.  They are however convinced it does the job.  I have been taking it for about six years and am afraid to stop it.  I would however if I was new to it and knew about these side effects go right back to your doctor and ask for something else


    • Posted

      Thanks - I will do! Sorry to hear you've struggled for so long - it's terrible. Thank you for the reply. Best wishes

  • Posted

    Dear Ann I was on 5 mg a day the doctor put me on 10 mg's. At 5 mg experience pain in my Achilles heel gout in my toes swelling in my ankles uneasiness in my legs weakness back pain lower back pain in my shoulders in my arms it is miserable and my doctor never listens to me so I decided to take myself off of it wean myself off of it. I recently noticed headaches and stiff neck and the back of my neck the pharmacist told me that the company has changed and I notice it ever since the company changed I've had those headaches I'm so sick of not feeling normal so I understand I don't think it gets better

    • Posted

      Hi Chris- I've been on losartan for approx 2 years with no problems- but when bp got worse and I was also prescribed amlodipine the problems started fairly quickly! I'm 43 and feel a hundred! Sorry to hear youre a fellow sufferer. Will check in with my GP as this is horrendous - my lowest point was not being able to write in work yesterday, my hand had no strength. Best wishes to you

  • Posted

    Hi Anne

    It didn’t for me until I came off Amlodipine.  I have been left with varicose eczema from the very swollen and inflamed ankles.  Hubby is ok at 5mg but when they increased his dose to 10mg his ankles swelled so he was reduced back down with a small dose of an additional medication added.

    • Posted


      Thanks for the reply. I'm shocked at how many people are struggling on this drug! Swollen ankles was the only side effect my GP mentioned which is horrible - I wasn't prepared for all the other effects. Best wishes to you

  • Posted

    Hi Anne, you don’t have to suffer such side effects whilst amilodipine is good at lowering your bp there are lots of other meds to do the same job without such side effects it’s finding one that suits. Don’t suffer in silence go to your GP and explain how you are feeling life is too precious and short to be suffering medications are supposed to help you not hinder, I have been where you are like many but I am settled now on ramipril 10mg bisoperol 10mg and laprimide 2mg which was given to replace the amilodipine and I seem much better. Hope you feel better soon but please don’t suffer these horrible side effects. Kind regards Debbie
    • Posted

      Thank you so much Deborah. I will be calling my GP to get the ball rolling on something new! Glad to hear you found a combo that works- that's reassuring. ? best wishes

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