New to Anxiety and Depression

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Hi all,

I recently started medication for anxiety. I got put on sertraline by my family Dr and have been on 75mg for 3 weeks or so and had been on 50mg for 3 weeks before that. I had been on it earlier this year and noticed a huge difference in how I felt and had more energy and more willingness to be sociable. This time however, I have noticed I am still waking up feeling on edge and nauseous most mornings and really after work find I have no energy. I am just wondering has anyone had the experience of their anti anxiety medication just having no effect?

To provide a bit of background, over the past two years I started with panic attacks which didnt turn into much initially and at the beginning of this year after completing university while working two jobs I just hit a wall in the new year, I could barely get out of bed, i was really emotional for no reason and had next to no energy, my symptoms presented as shakiness and brain fog mostly. I had multiple tests for brain issues (mri, blood work, neuroopthamologist, sleep study and in person neuro testing) which all found nothing.

Thank you,


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2 Replies

  • Posted

    it can be difficult to find the right medication for depression and anxiety and even when a person does find it, sometimes it will work for a while and then seem to stop working. Of course there are people who get on the right medication and stay on it for a long time and it works. Everybody is different.

    if this continues, talk to your doctor for a possible medication adjustment or a different medication. many people have gone through what you’re going through in regards to the medication. It’s just something that Has to be worked out and fine tuned.

    it would be nice if there was something else out there to help all of us. Hang in there and hopefully you and your doctor can figure out this issue with the medication. Take care

    • Posted

      hi Jan,

      Thank you so much for your response.

      The most worrisome part of all this for me is that most of my anxiety is health anxiety so experiencing these random physical symptoms just exacerbates my anxiety symptoms so its a bit of a vicious cycle.

      Do you happen to know if theres a point when they would consider the medication to be not going to do anything? e.g. if I stay on it for 2.5 months and dont experience relief I assume it can be considered to not be the right medication.



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