New to forum. I have heavy legs, terrible stiff lower back, right arm heaviness
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Hello ladies. I am 47 , 3 adult kids and on the brink of divorce, i feel and have been going through peri for the past 4 yrs with no meds, just vitamins. There are some days which are more tolerable than others. I have experienced everything from ringing in ears, headaches, head pressure, vision problems, throat problems, gerd, chest heaviness, upper lower back pain, crazy thoughts, depression, sinus, heavy periods, missed periods, itchy skin, anxiety, panic attacks, feeling cold, feeling hot, insomnia, hips aches, numbness on face and hands, memory loss, fear of going outdoors far from home alone, dizzy, nausea, ribs crushing feeling,racing heart, etc. But for the past 2 days i have been experiencing such heaviness in my legs, pain in calf and a really stiff lower back. It seems so unbearable to the point were it makes me hard to walk. I am having to take breaks. I've cried my morning tears and i am sure i will cry right after writing this. No one i know, none of my friends are going through like me, not even my sisters. I ask myself what have i done wrong. The very thought of going through this for another 10 yrs cripples me. I am looking into HRT as my only resort to some form of happiness. I am scared but i must give it a try. This past July i went to Italy for a month with friends and the plane ride there and back had me in complete shambles. It didn't feel like a holiday because each day was something. Some days i went out and some days i stayed in. I felt like a heavy weight around them trying to put on a smile. To be honest it was a complete waste of money. I found this website late last night, thank God and have been hooked on reading every post. It has been very helpful knowing that i am not the only one going through. I wish i had found it earlier. There was a lady age 50 at my work who committed suicide last month who was struggling with depression . Toward the end of her life she missed plenty of work days, called in sick. I now wonder if it was tied to peri or meno. Just like Kate Spade and many more that committed suicide. Why is this not being taken serious. Why isn't this being talked about ? I could rant all day on this topic because clearly i have nothing else to do but lay here on the couch with a heating pads with my leg raised under pillows. Thank you for taking the time reading this. God bless
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Sassyr12a kelly75026
Hi Kelly, welcome 😊 your post pretty much sums it up..... We should have it printed on a t-shirt if we could find one big enough! I agree with you completely, this is like a hidden illness, not talked about, not fully understood and not always properly treated. I think had I not already understood about my hormonal issues, I would have been completely terrified... Waking up one day shaking, anxious and no longer able to function at work or at home. Imagine all of those ladies with no clue what peri/menopause can do to your life. I would love to see more support, advisory services, a more understanding workplace and some proper medical understanding so when you do get to your doctor thinking the world is falling in, that they could offer some really treatment and follow up. There's nothing wrong with my legs but I'm also on the couch thinking how different this should be! Hope your legs get better Kelly xx
tracy01120 kelly75026
i feel so badly for you. I have been on this site for months now and I have found as you will as well that everything you are experience is menopause related. while I don't have all the symptoms you have, I have many of the same. dizzy, tired, anxiety, throat issue, heart palpitations, heart fluttering, sleeplessness, crazy vivid dreams, etc. stay strong and try to keep on the vitamins, drink lots of water and try to get plenty of rest. it's a tough time for us ladies. I pray you'll feel better soon. 66 symptoms of menopause. very eye opening!!
Gypsy014 kelly75026
Oh no you poor thing!!! I'm there with you ive felt all that you have listed, and it s#*ks bad... It does ease up as far as it doesn't feel so constant it cycles itself monthly.. I don't know why all of us woman on here are suffering so damn bad except to say maybe we are all more sensitive to the rise and fall of these hormones along with maybe we all suffered in our pasts with more viruses and or sinus issues and headaches and underlying conditions that are rearing their ugly heads now from the hormone decline.. Its a battle for our lives for sure as every single symptom that hits we literally have to talk ourselves out of not thinking we are dieing and this could be the end.. Hell who would think hey am I having a stroke my arms are numb and face is numb and have a migraine on one side of my head that feels like an ice pick going thru my temple, or I feel my heart beating or skipping right out of my chest could it be heart attack, these un nerving symptoms get me every time, and a lot of woman me as well on here talk about the jelly heavy legs sore painful calves migraines numbness my gosh the list goes on and on.. Ive been ok feeling for about 8 days now, but woke up last night with night sweats , and hard heartbeat in ears and ear ringing today I have extra blurry vision and in super dizzy and off balance and edgy it will continue to get worse until my lovely migraine strikes.. This will go on for about 7 days before switching to something else, at least it cycles itself, at least I know I'm not dieing or at least haven't yet.. And I truly look forward to my little 7 or 8 days where I can get things done and feel somewhat human.. Well so glad you found us out here we are all going through the same ..
teresa03176 kelly75026
Omg Kelly u are so not alone!! I'm 50 2 kids husband and am just about keeping it together!! We can help each other!!! I hav all the above u mentioned!! My panic attacks are so bad I had to get diazepam from docs!! In an emergency!!! I hav cn 2 ENT consultants a neurologust a gynaecologist and am getting 2nd opinion tomorrow!! Severe dizziness developed tiniitus which has nearly finished me off!! Hav seriously thought about ending it!!! Started hrt 1 week ago!! Takes a few weeks to work! So if u can don't hesitate! Hav not worked for 3 mths as move I move fuzzier my head gets and I feel awful! At present my head is making a really bad hissing sound!!! Strugln sleep!!! We can keep each other goin!!!
jules0405 kelly75026
god bless you , i identify with a lot of what you are going through , someone said to me one day you will come through the other side and your life will be amazing trust me lets hope this is true xxx
Chickadeesgrl kelly75026
You are not alone!!! Hot flashes (i don't have them) always are talked about but the other symptoms (sometimes more debilitating) are not discussed. I have been in terrible pain for months & anxiety is through the roof. I am 50. I have been to the doctor for heavy bleeding, gastro issues, numbness in hands & feet, pain all over. I feel bad going to the doctor over and over. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia but i honestly think my pain is more hormone related. I have started massage therapy but it really hurts! i try to stretch every morning and do yoga or workout but it is so hard to get out of bed. everyday is a new problem...lately my armpits hurt. i swear they are swelling up and they hurt to to touch, burning and itchy...swollen lymph nodes maybe. Been to the doctor twice and she feels them and they are ok...of course my appointments are on the days they don't hurt. Try to relax, meditate and do something for you. It is hard but you are not alone. Hugs.
NothinforNothin kelly75026
Hi Kelly:
I'm 48 and this hit me 8 months ago. I had neck pain for several months that then traveled to my right arm. I bought a copper fit compression arm sleeve and wore that for a while. Took a couple weeks for the pain to pass but, it eventually did. Also, slept with my arm elevated or above my head. I had severe anxiety and panic attacks but, both have let up since on a vitamin regimen from GNC. I'm 2 weeks in on them and feel progress. I struggle with focus and concentration I feel due to the dizziness I get from anxiety still. I was taking otc dramamine for motion sickness but, now I'm trying benadryl. I've started taking Flaxseed Oil Capsules which I believe have helped a lot in general. Someone suggested Bach Flower's Remedies on line. Try to eat protein with each meal, drink lots of water, try to get good sleep and you have to exercise. When this first hit. I could barely do that let alone was I willing to entertain the thought of exercising but, a family member kept pushing me to do that. Since walking each day it has really made the most improvement for me with my symptoms. You have to keep pushing forward. I did not feel like that at ALL at first but,I do know now which I did not know then that things will slowly start to improve. It's a monster. You are not alone!
debra16694 kelly75026
hi kelly - i woke up last december & literally felt like i couldnt walk - every tendon, ligament, muscle & joint in my legs hurt - at first i thought i was getting the flu, but my top half of my body didnt ache like my legs - it has hurt so terribly that i have been to urgent care thinking i had blood clots, orthopedic dr who told me my knee was bone on bone, but oddly that really wasnt where the discomfort was coming from - i walk & move like a 80 year old, actually there are 80 year olds that move better than i do - i have also been to the rhumatologist convinced i had rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia - i have neither - no one can tell me whats happening - i also feel like i have water weight in my legs, but my dr says its just fat, but i swear it just came on once i had the leg pain - i dont have back pain but occasionally hip pain - i pray everyday that i am going to wake up pain free - i double up on my omegas, take tumeric & magnesium glycinate & spray magnesium oil on my legs & try & take epsom salt baths - i am 7 years post, i am trying desperately to work thru this by taking a gentle water movement class & yoga - it all sucks - i feel like i am ready for a walker! good luck!
kim93615 kelly75026
I feel your pain, i am 50 i started going through the change at 39 thing really start hitting three years ago I haven't seen a period in three year. my lift arm hurt my heart skipping beats, I can't sleep upper back pain, vision crazy at time. I dont know what going on I don't like this feeling I say the samthing you say what did I do to go through all this. I have ringing in the ear I get stiff to the point I can't walk down stairs. I am praying that god seen me through this.
Lkl2019 kelly75026
I watched alot on Kate Spade and thought the same thing. It's absolutely a tragedy that women are suffering this way and have no one to really turn to. Menopause specialists are few and far b.w and good luck getting insurance to pay for anything outside of the box...which is set what we are. I am convinced I have Lyme disease or something more sinister 😦 Every day I make it thru I feel like climbed a mountain. I've also had the heavy arms, legs etc. BHRT has helped minimally. Hang in there, hugs.