New to group and to Asthma!

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Just joined this group, having been finding the hip replacement group very help over past two years.

I had my first asthma according to doctor in Oxford, probably caused by rape seed oil growing all round the town, she said. given blue salbutamol inhaler.

First forward 10 years, now in Exeter, using salbutamol inhaler before running but no other asthma signs/symptoms.Till now.

My winter cold n cough turned wheezy, peak flow much reduced, and doctor says asthma, probably pollen induced - and that it should go away as weather cools.

I was given steroid capsules which worked excellently for 2 weeks then asthma returned! Now on brown ?steroid inhaler, and hope weather change works as cannot run and still wheezy.

So, am I asthmatic? will i need regular inhalers? Will my peak flow improve soon?

really appreciate some advice!




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4 Replies

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    It it sounds as if it’s asthma if the inhalers are working.

    I am asthmatic I suffer in the hot months  

    Rather than winter time I react to pollens and in autum spores . Providing you take your meds you hopefully will be better you should check with you asthma nurse she will check the way you use your inhalers and also check your peak flow at least 1or 2 times a year.

    • Posted

      Thanks Nigel... Not convinced the brown inhaler works but the blue salbutamol one clearly does.

      Appt with asthma nurse who is presently on a cruise! Till then will keep using Inhalers and hope doctors thinking on lower pollen will work to relive symptoms, wheezes, and improve low flow.

      Odd this is first time in 6 years...


    • Posted

       Mic, If your blue inhaler is Ventilan use carefully and yes the beige one does thin your skin but worked well for me. As I have had asthma all my life I am now on Symbicort - they said all the years use of Ventilan had caused my heart problem.  I have different methods for stopping allergies,  the sneezing, runny eyes etc used to drive me mad. 
  • Posted

    This paragraph is really in response to Jay 7196, as his history is strikingly similar to mine:  also asthmatic all my life, on Symbicort and told my arrhythmia (heart problem) is a product of Ventalin usage.   I am now taking a blood thinner because of past Ventolin usage.

    However,in Ventolin’s defence, it has helped keep me alive, so I really shouldn’t be too rude about it!

    To mic71403, yes asthma can be triggered and worsened by pollen, which can be produced during much of the year.

    Please continue with your brown inhaler, use Ventolin as and when (before strenuous exercise is sensible) but discuss all of the above with your doctor or asthma nurse during your next appointment.

    Using your peak flow meter regularly (I use mine twice a day and this has helped me know when I am ‘going off’) as it will help show up any pattern with regard to your asthma and you then can allay the readings with your activity/location.   This will help better pinpoint any triggers.

    Finally, I also use  Beclometasone in a nasal spray twice a day - this helps stop nasal drip and hay fever (when in season).   From April/May to August I use Certirizine as an anti-hayfever aid;  this anti-histamine is wonderful .  These all help minimise my summer-related asthma.


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