new to menopause
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hi all ive literally just been told i going through menopause this week and new to this forum this being my first post, I had a hysterectomy 15 years ago still have ovaries and to be honest never felt so scared in all my life of changes going on with my body, the anxiety i find to be the scariest thinking every pain is a terninal illness and working myself into such a panic so i would be very grateful for any tips that can help with this thank you
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angela35947 lol64
margaret04348 lol64
lol64 margaret04348
annieschaefer lol64
Jay has some great advice when it comes to supplements. You will know what works for you. Remember what works for one, may not be the right fix for another so please, experiment and see what makes you feel better. If you have the ability to see a Naturapathic doctor or have a really good vitamin shop close by with someone there who can recommend possible things that may help you, by all means go.
Also, some women seem to find a long course of St. Johns Wort or SAMe to be helpful with the anxiety and/or depression that this time can bring on.
And please don't panic, but there will be those occasional odd blip days where it seems like nothing is working, those pass. Just went through a spell myself.
Big Hugs to you!
Annie xxxx
lol64 annieschaefer
annieschaefer lol64
Yes, that is one symptom I don't like. At times my body feels so old and just getting up and moving around takes some doing. I feel like my body (bones, muscles and such) need a good oiling as I feel so stiff and achy til I get moving. And I tire easily which bums me out a bit.
I've got to start doing my exercises religiously SOON! I know it will help, while Yoga is good and I make an effort to drive there, I have a stationery recumbent bike I told my husband I just had to have (last fall) and it's still collecting dust. Would also help with my unwelcomed weight game. Baby steps I guess.
I don't think it really matters if you take them together, infact I think you need to take Vitamin D around same time as Calcium for better absorption. If anyone else knows, they will write in I am sure. But I believe my doctor (actually the one I see when the IBS goes totally amuck!) put me on the Vitamin D. One of the many benefits of living in the Northern Hemisphere! I don't know of anyone here that isn't on Vitamin D right now! But my older brother lives year round in Florida and he's also Vitamin D deficient and takes supplements! Oh well.
Annie xxxx
lol64 annieschaefer
annieschaefer lol64
Enjoy your holiday!
Annie xx
lol64 annieschaefer
margaret04348 lol64
annieschaefer margaret04348
That is one thing mentioned to me that might work and haven't tried. How long have you been doing the strength training and core work? I really want to start something like this as I hope it would help 2 fold- body and the emotional boost.
This has been like a catch 22. I've gained over 25 lbs this past without changing my eating habits and it depresses me to no going into the closet to see a bunch of lovely clothes that no longer fit.
I have taken up yoga and while it helps somewhat I had to give up on it a bit as my back started having issues. Someone mentioned taking up pilates or do what you are doing to strenghten the back.
How long before you know it's working for you? I don't expect overnight results, but I'd like to look and feel good again. Glad to hear it works well for you!
Annie xx
margaret04348 annieschaefer