New to Prozac.....
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Hi everyone, As the title suggests I'm new to Prozac, 1 week today to be precise. I would really like to hear some success stories (I find reading positive stories about a drug help me), they don't have to be in depth, just a simple .... 'yes they worked' 'took X amount of time to kick in' 'be prepared to feel worse at the beginning' etc etc. I know it's early days for myself but in the first week I've had one very good day but today feel pretty lousy... awful tight chest at the moment. All replies will be gratefully appreciated.....many thanks Luke
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jade46676 Luke7580
Hi Luke!
Hang in there it's very early days! I'm in the 5th week of taking Prozac and things have got better for me. I do get the odd set back now and again but nothing as bad as 4 weeks ago. Good luck. Jade x
Luke7580 jade46676
Ah nice one, thanks for replying Jade, yeah very early days I know! What dosage are you taking?..... I'm on 20mg first two weeks then 40mg.... thanks again Jade x
jade46676 Luke7580
No worries, glad to help I know how tough it is! I'm on 20mg at the mo, will be getting it reviewed this week, I've been doing ok on it lately so I'm guessing the gp will keep it at 20. What side effects have you been getting? X
Luke7580 jade46676
Well tbh I don't think I've had any.... yet! Other than maybe increased anxiety, although it's always hard to tell wether that's a side effect or not! Thanks again Jade X
mrs_susan74280 jade46676
Woo3353 Luke7580
Ok Luke here's my story.
June last year i stepped on board the prozac train, very reluctantly. 8 months on i feel absolutley great, no side effects except mild aching joints & muscles (initially they were awful) no more panic or anxiety attacks, no more OCD over my health, for the first time in years i have a totally chilled and relaxed attitude, nothing bothers me and i can't remember the last time i got aggro or angry.
I also made some lifestyle changes, no refined sugar products, no processed foods, yoga and pilates and self hypnotherapy.
I started prozac as i temporary answer but now i have no problem staying on them if i can stay feeling this positive.
Stick with it i am a success story that you can take some positivity from
Luke7580 Woo3353
Hi Woo and Kennedy, thank you so much for replying, that's given me a little lift. I've also done a bit of tinkering regards lifestyle, I barely drink now, eat healthily and do my damn best to keep any appointments I have. Today is probably the first day I've have a side effect, horrible nausea, also my anxiety is thru the bloody roof, horrible as you both know. I will be patient I promise! Thanks again
kenney4lyfe Luke7580
Yeah anxiety can get worse before it gets better, also the nausea can get very bad, for me it was the mornings, I'm not trying to discourage you, just trying to let you know that it's normal and it will eventually pass. Most people get too worked up about the nausea and think the meds aren't working and then they stop taking it and they're back to square one. Don't do that, fight through the side effects and in a few weeks you'll be so happy that you did.
jade46676 Luke7580
Just keep breathing and remember that this won't last forever and you'll start to feel better again.
Luke7580 kenney4lyfe
Luke7580 jade46676
kenney4lyfe Luke7580
I have panic disorder, took about 13 weeks and I'm prob 90% better now, it's a 2 step forward 1 step back kind of recovery, takes a good amount of time but it does eventually get better, and obviously be prepared for week 2-5, the side effects can be bad, they were horrid for me but now I have zero side effects and my anxiety is very minimal, you'll get there, just have to be extremely patient
Brighterday kenney4lyfe
hi, how many mg are you on?
katecogs Luke7580
Adding my positive vibes here:
Yes they do work, but be prepared to wait for as long as they take. Don't be in a hurry because you can't hurry recovery. It'll happen for you in its own time - everyone is different, so don't base your recovery on anyone elses. It can take months and months - but its not all bad all the way through as it does ease gradually.
Be prepared to feel up and down. You might feel you're starting to recover then find the next day or week you've plummented again. That's normal. Recovery can come in waves - 3 steps forward / 2 steps back.
Try not to analyse every symptom. There'll be plenty of weird aches and pains, anxiety, thoughts and 'ooooh what's this, this is new' coming along. Let them come, let them stay and don't try to get rid of them, as they'll just cling even tighter. They're all under the umbrella of 'anxiety'. Once the anxiety starts to ease so will all the symptoms ..... so there's no need to worry about those.
Anxiety is just stress in your body that's just reached breaking point and boiled over, and you get caught in the anxiety / fear / anxiety cycle.
Understanding, perseverance and patience will bring about recovery.
K xx
jade46676 katecogs
Luke7580 katecogs
katecogs Luke7580
K x
katecogs jade46676
Understanding what's happening to you is half the battle done xxx
Luke7580 katecogs
Thank you Kate, I have OCD as well, which I know is also part of anxiety, my obsessive thoughts centre around physical imperfections/abnormalities, this thought is the one I'm having trouble with "letting them stay, don't try to get rid of them" as you said in your earlier post.... this is all still under the 'anxiety umbrella' isn't it? I've also been told anxiety WILL centre around things that bother me/I care for the that true? Thank you so much Kate x
katecogs Luke7580
Hi Luke
When I was ill I had lots of obsessional thoughts and impulses, depression, fear, anxiety and my mind whirled all day - yet nobody really said what was wrong - I always thought I had depression. To me it was all a complete jumble, and I was very frightened. I read lots of books and the advice was to relax and let the anxiety wash over you whilst going about your daily business - diffusing the bomb. Reading about it and actually doing it were 2 different things though - I began to understand that I wasn't going insane and that everything I had was grouped under one thing - anxiety. That made such sense to me ..... and I felt relief knowing I only had one thing to overcome, not lots of different symptoms.
Yes the medication did most of the work, but I began relaxing towards the feelings too, letting them be there, accepting there'll be there a while longer and no longer felt lost with it all. I still didn't know I was recovering.
When you're ill and down that deep hole with everything raging around like a thundertorm, you can't think straight and you certainly can't see a way out. But once you start to get out of that hole you think more positively and can start to see things from a different angle.
Its basically the fear of fear .... fear of anxiety. I got to learn that it wasn't my obsessional thoughts I was afraid of, but the anxiety they produced. As my anxiety began to ease so the frightening thoughts and worries all began to reduce too.
I'll send you a link.
K x
Luke7580 katecogs
Wow thank you so much Kate, So in a nutshell, these thoughts I and others get that are obsessive and constant, regardless of what that may be about, (in my case I predominately get them about a physical abnormality, in the past I've had them regards harming my mother) are all because I have anxiety, if I didn't have anxiety they wouldn't be there, and I do my very best to leave them while my tablets do their stuff? Thank you Kate x
katecogs Luke7580
Yes - obsessions / thoughts about harming someone is very common when suffering with anxiety. The thoughts are accompanied by anxiety, and if you didn't have the anxiety you wouldn't have the thought.
Everyone in the world gets the occasional 'weird' thought, but they're usually fleeting and because they aren't accompanied by anxiety, they're instantly put to the back of the mind and forgotten about. But, because you're suffering with anxiety the thought has a huge impact and frightens you ..... and because you're constantly thinking, your mind becomes tired, and thoughts stick to a tired mind. So if you didn't have anxiety the thought wouldn't have an impact and wouldn't stick in your mind. Its the anxiety that blows it all out of proportion, frightens you and therefore keeps the thought fresh in your mind. Once the anxiety starts to ease so will the obsessional thought, and it will get put back into perspective and forgotten about.
I had exactly this and didn't know how I'd ever be unafraid of my thoughts or be free from anxiety. I only had to think of them to produce the anxiety. But sure enough, as the medicine worked, my anxiety started to ease and the thoughts lost their impact - lost their hold on me. I could think of the thought and it wouldn't bother me, and so eventually got put back into perspective ..... they were just thoughts. They were forgotten about.
You get stuck in a fear / anxiety / thoughts / fear / anxiety thoughts cycle. Breaking that cycle with the help of medicine, understanding and this self help and it slowly stops.
The books I used to read talked a lot about this and I began to understand it. I sent you a link by private message - the website explains a little about thoughts - the book explains more. When your body is anxious, then it stands to reason that your thoughts will be anxious too. Scary thoughts is just anxiety playing tricks.
The books I read years ago and this new book link I sent to you explains that you should accept the thoughts for now, let them be there, don't try and push them away because it'll just make them more stubborn. Understand they are just a symptom of anxiety, and as your anxiety eases so too will the thoughts. So accept you'll have the thoughts for a while yet, let them be there, let them chatter away, let the anxiety wash over you, smile at them, try not to react to them, don't give them the time of day. Yes they'll hang around and scare you, but know that they will lose their power and their hold on you once your anxiety eases. They will eventually not bother you anymore.
Anxiety is just an over production of adrenaline and it needs an outlet - this is manifests itself into thoughts.
Its usually the result of too much stress that gets us into this state. Your body becomes sensitised so every thought and sound becomes heightened as anxiety pours out. As you recover, your body starts to desensitise and anxiety lessens, thoughts quieten, worrying stops ..... eventually your body will return to normal just as anyone elses.
The medicine works on hanging onto your serotonin - your 'happy hormones' (or neurotransmitters). This slowly helps to make you feel happier, helps to calm your body. It takes a long time and you'll often feel worse before you start feeling better. Have a look at the link I sent you too - it helps to understand whats happening to you and how to help yourself too with learning to let is be there and relax towards it.
It takes a long time to become ill, and so it takes a long time to reverse it.
It will happen for you xx.
Luke7580 katecogs
Wow again....Thank you so much Kate.
I've got that book, bought it in 2011, I do allow thoughts to be there to the VERY best of my ability, many years ago (20 I think) I tried fighting the thoughts, got worse and nearly ended up in hospital, so I now know the correct and incorrect things to do.
It seems with my anxiety tho it sticks to a physical imperfection I have (I've been told this is because anxiety pounces on things that bother you) which I find harder to allow to be there/accept.
Thanks Kate x
danny06999 katecogs
Hey kate. It's been a while but just wanted to update on fluoxetine. I started feeling better at 31/2 weeks. Had two weeks of better but had side effects of tight chest (heartburn) and headache. Now at 6weeks I've had a couple days of a rough patch. Spaced out depressed and anxious. Thought I was on the up and up. Is this par for the course for the adjustment? Should I expect some ups and downs at 6 weeks?
katecogs danny06999
Hi Danny
Sorry for the delay - email account problem
Yes its part of recovery - even at 6 weeks. Throughout recovery it'll be 3 steps forward / 2 steps back all the way, so you'll think you're doing well many times, to find yourself going backwards again.
It can take many months.
katecogs Luke7580
Ah glad you got the book. It's absolutely true what he writes - I can relate to every word he says. Yep, I tried fighting the thoughts too and also found it just got worse and got more thoughts too.
I used to find that if something made me feel a bit anxious, then the anxiety would hit me and cling to that thought or action ..... and I'd fight it. Wrong thing to do I eventually found out.
I found it so hard letting the thoughts be there too ........ you don't believe they'll go, can't feel anything but anxiety and doubt. Over time as I began to understand it, little glimmers of hope crept in as I saw results with the meds and relaxing towards it all. It wasn't an easy ride as anxiety would rear its ugly head time and time again.
royce86697 katecogs
Thank you so much for your very encouraging words, I was started on 20 mg of Prozac and after 2 weeks bumped up to 40 now four and a half weeks into this still feeling depressed foggy headed confused can't sleep that much and I wake up with anxiety in the pit of my stomach it is definitely the most horrible journey I have ever been on. I am soon to be 53 and I am so afraid that I will not return to my normal self I'm afraid to go to work so I haven't been to work since this all began with the medicine that is, being depressed at least I was able to go to work but now with my fuzzy mind I feel like I'm paranoid. Again thank you for your encouraging words they are very helpful to desperate people like myself have a good night
katecogs royce86697
Hi Royce
4 1/2 weeks is still early days - you will feel quite rough I expect for a while as your body levels out with the meds, but just keep going because it does get better. It can take 3-4 months before you start feeling better, but don't worry about that time as we're all different.
Yes I felt it was the worst thing I'd ever gone through - I found it terrifying, emotional and I just felt completely lost. I'll private message you with the website and book I've passed on to many others - I think it will help you too as it did me.
You can recover from this.
K x
charlotte05591 katecogs
Hi Kate.
I stumbled across this thread as I was looking for positive stories of Fluoxetine. I'm on 20mg, day 4 - (very, very early on), although I've had anxiety this time round for just over a month, and so far not too awful. I certainly have my moments but it's not unbearable. I can cope with the nausea and (ahem) stomach issues but I'm really scared of my anxiety temporarily increasing.
I found your words so comforting. They gave me real hope that I can get back to myself in time. I'm in my 40s and I've had anxiety on and off for years. I used citalopram before with some success, but this time round I had horrible side effects so the doc suggested fluoxetine. Although only started a new job two months ago, I've taken the next week off work to allow my body to get used to the drug and to try a bit of self care but I can't wait for the anxiety to be banished! I'm sick of watching myself all the time to see if I'm acting 'weird' and having the horrible 'cold flush' of nerves - (that's just the anxiety, not the meds). I'm really hoping that fluoxetine works for me and I can get back to feeling like me again. I want to be there for my family and to be good at the job I've studied so hard to get, rather than having crippling self-doubt and feeling like I can't cope with even the slightest bit of pressure. I was so scared of taking the meds after my experience with citalopram but my doc says that fluoxetine is one of the more gentle drugs and fewer people have side effects. Here's hoping!
I wondered if you would send me the link for the website and the book you mentioned please.
Thank you so much.
katecogs charlotte05591
Hi Charlotte
Anxiety certainly is an awful thing to suffer with. Trouble is we usually become afraid of anxiety and all its symptoms, which then causes more anxiety - so we end up keeping ourselves in this perpetual circle. When we get anxiety, we freak out and panic which makes us anxious. Breaking that cycle is the key - which isn't easy. We can all recover - its just a question of how.
For me, understanding anxiety, it symptoms, how it comes about and how it works took so much pressure off this condition and gave me one path to follow - medication did the rest.
I've taken this type of medication twice and I also had a different experience both times. The second time I had different meds side effects and it took longer. But it worked.
You do watch yourself without meaning to though - your full attention is always on how you're feeling and that's understandable. Having this constant focus is also what makes us feel detached from the rest of the world.
One thing I found helpful was to know that anxiety is often caused by stress. We push our bodies to their limits without realising the damage we cause. Its like driving a car engine into the ground and then of course it breaks down. Our bodies will do the same thing. We often ignore the stressful warning signs that lead us up to anxiety, because we think we can cope and deal with it. Then its too late and we have a full blown panic attack or anxiety.
Your body is crying out to be relaxed. Your nerves are raw, on edge and will fire off at the slightest provocation. This doesn't happen when you're 'normal' as our nerves are at a normal level, but when the anxiety starts, anything little thing can make them fire off anxiety. Its when that happens that you then become attached to particular fears - because the anxiety has made this seem 'important'.
Relaxing your body whilst you work, move about is the start. Letting go of tension, releasing the jaw, the clutch on the stomach ....... stop running about, rushing here and there - trying to rid yourself of anxiety. You won't like this. Anxiety likes a tense body, so releasing all tension as much as you can during the day will help to start to reverse the process.
Weird thoughts are a side effect of anxiety. Let them come and go. Don't react to them. They will eventually lose their importance. Letting the anxiety peak and die away with anything is also the key. Its your reaction to it that keeps it fresh. By letting it build, peak and do its worst whilst you stay calm and relaxed is the way the anxiety will eventually ease off. Going through panic to the other side.
Aches, pains, racing heart, headache, nausea, blurred vision etc etc are all side effects of anxiety. Don't fret about them and get anxious about them - just know that they'll go once the anxiety starts to ease. There's no point in worrying about a side effect. We don't worry about a runny nose when we have a cold, but instead know its a side effect. Anxiety side effects are no different. To worry about them just causes more anxiety, which then feeds the anxiety cycle. It adds fuel to the fire.
The medicine will certainly help. It hangs onto our serotonin which makes us feel better, makes us feel relaxed, so the anxiety will begin to fade too and all its symptoms.
The medicine does make you feel worse to start with of course - and it can take many, many months before you start feeling changes, and then more months until you're fully recovered. Understanding anxiety really helps get you through all this. Take away the mystery of anxiety and its half the battle done.
Starting a new job is stressful for anyone, so having anxiety as well will make you feel not so good. It'll pass though in time. Having an illness i.e. cold, tummy upsets etc will also knock you backwards for a bit too. Our bodies are delicate little machines and will react with more anxiety as we're trying to recover. It'll pass.
When you're not well with anxiety you will have negative thoughts. Your body is anxious / negative, and so too will your thoughts be. That's normal. When you have a cold you don't think 'yay, whoopee'.
Understand self doubt and negative thoughts are perfectly normal at the moment. That will change as you begin to recover. Crumbling at the slightest pressure is again talking about being relaxed and taking care of your body. Try to relax towards any pressure / demands made of you. You're not super-human and any little pressure will affect you at the moment. Accept you'll overreact for now with pressure - do what you can in a relaxed manner, and remind yourself you're in recovery.
All this will change as time passes.
Yes I'll message you with the book and website. A lot of what I've written here comes from the book too - it really will help you.
K x
Longhorn katecogs
Hi Kate,
I've read many of your posts and have found them very inspiring. I'm struggling with my own battle with anxiety, depression, and starting Prozac and having a really hard time. Could you please forward me the link and book you have passed on to others. I need some inspiration right now!
Thank you!
katecogs Longhorn
Hi Longhorn - I'll message you with the link.
K x
tomtom4 katecogs
Hi Kate.
Just been reading through this thread and everything you wrote about feelings of anxiety and why we feel that way was very inspiring and actually helped me calm down from the panicked state I was in
So thank you so much for that. Could you possibly forward me the link to the book you are referring to? I have to give this a read! Starting my prozac course tomorrow and feeling extremely anxious about the possible side effects and 'feeling worse before better' as I don't see how I can get much worse as I seriously feel rock bottom! So i'm hoping the book can help calm me down in times of worry.
Many thanks, Tom
katecogs tomtom4
Hi Tom
Hey glad my posts have helped somewhat - and yes I'll private message you the link.
K x
maria37156 katecogs
Hi, I am new to this forum, I have been on and off Fluoxetine for many years with varying degrees of success, probably my fault as I come off them before they have a chance to work properly sometimes... I feel that I now need to give them another chance and I wondered if anyone can give me info on the best time to take them? I feel like a zombie for the first few weeks which I hate as I’m a very active person normally! Wondered if this symptom is less when taken at night?? I’m so very anxious at the moment and struggling to function with daily life, work, children...the usual stuff! Also has anyone noticed hair loss as a side effect as this terrifies me?! Thanks in advance and keep up the good work everyone, makes you feel less alone when you read about others feeling the same way 😔X
rich04507 katecogs
Hi Kate,
I've been on fluoxetine for 2 weeks today, I was struggling with crippling anxiety at the end of 2017 and it finally got the best of me. I've been living with anxiety since I was a teenager and as my dad suffers from bi-polar depression, I didn't want to admit I might have a mental health issues as well.
Since I spoke to my GP I've felt a massive weight off my chest. I'm on 20mg, and for the first week I had no side effects, but these last couple of days have been horrendous. I'm not sure if I've slept funny or if it's a side effect of the medication, but my shoulder is aching constantly and the insomnia is very real... constantly dipping in and out of feeling incredibly anxious...
Is there any chance I can have a look at this link & book you've been recommending?
Thanks so much!
katecogs maria37156
Hi Maria
Oh I'm sorry - I didn't see your post to me until now.
Whats the longest you've taken the meds before? I've read that its best to stay on meds at least a year. There is no best time to take them - everyone is individual and whatever suits each person. I took mine in the morning as thought I'd get more benefit from them in my waking day ...... but they obviously work all day and night
Yes unfortunately the meds do give symptoms especially in the first few weeks / months. This can be minimised by starting on a really small dose and work your way up. Your doctor will be able to help.
Anxiety is often the result of stress. Many people rush about, pushing their body to its limit and this often results in an outpouring of adrenaline and then to anxiety. When you're hit with anxiety you then become afraid of it which produces more anxiety and you get caught in a cycle of anxiety / fear / anxiety. In order to help minimise this you need to slow down - stress in your body's alarm system, asking you to slow so it can recuperate ...... but we don't listen to this and instead carry on pushing it ..... until it breaks down. Slowing down and learning to relax / let go of tension whilst you've go about your down really helps to calm the body and helps to start reversing this process.
I've not heard of hair loss due to the meds, but I believe it could be due to stress.
How long have you been back on the meds?
katecogs rich04507
Hi Rich
Sorry you're suffering with anxiety too - its a dreadful thing to go through I know. Its difficult admitting to suffering with mental health and its often from fear of people's reactions, but its not such a taboo subject as it once was and many famous people are now owning up to it ......... and lets face it, we wouldn't feel embarrassed telling people we have diabetes or another illness. Same for taking meds - many people avoid taking anti-depressants too as they try and cope with it themselves and also think it makes them look weak. But it doesn't. People take medication for all sorts of ailments - diabetes, epilepsy etc etc and its no different for us to take medication for anxiety / depression that will help. Afterall a diabetic wouldn't try and cope without their meds .........
It is a relief when you start opening up about this, and yes, it starts with your GP.
Starting this type of meds can be challenging because of the side effects. Insomnia is a common side effect which is unfair because we need to sleep to help us heal ....... but it does wear off after some time. It could be you've slept in an odd position and it could also be that you're holding yourself tensely all the time. When we have anxiety we automatically tense up as if to fight the anxiety, and holding the muscles like this (without knowing it) can cause pain and is very tiring. You have to do the opposite - don't fight this, let it be there, relax your body as you go about your day, letting go on tension - this helps to calm the body (eventually).
Yes I'll send you the book link too - I'm sure it'll really help you understanding more about anxiety which is really beneficial in recovery.
K x
Mike-NZL katecogs
Thanks for all your great feedback. I am currently on 11 days on Prozac, starting to feel a little better but just wanting to know what book you are referring to if you could send me the link that would be much appreciated.
katecogs Mike-NZL
Hi Mike
Yes I'll send you the link - can't post it on the forum as it'll get deleted.
Guest katecogs
Hello Kate,
I often read these forums for hope and encouragement and I came across your replies to others dealing with similar symptoms to mine.
I think I have been taking fluoxetine for about 5 weeks now and I see glimmers of my old self sometimes and then Anxiety rears its ugly head again and hits me with full force, its so mentally and physically tiring and not sleeping properly either doesn't help matters. Its the thoughts that anxiety Is causing me to have more anxiety which I know myself are rubbish but it makes me doubt even my own self! Its horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
From your own experience do you have an idea when things will get easier and would be greatly appreciative of that website and book please. I will look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards Karen.
katecogs Guest
Hi Kazmac
5 weeks is quite early still though its good you've been able to see glimpses of your old self. Yes the anxiety will keep fluctuating (setbacks) and its perfectly normal whilst covering. I expect your sleep will settle down in time - its often an issue with most people at the start.
Yes anxiety causes those thoughts, and in turn the thoughts will cause you more anxiety so you get caught in a loop. Try and understand those thoughts will be there, so just let them come and go, but know they're just a side effect and there's no truth behind them at all. Its your reaction to the thoughts and the anxiety that counts - letting it all be there, relaxing towards it all, let those thoughts race about and be scary if they want to ......... but getting on with life, working with them there, no reacting is the forward. The more you react to them with fear (adding fear to fear), recoiling from them just reinforces them and makes them stronger and cling even more.
The meds will help ease the anxiety over time, and with it so the thoughts will start becoming less bothersome (because they won't come fired with anxiety) and will lose their importance and won't bother you anymore.
Both these methods work well ... and yes I'll also send you the link to a book and website that explains in more detail about 'letting it all be there' ...... in fact, the author says 'do nothing'. It works too.
Everyone is different and some people get better much quicker than others. For me personally, it was around 3 months that I started noticing little changes, and it was 6 months when finally all anxiety stopped. During those 6 months I had setbacks (when the anxiety flared up) and I'd feel like I'd gone backwards, but I began to realise that I was getting better. Symptoms don't just all disappear together, but one by one they begin to ease ......... and you'll find that as the anxiety eases those thoughts do too and begin to not bother you. Your mind becomes clearer and in turn it all makes you feel happier. This all disappears with each setback though, but letting those setbacks come and go is better than fighting them. Accept them, go with the flow and they'll pass by as quick as they arrived.
I recovered many years ago and more recently (4 years ago now it started) my son became unwell and took Fluoxetine, and his recovery took about 9 months. He was ill for about a year leading up to him taking meds and I'd been ill for 16 years ........ so I don't think the time you've been ill has any bearing on recovery time really. I think it depends on the meds being suitable for you and most definitely attitude towards anxiety and understanding it (which you can learn more about in the book / website).
Hope it helps.
K x
Guest katecogs
Hi Kate and thank you for your reply!
I know 5weeks is still early but like everyone you always want it quickly fixed, I just need to be more patient.
I so hope sleep will settle as I used to sleep for hours, did your son struggle with sleep at the beginning and If so when did it settle for him?
I've always been a doubter and I dont know if my life would have been different had my mum not died when I was just 19, now at 28 and I hate this anxiety I have, but to hear your encouraging words from a mother yourself I have to say its very comforting so thank you.
Today actually has been a good day in realising the thoughts I have are just thoughts, finally feeling somewhat ok (ish). I really hope you dont mind me asking questions It really helps to hear from someone who understands and has been through It themselves.
Many thanks, Karen x
katecogs Guest
Hi Karen
Oh yes I remember it well - as you say, I also wanted to be well now, not tomorrow or next week and in fact didn't want to have another second of feeling like I did. Patience is something we need to dig deep and find though which is like a kick in the teeth really when you so want it.
Relaxing is actually one of the best things you can do - anxiety likes a tense body so learning to let go of all tension helps so much. This doesn't mean flopping in a chair but it means letting go whilst you move around. When we're anxious we tend to rush about as if trying to escape from it - but your body is already tense and is crying out to relax.
Yes my son struggled with sleep - he was put onto Mirtazipine too which helped, plus it also helped take the edge off things. He still suffered bad though.
Sleep does eventually sort itself out as your body adjusts to the meds.
That's really tough losing your mum so young - I lost both my parents weeks apart some years ago, and though I wasn't that young it was still such a wrench. I became ill in 1979 when I was only 20 years old and yet never shared this my parents ever - in fact I never told anyone because people just didn't talk about things like this then, and I just couldn't. When my son became ill (strangely also aged 20) it took him many months before he told me.
Glad to hear today was a better day - and yes, as the anxiety eases those thoughts will ease too. You never have to try and get rid of the thoughts because you can't - they're a side effect of anxiety and will go as that's treated.
There'll probably be more bad days to come mixed with the good ones, but it should get easier, and sounds like its beginning for you.
And no, I don't mind you asking me questions at all - ask any time
Guest katecogs
Hello Kate
I'm finding patience a little hard at the moment, I find that looking for others sucess stories helps but then I come across peoples negative stories and that gets me down again.
Been trying to relax and not feel bothered by it all but its quite difficult, I just dont know how this happened to me, I suffered with anxiety for a long time and I used to avoid anything that would make it worse but can it happen just suddenly that I couldn't cope anymore?
My sleep was much better last night, actually managed a long lie this morning, but I seem to wake up with anxiousness but I know there is nothing wrong is this normal and will It go in time?
Just wondering what mg your son was on? I am on 20mg and would prefer to continue with this mg.
It was awful yes but I guess I just miss her especially going through something like this. I cant imagine losing both parents so close to one another, heart-wrenching.
I still have an amazing family and I'm thankful for that. they are very supportive. My older sister suffered severe depression and it was close one but she is here today expecting her second child so I guess it can get better its just that you always think the "what If" it never works for me...
I know this is my problem but It comes and goes.
Fingers crossed it is the beginning of better things to come. Thank you again for taking the time to reply and listening to me. Xx
katecogs Guest
Hi Kazmac
That's the nature of this beast - because you're feeling negative at the moment, any negative stories you read will have an effect on you and probably make you feel anxious. You're not them - maybe they're not on the right dose or meds. Everyone has a different experience. Just don't read them.
I know - relaxing and not being bothered by it isn't easy at all. It takes a lot of practice. It doesn't stop the anxiety in its tracks, but by continuing and working with the anxiety there, it does have an effect.
It most likely all came about because of stress - our body's can only take so much until it boils over and results in anxiety which can start in many ways. Your body has been prepared for some time, and something probably just tipped the balance. We all have a different path that led us here, and it doesn't matter how or what - just that its happened, and its the same journey back.
Avoidance isn't the answer - but its what we all do. Exposure to anxiety desensitises the body - avoiding it and it'll grow. Negative thoughts start happening too, and these thoughts can also cause anxiety.
I'll send you a different link that someone gave me this week. Its a series of video's about anxiety that you might find really interesting - its really interesting.
Early morning anxiety is absolutely normal at the moment. Don't expect that to disappear yet. For me, that was the very last symptom to go, though its different for the people.
My son was on 40mg Fluoxetine - everyone suits different doses though, so what is best for one person isn't for the next. If you're happy on your dose for now, then yes continue with it and see how it goes. Recovering on meds really is a very long slow process - count recovery in months not weeks, and there might even only be small changes each month.
Its good to have a great family who support you - and though it might be your problem, you're not the only one. There are millions of people who've suffered from anxiety, and millions who've recovered too. You can get through this.
K x
lynn67615 katecogs
lynn67615 katecogs
katecogs lynn67615
Have just messaged you with the book link
kitty84559 katecogs
you’re posts have given me so much hope. i have had anxiety for years and i think it came to the point where i was putting myself under a lot of stress. it manifested and turned into what feels like depression and intrusive thoughts that make my anxiety worse. I was wondering if you could please send me the link and book you have been sending to others ?
thanks so much!
katecogs kitty84559
Hi Kitty
Yes sure, I'll send you the link too. I had anxiety for many years too so know what you're going through xx
Jacquesuz katecogs
katecogs Jacquesuz
leaholivia katecogs
if possible could you please send me through the book and link too?
thank you xxx
CrocusDonna katecogs
Hello Kate. I'm 65, on 40mg for 4 weeks now for depression. It's comforting to read others comments about this med. I had expected a slow but steady improvement, but instead it is very up and down. Please share the book/link that you have referred to so often. Many thanks.
katecogs leaholivia
Hi leaholivia
I'll private message you.
K x
katecogs CrocusDonna
I'll private message you CrocusDonna.
K x
katy70697 katecogs
katecogs katy70697
Hi Katy
Aww many thanks - it always good to share experiences on here
Feeling more anxious than ever is perfectly normal when you start these meds. They heighten your anxiety and other symptoms before it starts getting better. Insomnia is another side effect and this should settle down. It often takes many weeks and sometimes months before things start feeling more comfortable. Just don't expect the meds to work overnight or next week - you must give them a long, long time. It can take 6-9 months to recover, sometimes quicker and sometimes longer. The meds work differently for each individual so don't compare your personal journey to others, though of course you can get a rough idea.
Having happy nights or other times during the day is quite normal too. Throughout recovery anxiety will be up and down and sometimes you'll get glimpses of feeling normal. They will go - but don't worry, just let them go because they'll be back - some day.
Anxiety often starts from stress - usually it built up over time. Anxiety or panic attacks can start when your body can no longer deal with stress and its just a release of spent up adrenaline. Anxiety / panic attack can be frightening and so we begin to fear this feeling, and that fear then causes more anxiety. Anxiety produces many side effects of its own - racing thoughts (as we try to work out whats wrong and what to do), racing heart (thats the adrenaline), headaches (due tension and confusion), weird thoughts (thats anxiety doing that), detachment (thats because you're so focused on yourself) and a whole host of aches and pains and other feelings etc. All these side effects then cause more anxiety - the very thing you're trying to escape from and so you get stuck in a cycle of anxiety / fear / anxiety with it churning over and over in your mind daily. You'll search the internet constantly trying to find an answer, picking up various tips and tricks which all just add to the confusion and just make you more tired than ever. The key is to break the cycle - and thats with the medication and understanding anxiety and whats happening to you. It makes it all seem so logical and stops the flailing around.
But yes - all that you describe is perfectly normal at the moment. The insomnia will ease up, so try not to get anxious about it because this adds more anxiety into the pot. Worrying about any side effect is pointless really because its only there because anxiety has caused it - so worrying about it will just cause more anxiety and in turn will cause more side effects.
Let it all be there, ride through it all, don't question these symptoms and you'll find in time you'll begin to find it getting easier. It does take time though remember.
K x
brian85405 katecogs
could you please send me the link for the book.
many thanks
katecogs brian85405
alison85282 katecogs
I have read your posts... They are amazing and inspirational. What book might i ask?
nico1974 katecogs
alison85282 katecogs
alison85282 katy70697
How are you feeling now? I am on week 2.
dana84408 katecogs
Hi I know you wrote this 2 years ago but you post made me feel better, I'm suffering from anxiety and a really bad depression and I been having suicidal thoughts for the past 3 days, today I started prozac 20mg, and now I can't sleep and my body feels shaky,I took half of a low dose of alprazolam to help me relax, I have a 3 month that will wake up in 3 hours to eat, I just pray that my thoughts will go away soon😭
dana84408 katecogs
sally56219 katecogs
Although you wrote this two years ago, I have only just read it. It sums up perfectly how I feel when I'm suffering with Anxiety. The thoughts are horrible and it's only because i've suffered on and off for twenty years that I know that these thoughts will go as the anxiety lessens.
What you have written is so helpful and very informative. Thank you for taking the time to write this, it's really helped me and I'm sure that it'll help many others. Thanks again xxx
jennifer09197 dana84408
Hi, I just read your post. I was like you and it does get better. I’m living life again. No more suicidal thoughts. Still have anxiety but it is functional. I was a mess!!!! Almost committed myself. It takes about 2 months to feel relief. But, it is so worth it.
I’m symptoms severe anxiety and depression. Couldn’t eat . Would gag. Would sweat would shake. Better at night. Suicidal thoughts and crying constantly. Thought it would never end. It does and it will. It’s hard when you are in it to have patience. But, it will work it just takes time.
katecogs alison85282
Hi Alison
I'll private message you because this post will be deleted by the Moderator if I mention the book here
K x
katecogs nico1974
katecogs dana84408
Hi Dana
Anxiety and depression feel pretty tough and remember the same when I went through it. Anxiety produces negative thoughts which then cause more anxiety, so as you get better those thoughts will go away.
If you're having suicidal thoughts you do need to speak to your doctor, crisis team, emergency, someone on here or anyone. Don't suffer alone.
Prozac can be tough to take and the meds do seem to make your anxiety symptoms a little worse to start with but that does wear off.
I'll private message you the details of the book - I can't post details here as this post will be deleted by the site Moderator.
K x
katecogs sally56219
Glad my post helped. Like you, I also suffered for around 16 years and had dreadful thoughts too. Switching to SSRI medicine and reading about anxiety helped me recover. Yes anxiety produces the thoughts and the thoughts produce anxiety so you get stuck in a cycle. The thoughts will go as the anxiety goes.
K x
mrs_susan74280 jennifer09197
brian49010 katecogs
I have been following your advice and others on here. I have talked to you once before. Everything that you’ve said is so true about anxiety and these meds. Hurt my back in 1999 new family new 15 ounce baby girl had anxiety. I took paxil and Celebrex for about 12 years. Went off of it 5 years ago. Took Zoloft 2 years decided to come off of it. I have the worry type anxiety. About 15 months ago started Prozac 20 a month later went to 40 went through side effects sleepy sweating more anxiety muscle tensing stomach etc.
3 months later taking my meds with breakfast and bam heartburn from hell. Lost weight ate Veges fruits So anxiety and worry ramped way up. Called dr Switched from generic Prilosec to name brand Prilosec ppi for heartburn. Name brand Prilosec helped. But still had to watch what I eat. No sodas fried food red meat etc. i still have heartburn sometimes after I take Prozac 30 but usually it’s most of the time. I noticed eating ice cream. Fried foods or sodas I would hurt in between shoulder blades in back. Dr said it could be gallbladder. Took me a while to figure this out. After 9 months on 40 Prozac we dropped to 20 mg. Heartburn got better but withdrawal and anxiety came back after 3 months. Went up to 30 mg Prozac to see if heartburn would stay away. Dr says it should go away and give it time he said to see me in 6 months Heartburn came back more. And yes starting 30 mg is just like starting over. I’m counting the months. My family dr wants me to see gastrologist to check gallbladder appointment has been made. It always takes me around 6 months to get better about 4 months to start feeling better on ssris I’m worried about going to gastrologist and going to phsyc dr about Prozac. I don’t want heartburn from hell but I also don’t want to change meds and go back down that black hole. I’ve been on 30 mg Prozac for 3 1/2 months got 2 1/2 months left to go. I have trouble convincing myself to stay on it we have to try it. So many thoughts. Will I freak out if I get my gallbladder checked. Go back to paxil? Zoloft? I’m crying today lots of stress at work set it off I guess a blip. I have good days as long as I’m busy with people. I feel bad in morning and better in evening. I am just stuck worrying can’t enjoy life. I’m sorry for the book I wrote. I’m just needing encouragement. Does anyone have heartburn with Prozac and did it go away.
katecogs brian49010
Oh tell me about painful heartburn from hell !! Yep, something I get ocassionally (acid reflux) which I discovered after drinking a fruit cocktail when I’ve been out for dinner (had to go outside and lay down). Pain was horrendous, and yes also get it between the shoulders, neck, arms, chest, and after the pain has subsided I’m left with a gripey pain for about 3 or 4 days. I’ve had this many times and it was a while before I realised the trigger which is drinking a fruit / alcohol cocktail, or alcohol direct from a bottle or I if I drink through a straw ???? Maybe I’m sucking up air? Its usually something with fruit in it though …..
I’m not aware this is something related to SSRI’s though have read these meds can cause stomach problems at times and have also read that SSRI’s can ease reflux in some patients. It might be that some people are more sensitive to these meds and if you’ve an overly sensitive stomach?
Does this happen with any SSRI - as wonder if Escitalopram would better as hear its kinder for people who are more sensitive? Worth asking your doctor.
Yes could also be your gallbladder or even GERD (get that checked out).
Stress is often a trigger for anxiety, and then we fear the anxiety which causes more anxiety (we then get caught in the anxiety cycle). Often when we’re stressed we then rush around even more because we feel so wound up. Slowing down is one of the best things you can do to help with stress / anxiety - though I know it can be hard with work. Work can be piled on us, demanding bosses etc etc but we can only do so much and a well person is more beneficial to a company than a sick person who then needs time off. Even when you start slowing down you’ll still feel stressed, but with continued practice the stress levels will lower and anxiety eases too.
Anxiety is usually worse in the morning - and when I recovered I felt dreadful every morning and felt better by the evening - so it could be that this is the beginning of recovery for you??? Those evenings for me got better and that feeling spread more into my day as time passed (though I still had blips at times).
Because you’re stressed, everything will seem a worry and you’ll overthink / overfeel everything. When stress levels lower the worry etc will lower too.
Begin slowing down by stop rushing about - drive slower, walk slower, do gentle exercise …….. but just slow everything down in life. The world won’t be going anywhere and you can only do so much in the workplace.
K x
brian49010 katecogs
I did not have heartburn with paxil or Zoloft. I think I did twice in really stressful times in my life.
This past year When heartburn is not around I feel really good. Then heartburn comes back and anxiety stuck in my head worrying. Sometimes I think call dr and tell him change back to paxil or Zoloft then I say no I have to give it time on a certain dose of this Prozac I’m trying so hard to tough it out. You can’t make good decisions when anxiety is in control. I take a little klonopin which helps
Thanks so much Kate
lynn67615 katecogs
katecogs brian49010
Have you tried keeping a food diary including when you take Prozac to look for a particular trigger?
If ........ (a big if) you did have to change meds then often doctors cross taper meds which means you don't have to come off one before starting another, but instead one is reduced as you start another and slowly as one is phased out so the other is introduced - this can be done in very tiny amounts over a long period of time which stops the withdrawing / start up symptoms.
Anxiety causes us to fear anxiety itself, which causes more anxiety - and any thoughts of changing meds can cause more anxiety. I did exactly the same. I took 3 different meds - started on one, was switched to another and then finally my 3rd meds. I remember the dread of thinking about switching but when it happened I don't recall any problems now - and am sure I was tapered over.
K x
brian49010 katecogs
Thank you for listening
And for your advice
katecogs brian49010
It really does sound like Prozac is playing a huge part in your stomach problems though - and I do know it can be a side effect of some SSRI’s. Great isn’t - we take meds for one thing and we end up with other issues. My husband takes meds for high blood pressure and its caused him to have gout in his foot. Can’t win sometimes…
I’d stick with Prozac for now and see if things settle. You’ve taken them for 3 months now so maybe give them longer? If you do need to change to another meds though then get your doctor to cross taper you as this will greatly reduce any withdrawal / start up effects.
Have a chat with the stomach doctor - ask him if he thinks it could be the Prozac.
My very first meds I took was Seroxat - they worked fine but I developed anger issues. So unlike me. I put up with it for about a year then my doctor changed me to another meds - like you I was frightened of the change but it went smoothly. The second meds worked a treat and all the anger disappeared. Took my second meds for a couple of years and they were taken off the shelf / stopped being manufactured which terrified me, was changed to my 3rd meds and they worked fine too.
Thinking about changing is worrying but there are many meds out there and they’re all tailored to our individual body’s. If one doesn’t work, then another will. Its often trial and error before finding the right meds and then the right dose.
K x
brian49010 katecogs
What’s amazing is your way of thinking with anxiety one day and no anxiety the next. I’ve been thinking rationally and clearly for two days.
It’s like a yo-yo the ssris ramp up the anxiety more than you had to start with and then calm.
Blips as you call it.
Saturdays and Sundays. I feel worse because I’m not around anyone doing anything and anxiety comes creeping back I’ve noticed that pattern will try to address this.
With me feeling better two days I have been thinking of doing what you have said. I will stay the course patience.
Thanks for advice. It’s so nice to talk to someone who has been there. A lot of drs don’t really know cause a lot of them haven’t dealt with it.
katecogs brian49010
Oh yes I know - even during the day I used to feel dreadful one minute and a while later feel relaxed and ok. These are the blips that come and go - its your body levelling out. The blips do stop eventually - though even after you’ve recovered one can crop up, but that’s fine because its probably a little hiccup in the system somewhere that’ll sort itself.
I used to hate being on my own as I also felt anxiety was better when I was with people. However those times when you feel worse is the best time to practice just letting it all be there, relax towards it (even as you move around), don’t engage with it or any negative thoughts, and just get on with life. This is passing through anxiety and re-educates your body to not fear the fear.
It is best to stick with the meds through thick and thin - though of course if they cause you absolute pain then rethink them.
No lots of doctors don’t seem to know much about SSRI’s work and treat them as any other meds (stop / start too quick). They work completely different and take a long time to work.
Hope things improve on all fronts. Keep in touch.
K x
brian49010 katecogs
It’s so hard to make myself get up and do anything on weekends
The patterns I been seeing are
Feel bad going to work after weekend
And feel good emotionally eat good then stomach hurt then anxiety and emotional comes back
I’m so angry and emotional right now I know I’m not leveled out yet. I hate waiting to see if I can keep taking Prozac if it will stop hurting stomach.
katecogs brian49010
Hi Brian
Recovery does come in waves too though, but understand you feel good, eat more, stomach hurts which then causes the anxiety. Mmmm...... I know that one type of 5-HTP caused me to have indigestion a lot so changed the brand which was better. Maybe it could be the coating on the meds - there are other brands of Prozac (generic ones compared to branded ones) so maybe a different provider might make a difference.
I used to hate going to work after a weekend - felt dreadful and had no motivation either. However once at work I felt better for it (not that I was anxiety free, just better to be with people).
Maybe when you feel good then follow a bland diet for a while and see how it it. But don't forget the anxiety will come and go anyway (blips).
brian49010 katecogs
I almost called dr about Prozac but I didn’t because I don’t think it would have done any good at this time. I’m trying to wait for the 6 month mark so we can make a good decision whatever that may be. and wait to see what stomach dr says. Iam trying so hard to hold on.
I’m not sure but I think I may be so anxious because I’m going to stomach dr.
And just got news that my friend has got a few days to live due to ovarian cancer
Stress makes this situation worse
It’s so hard to work play live stuck in your head worrying
I’ve had anxiety off and on since I quit Paxil 5 years ago. And since I quit Zoloft 3 years ago. But I’ve learned so much from this positive forum and your story. And one thing I know now is when you try a med and dose do it for many months as long as you can before calling dr and giving up on it.
I feel better that I know many people deal with this same thing and I’m not crazy!
I keep telling myself I ve been thru this before and will make it through ! Anxiety don’t like me saying that though.
You and your sons story helps keep me going !
brian49010 katecogs
katecogs brian49010
Some days will be like that - I had some pretty tough days where I just wanted to curl up and die. Throughout my time being ill I learnt that actually those are the best days where you can practice relaxing towards the feelings and trying not to react to it. You can’t practice without those feelings. Damned tough days though I know.
Do you have anything in particular you’re fearing regarding this, or are you fearing you’ll have to change meds because of the stomach problem - though I know you said the pain brings on the anxiety.
Earlier this year I had 4 months of physio on my knees as had a kneecap problem. I’m squeamish about knees (not idea why) so a week before I felt unsettled and not myself. If I’d had anxiety then I expect it would have the anxiety worse, but as I’m anxiety free it just made me feel a bit weird. That saying, if you’ve already got anxiety then any nervousness will be felt as more anxiety.
I’m sorry to hear of your friend - that will no doubt cause you to feel worse. A very emotional time.
Yes stress does make anxiety worse - as anxiety is usually born from stress. Even though you feel stressed try to relax your body if nothing else - it really does help. That means whilst you’re moving around too - just slow yourself down, take life at a slower pace, and try and let go of tension in your body. Its something I still do today.
It is good to talk to others who’ve been through the same - when I was ill there was no internet and I had absolutely no idea that there were other people like me. I used to think ‘there must be someone, somewhere … surely’. Little did I know there were millions!!
Yes I used to tell myself the same ‘The meds worked for me before and I know they’d work again’. It won’t stop the anxiety in its tracks, but it becomes real.
Its very difficult when those setbacks hit you and you think oh not again! I used to feel them coming and couldn’t do anything about it. But instead of fearing each setback its best to welcome them - as each one passes then its another to tuck under your belt and say ‘another step nearer to recovery’.
Remember - its your reaction to them thats important. They will stop coming eventually.
K x
brian49010 katecogs
Thanks for encouragement. Yes right now I fear stomach dr and that I may have to change meds. And that if I don’t get one ssri to work soon then I will be addicted to klonopin benzo yadda yadda. And I fear many things until I’m leveled out with or without medication. In other words when I’m not constantly thinking of me and this medication and anxiety Then I start thinking of life then the fear will be gone
Basically these type meds scare me They help me and I need them but at the same time if we mess with them red flags come up anxiety
yes that’s probably the one thing that I fear the most is getting on or off ssris
So if I take them and get going leave it alone and I’m good to go
I look at the ssris as permanent daily life for me so when we make decision for which brand or dose it’s a huge deal for me.
It’s funny about your mind and fight or flight. The back injury pain isn’t as bad when I’m having so much anxiety about all this other. But yes it does make it worse because it is stress.
The Prozac I take is generic and it is definitely causing stomach problems. Sometimes when I take it I immediately get heartburn. If that side effect will eventually go away then great.
I have been looking back at a little diary and when stomach hurts then I have anxiety and start worrying reading worrying consumed etc
When I was on 40 mg I lost 20 lbs not that I didn’t need to.
Then we dropped to 20 mg stomach got better and gained back 15 lbs
Then withdraw and anxiety hit me so we decided to try 30 mg
Heartburn and burping and burning in upper back lost 10 lbs so far
Dr Claire weeks says not to weigh yourself when going through this I try not to
Staying busy is helping. I keep moving working and it’s there
If I just sit or sleep in then that’s just feeding anxiety but it’s hard to get moving.
And yes it’s our reaction to it
I’m trying to not act upon it
It’s hard So just let the worry fear be there but don’t physically react easier said than done but I m trying Don’t talk about read about or try and fix it.
Oh by the way the seroxat that you took that gave you some anger issues. That is called paxil where I’m at And it did that to me a little kinda like the kind emotions were running low. but boy it killed that anxiety for years. So my wife doesn’t want me to take that one again I hate it but I understand
I’m looking forward to anxiety free 😁
Sorry for going on and on
I’m just thankful for people that can relate and are kind and encouraging to talk to
katecogs lynn67615
Hi Lynn
Not sure if I replied to your post - only just seen it. You should trial SSRI's for months - but there is no set time for anyone as we're all different. Generally though its often about 3-4 months before you even start noticing anything at all and sometimes those changes will go unnoticed too. You don't slowly start feeling well and then recover, but instead little signs start appearing and they'll come and go mixed with setbacks still.
It can be longer for some people though.
katecogs brian49010
Anxiety is often a fear of something that hasn’t happened yet - anticipatory anxiety.
These type of meds are powerful but they work for so many people. It is such a pain trying to find the right one though. Yes they do heighten anxiety and its a feeling we all shrink from - but we can all overcome this. I 100% swear by learning about it and how to approach it as this will always stand by you without fail.
Yes your body goes into automatic response of fight or flight and its this we can change and re-educate our body’s that there is nothing to fear.
Often when people withdraw from meds after feeling better they will immediately respond again exactly the same way as before at the first sign of anxiety. If this is changed the way your body behaves to it then you will stop fearing the anxiety.
Yes exactly - the way forward is to just let the worry / fear be there without reacting to it. And absolutely its so much easier to say it than do it. I think though the meds heighten the anxiety so you have to wait for the meds to level out. Yes still apply this method though as it’ll help greatly.
It is fantastic being anxiety free - something I never would happen for me.
No you’re not going on at all - don’t worry about that. We all need to off-load.
K x
brian49010 katecogs
Kate I’m feeling much better at 4 1/2 months. My thoughts are changing not focusing as much on me and this med. thinking of other things 😁. I have to see stomach dr Friday. Haven’t thought much of it this week!! We will see what his thoughts are on this. And go from there.
About 18 years ago when all the stress built up the dr just gave me the ssri and sent me on my way so much emotion and anxiety side effects. Scared me to death. And he told me nothing about getting used to it. Six years later I tried to come off of it and had major withdrawals emotional and anxiety. Had a different dr then and he just gave me another one and sent me on my way. Same thing happened. So over the years my fear of these meds grew.
If the drs became more educated about these ssris and would tell you what to expect and that these side effects are normal and encourage you to be patient then that would help a lot. Many people may not have to go through this.
Yes having the worry type anxiety then taking ssris that cause more anxiety at first and having anxiety about taking the med that causing more anxiety well you know that’s a heck of a lot of anxiety!
What I am learning about ssris is I think they all work good it’s just finding one that does not have a side effect you can’t live with. And you have to wait a good 6 months to obtain that information!
Really having a good week 👍
katecogs brian49010
I’m so glad you’re feeling the benefit of the meds - yes thats what happened with me, my thoughts changed, became lighter and also they became outward rather than inwards. Happens so slow.
Its so sad when meds are dished out without the support. I’m sure doctors think these meds are like any other meds where you take them, you get better … or sometimes not, then try another and easily switch. The reality for many people is far from a simple ride - and as you say, withdrawing. How many times have I read on here someone’s doctor said take them every other day etc or havles the dose then halve again and off within a few weeks. No wonder people get into trouble.
I was lucky when I started meds in the 1990’s - a psychiatrist talked me through what they did and even drew diagrams showing me the nerves, synapse, how Serotonin was hung onto etc … and I was seen regularly too. I really don’t remember too much about the side effects now as it was so long ago but I was suffering so bad with anxiety that I don’t think the side effects were much different to what I was suffering with anyway.
Yes the meds do work well for most people if taken and withdrawn properly … it would save so much unecessary suffering.
K x
emily02236 katecogs
Hi Kate,
Might you be able to send me the link and books that helped you as well? I have found your posts so reassuring - thank you so much.
Emily x
tina80987 katecogs
hi kate could you send me link to your book thanks am on week 4 of prozac with horrible anxiety
katecogs tina80987
Will do x
katecogs emily02236
Hi Emily
Just seen your post - sorry, have I pm'd you yet? I've lost track ......
julieD49 katecogs
Hi please could someone send me the details if the book.
Katecogs what a legend you are
julieD49 katecogs
i know a long time ago for you both but did you have early waking and sweating in the morning.
dave94994 julieD49
I'm 8 weeks in (or so) and I certainly had both of those things. It gradually settled down though.
katecogs julieD49
Yes, my sleep was certainly disrupted - couldn't get to sleep, couldn't stay asleep and woke early in the mornings too. Its something that passes for most people though, so just a temporary side effect.
Mmmm didn't have sweating in the mornings - but I do believe one of the side effects is sweating more than normal, again something that settles.
suzanne68414 katecogs
I love this post it has helped me to understand a lot and be more focused. Thanks Kate
katecogs suzanne68414
Oops - missed your post to me 😮 Glad my post helped you - hope things are going well for you still.
K x
Guest katecogs
katecogs--I was on citalopram for years and stopped, cold turkey, back in February for only a week and a half. didn't think anything about it, but the anxiety hit me like a brick due to the improper withdrawal plan. I restarted, but nothing materialized. After restarting on my own when I noticed the anxiety, I went three weeks and met with my dr. He told me what had happened and i stayed on the 20 mg dose for another two weeks when he increased to 40. Last week I met with him again (now been ten weeks on it) and nothing had changed back. I felt awful and he dropped me down to 20 and added Buspar 7.5 x 2 day. Still feel like crap and have a fear that I messed myself royally! Prior to the cold turkery, i was great. Please advise if you could and help me understand what is going on with my body!
julieD49 Guest
Hi, i done the same i am nearly 9 weeks into an upped dose from 20mg to 40mg.
13 weeks in total.
kateclogs has a forum
It is amazing and answers all questions like this
I thought the same that id messed up bigtime and will never get out of it.
I am slowly but surely
katecogs Guest
Hi Seth
So this can be a common thing that happens when you start messing about with meds I’m afraid, because you can’t just stop and start like you’d do with other medicines.
SSRI’s seem to have a ‘lag’ whether starting or stopping - meaning it takes a long time for the effect to catch up. In the meantime, when people don’t see results they further switch up or down with the dose before the original lag has caught up, adding in another lag on top.
One thing you must do with SSRI meds is to take lots of time - and I mean months, not weeks.
Yes going cold turkey is not a good idea and of course you’ve found this out. SSRI’s work on your brains neurotransmitters (Serotonin) and to suddenly take this away can make you feel quite ill.
Restarting the 20mg and then introducing another 20mg on top, you’re doubling your dose. So not only is your body trying to sort out the missing dose from February, it was then trying to adjust back to the dose you reintroduced, then it was trying to to contend with having it doubled and now your body is trying to deal with another drop by half AND also another medicine thrown in on top.
This is why you’re feeling as you are I’m afraid - but its one that can be remedied, but not in an instant.
One thing you should do is to slow down. You can’t make this right in an instant - it’ll take time, and sadly you are going to feel out of sorts for a while - the meds heighten anxiety and all its side effects when you increase so remember this is the meds making this worse for now. It will settle.
Increasing meds does not mean it will make you feel better - in fact it make you feel worse. 40mg is the maximum dose you can take and lots of people struggle on that dose. More is not always the best - its about what dose suits your particular body, its not always the more you take the better you'll feel.
So ….. I would now stick at the 20mg and stay there. No more increasing / decreasing. It will be a bit of a rough ride for a while yet but the meds need to settle and your body needs to adjust to them. They’ll catch up in the end.
The process can take months not weeks - but try and ride it all through.
Just seen your message to me too so I’ll reply to that as well.
K x
katecogs julieD49
Guest katecogs
thanks for the info. it has been since Feb, so back to 20 mg and tomorrow will be two weeks since the decrease. is it 6 weeks or more every dose increase/decrease, or totality?
katy70697 brian49010
Hi Kate, i have been on citalopram for nearly a year and a half, maybe even longer. I am away from home at the moment and i couldnt get hold of my tablets so i missed a week of being off them, it could be less than that im unsure. when i finally managed to get hold of them again i would take one every other day and then i started taken them properly like a week ago. Ive noticed that my anxiety is so severe it has caused me to constantly be breathless throughout the day feeling like i need to make myself breath its awful and it is constant. I Just want to know weather the anxiety meds can cause this after not even being away from them for long? THANKS X
katecogs katy70697
Hi Katy
Oooh I am sorry to hear you couldn’t get hold of your tablets - that’s not a good thing really and never wise to stop abruptly or miss meds. When I was on them I couldn’t even miss a day or I’d start feeling really nauseous and weird.
So having that little break and now restarting them your body will have missed the constant level of meds so its going to grumble at you a bit 😦
Starting meds usually heightens anxiety to start with, so I’m guessing now that you’ve restarted (allbeit you only had a week off) then its quite normal for the anxiety level to be raised for a while.
I know when I restarted meds (after a year off mind you) I wasn’t actually breathless, but do remember I kept taking a deep breath every so often, like a huge sigh.
I’m sure your breathlessness is to do with the heightened anxiety which should right itself after some time.
Its always best to get yourself checked out with your Doctor though just to put your mind at rest about the breathlessness.
K x
Frodo48 katecogs
Hi Kate. I have been on Prozac 20 for three weeks. switched from duloxetine.
I have very intense nervous stomach sensation ehen I wake early at about 4.30 am. will this eventually fade.
katecogs Guest
Hi Seth
It varies from person to person for dose increase / decrease, but generally I’d say give it 4-6 weeks to settle or until you feel comfortable with it.
Guest katecogs
I greatly appreciate all of your info. I think you should write a book about your experiences and mail a copy to every GP that exists!
julieD49 Guest
yes Seth i agree if it wasn't for Kate's advice and guidance i think i would of been so much more anxious.
I had the nervous stomach on waking at 4, it will go my friend and you will sleep longer
katecogs Frodo48
Hi Frodo - how long were you on Duloxetine? First weeks / months on new meds can be unsettling as usually they heighten anxiety (oh joy) 😮 but yes it will settle.
Early morning intense nervous stomach - yes it does seem that we feel the anxiety more in our middle that anywhere else - it hits you right in that spot.
This is quite normal to feel anxiety more intensely first thing when waking and it subsides over the course of the day. Apparently its to do with the Cortisol in the body being at its highest at this time of the day and it lowers throughout the day.
Yes the early morning anxiety will ease as you get better and will eventually stop. It took me 6 months to recover and though I started feeling small signs at 3 months, I still continued to wake with that morning anxiety and it was the last symptom to disappear for me. However, it got easier as I progressed through recovery and I began to know that it was fading.
katecogs Guest
Hi Seth - haha you're not the first to say 'write a book' lol 😄 😄 Maybe ..... one day ..... who knows 😉
Wouldn't that be fun to post a copy to every GP though! I wonder why they're not more clued up about the anxiety condition and the effects of the meds .......
Frodo48 katecogs
Hii Kate. thank you so much for your reply. It is very reassuring to hear what I am experiencing is not unusual. your advice is very helpful to myself and others on this site. Iwas on duloxetine for about a year. I would not recommend it to anyone due to its short half life and so difficult to withdraw from. I guess I will just have to experience these dreadful fluoxetine side effects for some time to come. Although, I don't know if I can cope with three months of this horror. However, thank you again Kate for your support and advice.
katecogs Frodo48
Hi Frodo
Duloxetine is an SNRI opposed to Fluoxetine which is an SSRI - SNRI's prevent the reuptake of Serotonin and Norepinephrine and SSRI's do the same but only on Serotonin. Maybe the SSRI class will suit you better?
Is the stomach issues an intense anxiety / nervousness feeling or is it actually upset tum? Yea sadly the anxiety is felt in the abdomen but it should ease over time.
Sometimes lowering the dose helps, but I wouldn't do that yet unless it lingers for too long.
Hope it eases for you soon 😉
Frodo48 katecogs
Hi again Kate and thanks for your prompt response. It is and intense nervy/ butterflies sensation. Not an upset stomach. I guess it will take a while to stabilize? thank you for your advice and information. you are very knowledgeable and a great resource pn this forum. X
H Kate. thank you so much for your good advice and support. Kate, would you be kind enough please to forward the links you have sent to others?
so grateful
Fred. (Frodo).
Frodo48 katecogs
Hi Kate. I hope this reaches you. Thanks for you help and advice. can you please send me the links you have forwarded to others.
katecogs Frodo48
Hi Frodo
The intense nervy feeling is anxiety - its usually felt more in the pit of the stomach and feels worse first thing in the morning.
Yes it’ll take a while to settle.
I’ll message you.
K 😉
sim38 katecogs
great post! can you please mail me the names of the books you've mentioned? many thanks
paul02172 katecogs
May I please also receieve the link for the book? thx much
katecogs sim38
Hi sim38 - I'll message you.
katecogs paul02172
Hi Paul - I'll message you too 😉
Rustynail1971 katecogs
What a fantastic post , How do i get this book ?
Screatives katecogs
kate, you are incredible.
the advice you have dished out on here is amazing.
i googled how long does fluoxetine take to work and came here - which its suprising ive never seen it before in the 3 years ive suffered (on and off)
im 10 weeks in and would love a link to the book.
many thanks xx (ill feel starstruck if i get a kate reply haha!)
georgia92683 katecogs
Hi Kate, just wanted to say thank you for your great and helpful advice on here it has honestly given me so much hope after feeling like I couldnt cope. Its amazing how changing your mindset and understanding of anxiety can really ease recovery. I started 20mg fluoextine but a few days in started having panic attacks as the anxiety was too much so decreased to 10mg and its been just about manageable. Its so inspiring to hear how your experience was as i can definitely relate to the waves of feeling better. Although its not like my old self better its certainly the step in the direction i want to be heading, maybe an increase in dose to 20mg once ive adapted to the inital dose will give me the full effect? I wake with awful anxiety about 4am then eased through the day yesterday with micro good feelings but as i say not the full potential if that makes sense? Will the good feeling increase and become stronger as time goes on or do you think its more a need of a slightly higher dose? I would really appreciate if you could send me the link to the book you were talking about also as your words are so helpful and reasurring (defo get started on your own book please ill be purchasing) 😃
Ece1972 katecogs
Katecogs thank you!
katecogs georgia92683
Hi Georgia
Yes mindset makes all the difference - and anxiety is the culprit that makes us think negatively and we can’t see past this when in the midst of it.
The medication does raise the anxiety levels at the start so yes always a good idea to start low and build up little by little over time.
Anxiety always feels worse in the morning because our cortisol levels increase overnight and they’re at their highest in the morning, hence us feeling worse. This wears off during the day and why you feel a bit better.
You don’t just lose the anxiety as you recover - this eases off over a long time, so for now you have to be prepared to take it with you and let it walk alongside you. So yes the good feeling should increase and become stronger over time - and that does mean lots of time. Its different for everyone.
A higher dose doesn’t mean you’ll get better any quicker or that it’ll suit you any better. Each dose is personal to each person and some recover on lower doses and others higher doses. Also it doesn’t matter what dose you’re on you’ll still go through the same journey.
Yes I’ll send you the book link.
Number91 katecogs
Thank you for all of your input, Katie. Can you please PM me a link to the book?
katecogs Number91
Hi Number91
I'll message you 😉
emma18533 katecogs
I am 3 weeks in after starting prozac. yesterday was an ok day for me but today my anxiety/low mood and a bit of overthinking has returned. Is it normal to be a bit up and down?
katecogs emma18533
Hi Emma
Being up and down is perfectly normal with the anxiety condition and being on the meds too. Its a bit of a bumpy road I'm afraid and you'll have logs of good and bad days yet to come. Recovery takes a long time and its up and down all the way 😉
K x
denise1306 katecogs
Hi, could you let me have the links to the books and info about Anxiety that to mention in your posts. I'm in my first week of 20mg Fluoxetine after having a terrible time with Sertraline. Just need some reassurance as I'm very frightened of what is happening to me 😪
katecogs denise1306
Hi Denise
I usually post links via private messaging but this isn’t available at the moment I notice (I believe the site is having issues with it) and I’m not allowed to post links on the forum.
I’m not even allowed to post the book titles here - I tried but the post was deleted (waiting to be moderated). I’m not sure how else to do this.
Pinkrozez katecogs
hi Kate, i was trying to message you but looks like messaging is taken away. Will be in touch once they allow it again. Thank you.
katecogs Pinkrozez
Yes seems its been down quite a few days now - hopefully it'll be reinstored soon.
Hope you're doing ok ❤
Pinkrozez katecogs
hi Kate, good to hear from you. Doing ok, had some decent days. 15 weeks now. Anxiety/depression lessening, just some moments are flat. I am hoping this too subsides. The desire to do things is there but now where I was before. Hope you are well too. ❤️
katecogs Pinkrozez
Sounds great you’re having good days and yes the anxiety / depression will be lessening. Feeling flat is normal too and that will pass in time. Try not to wish it away, just let it be and work with it there. Interest will return but just try doing some things.
Yes thanks, am really good. Enjoying the Spring weather.
nathan29183 katecogs
hi again kate.
i know everyone is different and nothing you can put a time scale on but still experiencing my first blip 5 days on and feels like its not going away although its always worse in the morning and seems to fade a little by the evening. i know im only 8 weeks and and could be a few more weeks and months before i benefit and recover fully. its just disheartening when you been feeling so well then to this again just need some encouragement from you as your have been through this and understand. i know ive just got to push through and tell myself it will get better again just like it did when i started.
katecogs nathan29183
Hi Nathan
Blips can last days or weeks ........ and I know how disheartening it can be, and it really is all about our attitude towards it that helps to lessen the bite and shorten it. Let is be, try not to keep checking in with it, don't analyse any thoughts and feelings about it and it will allow it all to pass.
It’s quite common to feel well at the beginning and then the setbacks start happening, and you will feel worse in the morning (something to do with our Cortisol levels being higher in mornings which the decreases over the day). When I recovered and I started feeling better (anxiety free) in the evenings and dreadful in the mornings. My evenings got better and better and it took me 6 months to finally be free of anxiety.
The goal is to not to look for relief, because it won’t happen in an instant. Recovery isn’t linear - it’s a road full of humps and bumps. Recovery actually creeps up on you real slow and you probably won’t even realise it. It seems you need to pass through these blips to get to the end.
But acceptance, as explained really, really works. Again it doesn’t give you instant relief, but it will bring about relief quicker than fighting it.
Anxiety is a strange condition but it’s not a life sentence - we can all recover from this. And you will. Lots of time xxx
nathan29183 katecogs
thanks kate, i think just hearing from someone like you just helps a lot and helps to understand what im going through and it will get better again. just hard to accept that you have to overcome these blips and and accept this is all part of the recovery process, but evenings it does ease a little and to think where i was before starting this road give a positive outlook. just hope this blips dosnt carry on much longer.
thanks kate
alison92822 katecogs
Hello Kate please can i have the links you have posted to others too. you have been so helpful thank you
katecogs alison92822
Hi Alison
I can’t post links here on the forum as they’re not allowed, and annoyingly the private messaging has been taken down for now - but when that’s back up running again I’ll pm them to you.
Pinkrozez katecogs
hi Kate. Hope you're well. Miss chatting with you and I wish the Messaging would come back! Had a stellar few weeks but now with that time of month approaching, severely low and sad and blue. I know the meds are still working but shouldn't they also help with this time of month?
katecogs Pinkrozez
Hi Pinkrozez
Yes its difficult to chat on the forum - apparently the messaging will come back in time (I emailed them) but they’re having difficulties at the mo with it. But yes, its annoying not having the personal chat isn’t it.
That was good you had some great weeks, and sorry you’re having that pmt time again.
When we’re suffering with anxiety remember we’re super-sensitive to everything ie thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc so I’m guessing what would normally be the monthly PMT you’re over-feeling it. It seems whenever we feel not quite right, even with a cold, then our body can over-react. If you didn’t have anxiety you’d feel the PMT anyway and feel low with a cold too, so at the moment your body is responding with being super heightened to everything.
Yes in time the meds should help you through this and you should feel it as any normal PMT, but everything about these meds takes so long. I guess enjoy the times when you’re feeling great and make the most of them, and when you start to feel low just let it - let your body do what it wants without question. Go with the flow. It will pass.
Guest katecogs
Hi Kate! Would you mind sending me the link also? I am just 3 days into the fluoxetine and my major problem is the terrible anxiety i wake up with every morning. It's been like this for the last 3 months and i cant seem to get it under control, except with Ativan. I've never experienced anything like this before. It's so hard to get my day started. As soon as i wake up, my body feels electrified with anxiety. Maybe i just need to understand it better. Ive enjoyed reading your posts, they give me hope. Thanks in advance!
katecogs Guest
Hi Nic
Sorry I’m unable to send you the link as this site has disbanded the messaging system, and posting links isn’t allowed on the forum. I can’t even post the author or the book title as this will be deleted too. The author’s initials are PD and he’s English (probably will be hard to find) - another author you may be able to find is CW and she’s Australian. PD’s book is better as explains better.
You can’t control anxiety and this is the mistake we all make. You need to leave it alone as it will in time calm down and go away. The meds heighten anxiety at first but will settle and help you recover. Recovering on meds can take many, many months (took me 6 months) but it really is worth the wait on the meds. As your recovering you will have waves of anxiety and other symptoms coming and going - this is normal. But please stop trying to control the anxiety - it just does not work and makes you feel worse.
Ativan will help take the edge off those really bad times, but in the end the Fluoxetine will help sort it.
We all feel the same - anxiety is something you can never explain and is nothing like you’d ever imagine. Yes anxiety and all its symptoms is often worse in the morning when you wake up and eases during the day.
We have to understand that it will be like this for a while yet, and though it feels awful, try and let it be, take anxiety with you and try not to head chat to yourself about it. Leave it alone, live with it for now, understand it will go in time, this is not a lifelong condition. You will not be able to see your way forward for a long time, but you will be recovering without feeling it.
There is nothing mentally wrong with any of us - this is a normal reaction our body does in response to stress, over work, shock etc. Your body is super sensitive at the moment and this gives off all sorts of weird symptoms, all of which make us feel even more anxious. Leave it all alone and your body will fix itself. Obviously the meds will do that too.
Its strange. But you will recover.
katecogs Guest
Hi again Nic
Just thought - you might be able to find me if you search for me on Google. Someone has just done this - I can then send you the link.
Guest katecogs
Hi Kate. Thank you for responding. I did end up finding you on your blog site. I contacted you there. I did end up ordering one of the books by CW and it really helps to read someone describing what I'm feeling and steps i need to take to get through it. I will be checking out the books by the other author you were referring to. Thanks again for your help!
katecogs Guest
Yes the CW book really describes this condition so well - and do try the PD book too as he describes it even more. Understanding what's happening to you is the first step to recovering as it answers to many questions and stops you floundering around in the dark which adds on even more anxiety.
Read the books over and over - the more you read them you'll find bits you missed first time round, or things that make more sense.
K x
demi1986 denise1306
hi Denise, was wondering how you got on? I too had a bad experience with sertraline it made me so so ill. so went back to fluoxetine as i had been on it years ago. I'm in week 4 now of 40mg and did 3 weeks before of 20mg but had to up. I've had more good days than bad and seem to be able to ignore my negative/unnerving thoughts more easily but I'm still dizzy that that then makes me confused and feel sick. my doctor is great and he said we know it works plus physical things like wanting to do more like gardening or just going out is a huge sign that it's working just the mental side takes longer. I'm worried that it won't work but then that's my anxiety side kicking in too as I am better than I was 4 weeks ago by far. so just wondering time frames. I know everyone is different and I have red that it can take 8 to 12 weeks for some. I wish I could wake up and be back to me but I understand it takes time. sending my love to all xx
denise1306 demi1986
Hi Demi, I'm on week 5 of 20mg Citalopram, having upped gradually from 10mg. I started these meds beginning of May. I'm feeling much better, although like you frightened I'll go back over. I can still feel a bit iffy each morning but feel better by about lunchtime, I'm able to plan more each day and starting to enjoy life again, not in my head every minute of the day!! Just hoping it continues, I plan to stay on these meds not in any hurry to come off them. lost I 20lbs on Sertraline due to no appetite I'm now starting to eat normally again. I've read a lot of books and on this forum that it takes a long time to fully recover, but can now see light at the end of the tunnel. It's good to hear you are making progress as well, all we can do is take one day at a time and be kind to ourselves. My GP is lovely and rings me every couple of weeks to check how I'm doing, she said it's like speaking to a different person, which is reassuring. Hope we all continue to recover well and we should give ourselves a pat on the back because it's one long bloody hard battle. Take care D x
mackenzie98937 katecogs
Hello Kate! Your responses have been very helpful to me. I just began Prozac approximately a month ago and have been struggling as anticipated. Some days are easier than others as well as moments. But overall, I am still struggling with intrusive thoughts and severe anxiety about life and the future. If you don't mind me asking what book (s) are you referring to? Could you message me?
Thanks so much
katecogs mackenzie98937
Hi mackenzie
Yes there will be days which are easier than others. Intrusive thoughts are a symptom of anxiety - I'll message you.
K x
j97174 katecogs
hi kate!
i have been on generic prozac 4 weeks on 10mg 7 weeks on 20 mg for depression and anxiety. I was up and down the first month and then was gradually doing well. now the past week and a half im spiraling downward again, crying, constantly obsessing over if i'll ever get better. not sure if i should bump my medicine up or if its stopped working. Starting to thinking nothing will ever work for me. Any words of advice?
katecogs j97174
Hi j97174
I messaged you too.
Recovery on medicine takes many months - took me 6 months on 20mg. 4 weeks is too early. You will feel up and down for months yet which is perfectly normal. Don't be in a hurry to up your meds - the meds don't work like that as you'll still feel the same on a bigger dose. You won't know if 20mg will be the dose for you if you don't give it enough time, so stick with it.
Recovery is 3 steps forward and 2 steps back all the way through. Feeling like you're spiralling downhill again is perfectly normal at the moment. Just keep on with the meds. It is a very bumpy road.
I sent you some info via messaging that will help.